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Topics - Tleilaxu

Pages: [1]
League Discussion / Friendly play in FML
« on: June 18, 2017, 03:06:54 pm »
We've had issues with this in the past, but I think we have to do more to combat it.
This time, things revolve around the American cocksucker (as in, sucking American cocks, not being American and sucking cocks), Zs.Superculo, and his love for eating American players' cum.
In M22 you can clearly see friendly play throughout the whole game, Culo kept mass teleporting me every time Eshan said something. This had nothing to do with keeping the game a 4 way since he did nothing to stop Jaod from getting eliminated.
Then in the end, after they both kill my dk and I can't revive, they keep going at me until I have nothing left. Clearly, they were not interested in a continued 3 way, but were interesting in having a 1v1 as buddies.
Luckily for Culo, Eshan disconnected right at the end due to bot instability.
I am 100% certain Culo's decision making in this game was severely influenced by his love of American smegma, and this thus created a biased game that was not fair for me or Jaod.

In match 20 cumulo repeatedly distracted me by typing insults from obs chat after I lost fights. I suggest we ban him from observing or give him a point penalty so this won't happen again.

FML-Leaguebot : private bot / INS admin abuse
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:16:37 pm »
INS banned me and brain from the bot due events in a game making him mad. This is clearly abuse of the bot rights.

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