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Re: Team Battle Royale 2: Applications Open i dont understand...give us team ravenclaw again!

also DV wants to be captain after abandoning his team o.O

July 12, 2017, 04:32:14 pm
Re: TBR Day 1 Results! TBR2.1

13 years into Warcraft 3, this was probably the match I flipped out most. That second zeppelin loss was absolutely insane. On one hand I feel sorry for young fella Sweet, on the other hand it was him questioning me picking Dinamo. In your face!!!  :icon_twisted:


I hate tanks! Sorry for this painful match. According to DV, at least I got the basics. Yay! Fear me!  :icon_biggrin:

July 24, 2017, 02:04:20 am
Re: M5 Result Imagine its sunday evening. U decide to get a drink and hit that new nightclub in town called "market square" u sit down at the bar and right in front of u sits that hot latin girl. shes not from around and has the fancy name exponita but her friends call her "expo". so im seeing her she sees me and we know we are ment for each other. i stay right in front of her and look her deep in her big 15k golden eyes. As we get closer a young 16 year old 1.50meter skinny american tourist (lets call him seksi) suddely starts to harras her. The gentleman I stay calm and say: "dude look at our comfy close position that girl belongs to me" I point at her 2 Twin Sisters to the right and he should try his luck there. Suddenly his older friend (called Eshan) shouts from across the room: Dude we dont give a fuck how close u are with each other and points at some ugly ass chick sitting on the other side of the room and that i should get that one. I stay calm since i dont know if these guys carry any guns with them cuz #muricans. Knowing i cant beat them both but i have to look in the mirror the next day and live with myself beeing a coward not fighting for that girl i back off for a moment. Only to steal the girl of this eshan guy. While im trying to building up my interests in a conversation with here Eshan arrives. I kindly point at the ugly girl he pointed at before and wished him gl. Next thing i know that kid beats me. So i beat him too, a short direct K.O. As he stumbles he runs to security guards that look like a bunch of TOWER and hides behind them. Everything turns back to normal i dance seksi dances eshan hides. Seksi and i exchange some angry starring over the evening but thats it. I start buying some drinks i think they were called "Batriders" when suddenly Seksi comes takes one of my drinks and spills it right in front of me. Losing that drink for no reason i answer that act of violence and disrespect with violence myself. After beeing unconcious on the floor Eshan comes and kicks 3 times against my head breaking my 3 bones BM,TC, SH. Later that day Eshan will tell his friends how proud he is about knocking me out all by himself and how he enjoyed it. When i wake up in hospital i hear my good friend qqs did beat both of them up after i blacked out.

I know i lost some blood broke some bones and got some scratches
But here I am
Looking in the mirror like i couldnt if i hadnt stand my man in that situation
Dont let disrespectful people push u around
neither in the club
nor in fml


October 30, 2017, 01:50:04 pm
Re: Beginners FML FFA Guide in ffa the game can (and will) shape itself around your mistake(s), with the last mistakes becoming more and more critical and less forgiving

in solo you will get shit on for every mistake no matter how tiny

ffa is not the place to compare skill, solo is

ffa is fun, solo is not

or so I think

March 03, 2018, 10:14:53 pm
Re: FFArena ladder breaking news Bot is now technically ready.

We can start a new era of FFA ladder once FML site is updated

April 02, 2018, 11:31:44 pm
Re: Final Regulation Matches! wow i hereby predict DV wins this season

you heard it here first ^^

April 09, 2018, 08:40:26 pm
Re: S27 M98
Edit: under admin review.

You gotta be kidding, you guys already screwed over Trunks when you took away his win on Dragon Island, now you want to take away his win after he won because someone couldnīt show up and Gradient didnīt want to postpone (considering it has been incredibly long to schedule a semifinal already). I don't know what you guys are plotting behind the admin scenes, but rules are rules, and they are there for a reason. It seems that you guys may have something against trunks.

May 19, 2018, 12:56:55 am