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Re: FML Season 32 - Semi-finals ! Looks like two beautiful games ahead of us!
There were discussions about if two semis are good or bad. My stance is: the more games, especially playoff games, the better it is. There will always be close calls to either make direct final, semis or miss those by small margins.
If you had asked people who will make semis before season neither LION, nor headintheclouds or fetta would have been mentioned much i suppose.
Hopefully no discs, no-shows or other shit like that.

Interesting cast. 2 guys that were around very much past years in shave and lelu. Sheik progresses from a dangerous solo player with some ffa-exposure to an all around strong ffaer. And Lion is probably one of the players that's least known by the average ffa-follower who made it to a semi -ever.

M29 - SEMI 1
:Russia: :ra: sheik
His name makes me imagine him like some underground rapper that rules his hood with an iron fist and a bright head. He showed good performances whole season and to me he is the favourite here although there is the current champion, aswell – no pressure though!

:Finland: :ne: Leluaami
l just recognized that if you look at his name not closely enough there is an LeluAARNI in it! So he will somewhat has the brute force strength from his fellow finnish ffa enthusiast thanks to nordic telekinetic techniques. I am wondering also if there are traditions of asking trolls for help in certain situations. In Norwegia there are living a lot of trolls but in Finland there are plenty aswell, aren't there?
Maybe he will also have a cake & coffee call with ENA to discuss the hottest strategies available at the moment.

:Germany: :ra: letshavesomefun
First big question: Will he play human or orc? Second question: will the weather stay shitty as it is right now in Germany so he won't get distracted too much by all the nice things that are the biggest enemies of every wc3 player: fresh air, meeting friends in real life and things like that. Another big Q: Will he have the opportunity to rush Lelu out again? That round 3 game should serve as a nice thought-provoker.

:Peru: :ra: LION
I have a hunch that this is a SMURF. YES A SMURF. Since htrt is playing mass rt 4n4 it is very likely he also has the itch to play FFA, too. And don't forget htrt was actually smurfing as the peruvian guy „nopueseder“ before. His spanish is fluent and the name „lion“ would be a logical choice and a further development of his different types of ffa players compared to animals.
So it's all about if he can get some respect early. Most likely someone will try to rush someone else out to get into a 3way with this mysterious figure from ancient Peru.

This will be all about who can play dh/naga/potm better! And how similar the colors of neytpoh and trunkz will be, so people will confuse them for each other with having basically same color and build! Besides that they are the two clear favourites with the two others being nice surprise additions to that playoff game.

M30 - SEMI 2

:Russia: :ra: Neytpoh
He seemingly takes a lot of pride in fml games and appears to be super disappointed once he loses a game. So he better just improve his game and avoids losing for fcks sake! :-D
If he does not mimic the trunkz build which will cause some funny moments for sure human will be a nice option, both for the game flow and his winning chances (or not?...) Anyway – looking forward to his play!

:Germany: :ra: trunkz
Looks like he is not playing at all right now?! Was nerding like 20 solo games a day and playing a couple of ffas not too long ago though. No clue if he is motivated or tryharding. But usually the 2nd ist always the case! My guess is he will try to eliminate fetta early which should be the easiest given his early micro & race. Then let`s see if others let the orc die or how hard he might get teamed afterwards.

:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
Has some momentun on his side. Actually there are some scenarios where he could flow really nicely. Like teaming out either Neytpoh or Tunkz going into a 3way with fetta. Or surviving a rush by either of the two favourites while fetta dies and then teaming smartly afterwards. Or even try to take fetta out early by his own to fly under the radar with the two microkings focusing each other.

:Sweden: :orc: fetta_ook
That's true viking power, patience and resilience! Where is Tox now to stop his reign? - exactly - nowhere to scout or see. I fear others will not be able to hold that bloodlusted scandinavian barbarian in chains. He will break free and set the battlefield on fire. Junker will sit next to him and play the battle drums.

