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Re: Wrecktify reported for swearing in Russian and flaming Wreck can you get this GameOfThrows guy for a kings corner interview segment? He needs to be trolled harder.
December 19, 2016, 10:56:14 am
Re: Build A World Map Making Contest!
So far all the ground is flat, will there be penalty points for having flat ground ? :D

Well, there wont be penalty points but you certainly wont score as well. :P Best example is to look outside for inspiration. The world isn't flat unless you're in a city. Making a city map that is flat would be fine, but grassy landscapes and forests always have rolling hills and valleys.

December 21, 2016, 07:48:19 pm
Re: Build A World Map Making Contest!
I heard players hate snow maps in normal melee. Does it also apply here at FFA? Or am I allowed to make a map based on Icecrown?

That stigma does exist, but I don't think its a tileset problem. More of an issue with a lack of good snow maps. Savage Storm is the only Icecrown map we play on and its a love it or hate it type map. The creeps on the tileset are really tough, I would recommend using ones from Lordearon Winter if you do an Icecrown map.

December 26, 2016, 08:37:30 am
Re: Build A World Map Making Contest!
I heard players hate snow maps in normal melee. Does it also apply here at FFA? Or am I allowed to make a map based on Icecrown?

That stigma does exist, but I don't think its a tileset problem. More of an issue with a lack of good snow maps. Savage Storm is the only Icecrown map we play on and its a love it or hate it type map. The creeps on the tileset are really tough, I would recommend using ones from Lordearon Winter if you do an Icecrown map.
Thank you for your explanation and suggestion. Yea, I found creeps at Icecrown to have extra Hps. As far as I remember lv6 polar bear has 1200hp, which is really really tough.

And I have 2 extra questions. Does basic melee rules apply in FFA? And if so, how important are they? Are they compulsory or just recommended? I downloaded a 4 player map at Map Downloads and I found  the distance between bases to be extreme long, 39~40sec, which is +10sec than normal melee.

My second question is how many player map FML is lacking the most? 4 player map would be easier to work on, but I would like to create something this community is lacking. That way both FML and players will be more satisfied. I can barely see 8 and 10player map. How high is the use frequency of such large scale maps?

Good questions! In solo they like the bases as close as physically possible. They wanted really short games so echo isles clones became rampant and the Twisted Meadows type maps went away. I personally don't feel that that was the way the game was meant to be played, its just how the game evolved over time.

In FFA, we like the old starcraft "no rush 20" type of play. No hero harassment or tower rushes in our games. We play with big ass armies and stacked heroes. This generally means that bases farther apart is the norm.


Second question: We've been playing this game a long time. There really isn't any right or wrong type of map cause just having something fresh is going to be great.

If I was going to say one type of map that we have a lack of, it would be the "Deathrose" type map. A 4 player map that is large enough to support FFA games. Deathrose is very unique in that regard. We modified Emerald Shores to fill as an alternative to it, but theres not much else.

Blizzard actually made good 8 player maps. While I would definitely agree that we don't have a lot, the ones that we do have are very highly regarded in the community. Twlight Ruins, Deadlock, Market Square are all classics. Sanctuary, Battleground and a few others are also pretty solid.

We don't really play 10 player maps in the league. It might have something to do with there not being any to use though. Blizzard only made two and they are both garbage.

Divide and Conquer is the only good 12 player map that blizzard made. We usually use the custom map Splatter as an alternative to it. That said, we only use 12 player maps in special events.

December 26, 2016, 12:34:42 pm
Feedback for Map Contest Maps This thread is for feedback to Map Contest Maps currently on the ladder rotation!

The following maps are currently in Rotation:
  • Neon City v. 1.00 by SuperCumulo
  • Ashen Wood v. 1.00 by Tyrant66
  • Purity v5 by blast870
  • Boomtown v1.1 by LightIceNotive
  • Gilneas v1.0 by Cinderfire

These 4 slots will change periodically. If any bugs or issues are found with these maps, please report them in the comment section below.

If you're the map maker of any of these maps, updates to your submission also belong in this thread.


January 02, 2017, 09:58:58 am
Re: Build A World Map Making Contest! There will be a new option for contest map makers to have their map tested on the FFA Ladder Pool. Please make sure your map is tested before getting it added to the rotation as well.

To get your map added to the pool, please do the following:

  • Submit your map as normal through this thread.
  • Your map will undergo a quick peer review. We will message you if any issues are found and they need to be fixed before proceeding.
  • Map will be sent to DV for addition to the ladder.

There will only be 4 slots at a time on the ladder for testing. Maps will be removed without warning by the ladder moderators (DV and Ugrilainen). We will do our best to allow maps to have sufficient testing before they are removed. Please allow time between your submission and approval for the bot as it may take a few days to process.

If your map is already on the bot and it needs an update, please post a comment on the feedback thread with the new version.

Thank you!

Feedback Thread: http://ffamasters.net/index.php?topic=2583.new#new

When contest is over, the winner will be in the permanent rotation of FFArena. Then DV and Ugrilainen will add two more that went far into the competition and think would suit ladder needs / with FML opinion being highly regarded.

January 02, 2017, 09:59:07 am
Re: Build A World Map Making Contest! About to look at your map Cinderfire. Looks like a really unique design!


My map is also ready to release!

(6) Poison Well

(click to show/hide)

Download: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/poison-well.291196/

I'm quite proud of it! I hope it plays as well with people as it has in my private tests with bots.

January 09, 2017, 05:46:06 pm
Re: S24 M53 Wow, Its like the four of you have never scheduled an FML game before. RKK is the only one who actually posted a schedule in here. Its round 5 guys, you should all know how to do this by now without admin interference.

I don't see a single person saying a time that works for them so i'm just going to take the only other proposed time in this thread and use that.

Game time will be Sunday 23CET.

January 14, 2017, 12:07:19 pm
Re: FFA/FML Podcast
New episode available:


This time we will keep them coming! Drop any questions if you want them answered in upcoming episodes.

OMG i'm only a few seconds in and i'm already hooked. "This idiot didn't have coffee.... so we're drinking Gin and Tonic." hahahah Love it!

January 23, 2017, 02:22:14 pm
Re: S24 Finals What am I? You're cheap left over @Mog[skynet] You don't need to ask mog... I understand.
January 26, 2017, 05:56:18 pm