September 20, 2024, 06:12:01 pm

24 Jul 2011 - FML Rule Book

Latest Update: May 21, 2022 by HighTac

1.00 League Information

1.10 Introduction

The FFA Masters League has been designed to help support FFA as an official Warcraft 3 Game type and encourage competition between players .

1.20 Definitions

• FML - FFA Masters League
• Map – A virtual battlefield where players compete.
• Score – Points awarded to a player for their placement in each FFA game. (Winner: 20 Points, 2nd: 12, 3rd: 12, 4th: 10) with an additional 3 points awarded to the player with the top score, winner or not.
• Match – One FFA game.

1.30 Map Selections

Before each round, admins will determine the map or map pool for each match. If there is a map pool, players can vote which map they want to play. In case of a tie, admins will determine the map randomly. Admins reserve the right to set a time limit for map votes to count.

1.40 Legal and platform requirement

• All players must own a legal copy of Warcraft III "Reign of Chaos" and the expansion "The Frozen Throne" or "Warcraft III: Reforged". If you do not have one, you can buy a key from a keyshop, purchase the game online through or though a local retailer.
• All players must have access to the standard realms.
• All players must join the FML Discord server, as it is the default channel for communication outside of

2.00 Player rules

Players are responsible for ensuring that they know, understand, and follow all rules. Admins reserve the right to amend or specify rules during events.

2.10 Replays

Replays are required for every match played. If there is no admin present - the winner must save the replay and submit it in the replay Discord channel

3.00 Match Information

3.10 Scoring

Each player will score points depending on the place he/she placed in the matches. First place will be determined by if you are the last man standing. 2nd, 3rd and 4th are placed by match score.

1st place will earn you 20 points, 2nd place will earn you 12 points, 3rd place will get 12 points and last place has 10. The winner of each match is responsible for submitting the placings of all four players to admins.

Boosting scores by abusing bugs is prohibited.

3.10b Bonus Points

A +3 bonus points will be given to the player who scored the highest in a match, regardless if he or she won the match and +3 bonus points to the player with the second-highest scores.

3.10c Tie Breakers

Tie breaking occurs in the following order and only if there is no clear distinction by places achieved (1>2>3>4). If 1 doesn't break the tie, then apply 2, and so on.

If tie-breaker points are used in the season, those apply first.

1. If one of the players missed a game without notifying ahead of time (and the other player didn't), then that player is behind.
2. Number of victories > number of second places > number of third places
3. Points of enemies faced
4. Flip of a coin.

3.20a Scheduling

All players must schedule their match and have proof that the match had been agreed on. Admins will define and announce the mandatory way of scheduling before each event.

3.20b Delay of Match

The first map must begin within 10 minutes of the agreed start time. A player who does not show up at this time will forfeit the match unless his opponents are willing to reschedule or wait. Opponents that do not show must be reported to a league admin immediately.

If a player requests additional time past 10 minutes, the other players in the match must agree. If a player fails to show for a match he will receive no points for it and will be subbed as per rule 3.20c.

3.20c Players not showing for match

If any player fails to show up at the agreed start time within 10 minutes, the game will still be played with the remaining players and substitutes. Replacement player guidelines can be found under rule 3.30d. If a player announced his no show to admins or in the scheduling channel before the match, 10 points will be granted.

3.20d Players not showing for a match multiple times

If any player fails to show up at the agreed times within 10 minutes in 2 different instances in the same season, admins reserve the right to kick the player from the current season and find a suitable replacement. The player will then be removed from the current season and be barred from the following season as well.

3.20e Failure to Schedule

If a player fails to react in the scheduling thread for his match within 48 hours after its creation, that player forfeits his right to schedule for that match. Same goes for a situation in which more than 48 hours lie in between two posts of a player, although his input would have been required (e.g. other players agreed on a new time). The other players in the match are then free to schedule without this player and a replacement player may be found. No points will be awarded to the forfeiting player if a sub is chosen. If a player fails to schedule for two consecutive rounds without contacting the admins, they will be removed from the current season, and barred from the next season as well.

3.30d Substitutes

If a player fails to show on time, the choice of the substitute player belongs to the admin team who will base it on the following criteria: race, sub skill and availability. Admins will try to vary the subs from one game to the other.
Each player has the right to contest one sub by private messaging the admin present in the lobby. The reason for the protest must be explained and approved by admins.

3.40 Pausing Match

3.40a Limits

Pausing the match is allowed in consideration with the 3 timeouts per player limit. However, abuse of this system is considered unsportsmanlike and will have consequences.

3.40b Duration

A player is allowed to pause the game for up to 10 minutes (total across their 3 allowed pauses). After 10 minutes the other players can choose to resume the game at their own discretion without penalty.

3.40c Unpausing

When unpausing, players must get verbal indication from each other player that they are ready to resume, with the exception of players that have been away for over 10 minutes as per 3.40b.

