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Topics - Ponty

Pages: [1]
News / FML Season 32 - Semi-finals !
« on: May 24, 2021, 03:46:05 pm »
Time for semi-finals.

Qwest and Peregrine are directly qualified for finals. The next 8 players on the scoreboard will play semi-finals to determine the two last finalists.

M29 - SEMI 1
:Russia: :ra: sheik
:Finland: :ne: Leluaami
:Germany: :ra: letshavesomefun
:Peru: :ra: LION

M30 - SEMI 2
:Russia: :ra: Neytpoh
:Germany: :ra: trunkz
:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
:Sweden: :orc: fetta_ook


You can post your predictions here !

News / FML Season 32 - Round 4 !
« on: May 12, 2021, 11:57:26 am »
Round 4 is ready to rumble. Let's go and post your predictions!

Round 4 Matches

:United_Kingdom: :ra: Enjoi
:France: :ra: SyDe
:USA: :ra: Peregrine
:Ireland: :ud: M00se

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Serbia: :ne: Voxius
:Russia: :ra: Neytpoh
:Germany: :orc: ostone

:Austria: :hu: rulaZ
:USA: :ra: GivenToFly
:Other: :ra: Peanut
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne

:Sweden: :ra: junkerzam
:Finland: :ne: Leluaami
:Germany: :orc: 5te1n
:Sweden: :orc: fetta_ook

:Russia: :ra: sheik
:Germany: :ra: trunkz
:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
:Peru: :ra: LION

:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2
:Peru: :hu: tukimkim
:Finland: :ra: aarnikratti
:Germany: :ra: letshavesomefun

:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Brazil: :ra: SelfControlMe
:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus

General Discussion / FFA Ladder Challenges !
« on: January 04, 2020, 12:08:40 pm »
Hey guys  :icon_exclaim:

Many players have been playing ladder recently, and to prepare for Reforged ladder release : I propose to recreate an old thread we had on playffa.net at the time.

The concept is quite simple :
I give you a challenge and the player who manages to complete it can propose his own challenge afterwards

There's no special rule about challenges except that it needs to be doable, and be performed on B.net (Reforged later on).
Once you've completed one :

:icon_arrow: you need to post the replay on discord (replay channel)
:icon_arrow: once it's validated (by admin), you create a challenge and post it on this thread

I start with the first one :

Create an account and do 3-0 stats

Give me the name of your smurf once it's done so I can validate the challenge.
PS : If you already have a smurf with 3-0 stats or more, you need to remake one from scratch !

Edit : Now you can try to complete challenges even though they got achieved by another player already. You get your name added to the list.
But only the first one to complete a challenge can propose a new one.

First one to complete a challenge gets 2 points, completing a challenge that already got achieved makes you earn 1 point




General Discussion / Sympo Final S2!
« on: October 28, 2017, 07:32:44 pm »
After 2 months of scheduling, the final of Sympo S2 finally got played!

Trunks got replaced by Airenikus since his efforts to schedule the game were minimal

:Russia: :ra: Airenikus
:USA: :ra: Eshan
:Switzerland: :hu: NoeXxX
:Peru: :hu: zs.Supercumulo

Winner of Sympo Season 2:
(click to show/hide)
He joins Ajikaiii to the Sympo Hall of Fame

I don't have the replay so if someone could post it, it would be nice !

General Discussion / FFA Sympo League Season 2
« on: August 21, 2017, 10:29:11 am »

I'm glad to present you today the FFA sympo league season 2.  :icon_biggrin:

The sympo league works like a ladder. You don't need to schedule your games. You can join any inhouse FFA game you want and win points for the league.

The league will start on Wednesday 23th August (in two days). And I invite you to join the Sympo discord server if it's not done yet https://discord.gg/hP7djwj

All players shall read the rules of the league which are available there, in the "rules" channel.


The league is composed of permanent and temporary challenges and will last between 4 and 6 weeks.
Temporary challenges allow you to gain bonus points and get replaced every Monday by new ones.

You can find all challenges details and the scoreboard on this 4 pages document.

It's not possible to get more than 3 bonus points per game.

Players can also submit challenges suggestions if they have good ideas.

To allow players who have less time to compete during the week to have a chance in the league:

- there is a points/week gap of 50 points per week maximum.

- all games hosted on weekends will grant 1 bonus point

- there will also be special games with special rules hosted on weekends, every Saturday 17 CET and Sunday 21 CET that will grant more points

- at the end of the league, the top 3 will be qualified for finals, and the top 1 will choose the map (it will need to be validated by admins).
The ranks 4, 5 and 6 will have to play a game to get the last slot in finals.
And the last slot of this qualification game will be decided by one game between the four players who got the best winratio with above 12 games played (and who are under the top 6).

To make it more clear : Top 3 go directly to finals, while the 4th spot is determined by a qualifier match consisting of rank 4, 5, and 6 in points + the winner of a pre-qualifier consisting of the top 4 win-rate players with above 12 games (who arent in the top 6 in points)

Win reports:
Everytime you win a game, you will have to report it with the replay in the discord channel "win-reports" and indicate the number of points and bonus you won.
These replays will be checked to ensure that there won't be cheating.
 :icon_arrow: Do not forget to save the replay of the game you won

The mods team:
Hightac: google sheet maintenance
Noexxx: points adding
Joey (undeadpride): points adding
aarnikratti: points adding
spinel: replays checking
Somethingwicked: replays checking
massmoretanks: replays checking

Wtii will cast some of the games played.
Here are some casts of season 1:
(click to show/hide)
Other casters are indeed welcome.

Hope we all have fun and competitive games in this league, and may the best player join Alkash in the Hall of Fame !

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