End of this prediction. Or wait. Wait a second. There is some guy that will be so sad if he is not mentioned at all in this article; Sshhhhh - i saw him pregame manipping against Qwest once more in discord channel!
Also i recently checked wc3info for seksis ffa guide a year ago or so and Perecringe had nothing better to do than talking in the comments about how he was a rival of the guy that wrote this article (so people recognize him for being as good as seksi or whatever) and boasting about how the guide would not help with defeating him – whaaaaat?! Talking about stealing someones clout..tztztz :icon_rolleyes:

Enough for now & see you soon.

May 25, 2021, 04:43:17 pm
Re: FML Season 32 | Finals On paper that game looks legit. First 4 of regular season went to the final. Despite a lot to be desired during the season it could conclude in a very interesting game.
We have the animosity between qwest and eshen and between qwest and trunkz. Meanwhile trunkz and eshen seem to show some odd mutual respect to each other. Sheik seems to be out of drama picture – so far!
Also notable how many times qwest and trunkz have been in a final past seasons (together with junkerzam). Pretty solid.
It's super unlikely that trunkz and eshen will fight each other early (although that would benefit trunkz). So we either end up with a lot of small skirmishes or fights with other pairings.

Qwest: Seemingly had a smooth sliding into the final. If he has some time and motivation he is clear#1 ladder player aswell. Killed the current ladder season with just one very active day.
He picked a map that has room for a lot of strategical opportunities and is far from the standard 4way player map. Very bold move to pick that one.
Interesting to see with what gameplan he enters the game. He had a couple of really rough finals. I remember him getting teamed pretty hard (vs dv and noexx), rushed out (by cumulo) or suicided (by trunkz) so let's see how he deals with all that.

Eshen: Woulda been surprised if he hadn't already dmed other final participants. To qwest: "hey bro, peace for that game, okay? I know i did a lot of shit past games we had together but i will be honorable this one! Really want fair game."
And to sheik:" Yo, awesome semifinal game! We played same team remember? We friends and i respect you so much. If i can't win i really want you to win it."
To trunkz:"Hey trunky, a bit lucky in semifinal but you played strong season – you deserved final! And btw we need watch out for union of two russians xD. USA and Germany good alliance for years now :P. You always welcome in my base to hide and build when qwest rush you."
Of course even for eshen standards that woulda been a bit too obvious but you get the point i assume...
He is clearly the worst player in that one and will be underestimated for it. A lot of times the overlooked player in finals won so that would'nt be a surprise at all.

Sheik: Can only repeat that he looks like the total package ffa player. His semifinal game was a piece of art. He still appears to be fresh in the game and probably does not carry that much of bad experiences therefore into that final. He can be relaxed and just play it. Also because it's usually damn hard to win a semifinal and final afterwards in fml. Only done 1 or 2 times. Probably he should care not to get into the war of words too much especially if it's becoming a long game. Getting into manipfests with very talkative guys and native english speakers can be very draining over time. Needs to prepare a strategy to deal with the chatting and that it won't influence him too much.

Trunkz: He needs to be careful with not looking too strong. Imo he can take either of them out midgame pretty easily once his creeproute will be working. With levels and full army there won't be a way to beat him for undead. As usual he needs to be prepared for not losing via baserace. Should have a lot of wisps hidden :D. If he does not win i can see him make eshen win somehow in the end.


June 07, 2021, 05:23:55 pm
Re: M31 Result So sticking around long enough and using massive lameness and extreme manips every single game seems to be enough. What a sad day for FFA and FML.

Absolutely terrible that this pathological lier and desperate manipper with his means-spirited and highly toxic and fake character finally had enough luck for getting through. What a shame, what a disgrace.

I despise his style of playing ffa and this result is a travesty. Everyone who congratulates that manipulative dipshit is doing so wrong and somewhat supports that unscrupulous style.

Atleast i have not been part of this seasons cast, so i won't take blame on this twisted mess.

June 14, 2021, 07:07:26 am