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Offline CallMeImba

S20 Round 2 Predictions
« on: January 19, 2015, 07:46:01 am »
:Sweden: :ra: bRain.Man
:Russia: :ra: Ludix
:Finland: :ne: J33
:Switzerland: :ra: noexxx

early 1on1 between Ludix and J33 with Ludix being in the lead but J33 being not really broken at all while noexxx rushes, followed by some teaming against Ludix while J33 is able to bank enough to finish the heads up against Noexxx.

:Denmark::human: zTsoso
:Russia: :ud: DNIWE-VOVA
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

The snake will win this game. Either Vova or Tyrant will be finished early. Then a long time of hoarding will start till ztsoso goes on Alien. After some fights they will team the ud to death. ztsoso's mass tp will finish Alien in the end.

:Bulgaria: :ud: Magadansky
:Germany: :orc: Ostone
:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Ukraine: :orc: Nline

orc > ud
orc < maga

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Sweden: :undead: Junkerzam
:Canada: :ne: FML|Renaud
:Germany: :ra: CallMeImba

The most promising match this round i think. Not because i am in there. Seksi and Renaud being in the lead due to their names but Junker not being far away from what i have seen so far of him this season. I can only win the game by waiting for stupid mistakes a la tleilaxu  :icon_wink:

:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA::ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :ra: Eshan

Tleilaxu being tleilaxu, qwest being a mastermanipper, Eshan coming up with strange wins makes me sure Mog will take the win here.


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Re: S20 Round 2 Predictions
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2015, 02:22:03 pm »
:Sweden: :ra: bRain.Man
:Russia: :ra: Ludix
:Finland: :ne: J33
:Switzerland: :ra: noexxx

MOTW, I believe j33 is going to take this one - he has the patience, experience and skills to pull through in this stacked group.

:Denmark::human: zTsoso
:Russia: :ud: DNIWE-VOVA
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

gl, hf

:Bulgaria: :ud: Magadansky
:Germany: :orc: Ostone
:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Ukraine: :orc: Nline

I think Nline or Ostone will take this one. Maga is strong at rushing orcs, but with 2 orcs in the game he will have a tough time.

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Sweden: :undead: Junkerzam
:Canada: :ne: FML|Renaud
:Germany: :ra: CallMeImba

I want to bet on Seksi, but i think that he will have a tough time in this game with Renaud in the game because Renaud is one of the best players at keeping tabs on the game, gold etc. This makes it likely that he'll get teamed in a 3-way. I therefore think one of the underdogs (junker, callmeimba) will take the victory. I'm gonna go with callmeimba though I have not seen him play a lot.

:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA::ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :ra: Eshan

Qwest has not won a single game yet (as far as i can remember). However, I feel like he can shine through in this game where the players are known for heavy chatting, manipping and "flourishing 3-way play". Moreover, Qwest is very strong in bot ffa games, and I think that his improved skill will perservere in this game. This should be a long game that I'll probably not have the stomach for.

Offline Valefort

Re: S20 Round 2 Predictions
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2015, 06:14:17 am »

:Sweden: :ra: bRain.Man
:Russia: :ra: Ludix
:Finland: :ne: J33
:Switzerland: :ra: noexxx

Map is undecided so it's a bit harder. Ludix and Noexx are two fairly agressive players in my book while and j33 can be very patient, I don't see anyone being eliminated early on so I'll bet on j33.

:Denmark::human: zTsoso
:Russia: :ud: DNIWE-VOVA
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Map  Market apparently, long game in sight with fortified mains. I see soso being rushed early on by an undead and on the backfoot for the rest of the game, Tyrant wins.

:Bulgaria: :ud: Magadansky
:Germany: :orc: Ostone
:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Ukraine: :orc: Nline

Map Market, red drops will be important and might allow a rush on an unsuspecting neighbor. However with a highly defensible main I'll pick Maga, maybe one Orc will pick a base breaker combo though ? That game should be interesting.

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Sweden: :undead: Junkerzam
:Canada: :ne: FML|Renaud
:Germany: :ra: CallMeImba

Secret map, callmeimba won't stay under renaud's radar because owls see everything, seksi and junker are too experienced for this as well and excel at hit and run, pandas better be on top notch shape to stand any chance. If the map is small I expect some lore units and agressive play, picking Junkerzam for the win because ud > ne and seksi will be surveyed more.

:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA::ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :ra: Eshan

Map market, if this game lasts less than 2 hours I'll be surprised. This is anyone's game, gold will win, going with qwest for this tricky match.

Offline Tleilaxu

Re: S20 Round 2 Predictions
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2015, 01:12:56 pm »
:Sweden: :ra: bRain.Man
:Russia: :ra: Ludix
:Finland: :ne: J33
:Switzerland: :ra: noexxx

I think that without a Tyrant to rush him, Ludix might be come unstoppable in this one, although maybe somebody else will try to rush him...

:Denmark::human: zTsoso
:Russia: :ud: DNIWE-VOVA
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Can the snake do it? Can DV- aka DNIWEVOVA- pull through with his manipulation? Can Tyrant get yet another win? Will Alien be able to play properly with black lipstick distracting him?
Only time will tell.

:Bulgaria: :ud: Magadansky
:Germany: :orc: Ostone
:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Ukraine: :orc: Nline

Despite being against 3 orcs, I believe Maga is simply too stronke.

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Sweden: :undead: Junkerzam
:Canada: :ne: FML|Renaud
:Germany: :ra: CallMeImba

Scrubberzam will probably be tomed early on, only to be saved and make a comeback after somebody else throws the game.
Then he will get crushed by Seksi's hidden army.

:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA::ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :ra: Eshan


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Re: S20 Round 2 Predictions
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2015, 04:25:04 pm »
:Sweden: :ra: bRain.Man
:Russia: :ra: Ludix
:Finland: :ne: J33  :gold:
:Switzerland: :ra: noexxx

j33 wins a long game with lots of high-tension between ludix and brainman.

:Denmark::human: zTsoso
:Russia: :ud: DNIWE-VOVA
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66 :gold:
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Close game I think, but I'd put tyrant as winner, being very good and going slightly under the radar.

:Bulgaria: :ud: Magadansky :gold:
:Germany: :orc: Ostone
:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Ukraine: :orc: Nline

Undead king will take it as he is a notch above the rest here despite the racial discrimination.

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Sweden: :undead: Junkerzam :gold:
:Canada: :ne: FML|Renaud
:Germany: :ra: CallMeImba

Too much going on here. We saw seksi destroy CMI in the qualies once so there may be something there. People will overlook Junker, and ofc renaud will have the most gold and be teamed at some point.

:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA::ne: Mog[Skynet] :gold:
:USA: :ra: Eshan

Eshan wins games. He's that player that's operating on a different plane and flourishes in 3-ways. But this game has a lot of wild manip style players in it so I think among the chaos, the more resilient mog will take it.