If a game is unpaused without verbal indication from any player a penalty of -10 points will be fined. This fine may be waved if the player who was not ready and an admin both agree that it did not affect the match.

3.40d Pause Manipulation

If the game is paused there is to be no discussion about the game currently in progress from any players. This includes any forms of manipulation as well as general discussion about the match. The decision whether chat is considered manip relies upon admins. If it is, players may get penalized. Messages sent in the first three seconds after a match was paused do not count as pause manip.

3.50 Observers

3.50a Settings

Full Observers is set to ON for every match

3.50b Removing Observers

Only an admin may decide to remove observers that are part of the community. This may include, but is not limited to: excessive ping/lag, interfering with the organization of the game, refusing to comply with the streaming policy and spamming chat or regularly leaving matches when obsing.

3.50c Observer Interaction

Observers (or defeated players) may not provide details about a match in other communication channels (e.g. Discord) until the match has ended. This includes, but is not only limited to information about resources, items, supply, buildings or strength of a player.

4.00 Policy

4.10 Account Security

Players should not give out their account information. In the event that either a player or league admin feels that an account’s security has been compromised, that account will be banned from FML competition and a new account must be registered with FML and Garena/or

4.20 Streaming Policy

Observer streamers are required to enforce a minimum of 15 minute of delay onto their streamed FML games. Failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate ejection from an FML match. Player streamers do not need to apply a delay to their stream, unless they plan to remain as observer in a game, once they are defeated.

Any player who is found stream hacking will be treated as if they are cheating and rule 6.30a will take affect.

4.30 Account Policy

At the beginning of each FML season and tournament, players will be asked to register all of their account identities (to a maximum of 5) which they will use during the entire event. These identities include all realms and servers including, but not limited to, If any player is caught playing in the event on an unregistered account they will be subjected to a penalty point reduction.

5.00 Servers

5.10 Server Assignments

All matches will be played on and the default hosting location, if more than one European/Russian player is present, is Europe.
If all players agree to it and the map is available, matches can also be played on Flo Bot via w3champions

5.20 Server Crashes

If there is a problem with playing on players must report to admins via Discord and report that they were unable to play the match. The match will then be postponed.

5.30 Disconnects/Desync

In the event that one or more players disconnect before significant enemy contact (fights with >50 supply), the map is to be restarted with the same settings (map and player’s races). If a player disconnects after significant enemy contact, the remaining players should pause the game. If they don't realize, admins and/or the disconnected player can ask for pause via Discord or message. If a majority of players that remain in the game agree to a remake, the match will either be rehosted immediately or rescheduled, depending on availability.

Admins reserve the right to force a remake or grant the victory to a player who was very close to winning the match, particularly, when a desync occured.

6.00 Gameplay

6.10 Options

The Game play setting is set to FAST
Visibility is set to DEFAULT
Handicap is set to 100%
Random Races is set to OFF
Random Heroes is set to OFF
Lock Teams is set to ON
Full Shared Unit Control is set to OFF
Full Observers is set to ON (Players may not refuse Observers)
Referees must be set to OFF

6.20a Restrictions

There will be NO restrictions on game play or races. There will be no “buffer time” to allow players to build up and then attack - rushes are allowed.

Delaying the match in a situation where victory is unachievable using any method is considered unsportsmanlike. Players that persist in this behavior after receiving multiple warnings from a league official will be penalized.

6.20b Player Color

Players may select any player color but black, white, brown or dark green, unless another player chose a color that is very similar (e.g. different tones of grey, blue etc.).

If two players or an admin ask you to change your color, you must change it. Refusal to change your color may result in being subbed or the deduction of points. An admin may overturn two players asking a player to change their color.

6.30a Cheating and Hacking

There will be no tolerance of cheating. If a player is found cheating or hacking, they will be immediately banned from the league.

6.30b Account Abuse

Players may not intentionally or unintentionally give out their account information to other players. The person who creates a player account for FML use is considered to own that account and should be the sole player using that account.

If a player is found having another player playing on his account during an event, that is grounds for immediate ejection from the league.

6.30c Smurfing

If a player is found to participate in the league with multiple or unknown accounts (that are not clearly connected to his regular nick name), both will be immediately removed from the league.

6.30d Private Chat

Private Chat is not allowed in FML games. Usage of Private chat can incur a -10 point penalty for both players. Multiple offenses are grounds for removal from the league.

Players are asked to save a copy of their replay for dispute purposes. If an admin asks a player for their copy, they are expected to provide it within a reasonable amount of time or else a point penalty may be deducted.

6.40 Feeding

Feeding is not allowed in the FML league. Feeding can be considered as a player with no chance of winning a game giving either Items or large amounts of experience to any other player in the game in hopes to give that player a better chance at winning.

A minimum of 5 points will be deducted for each offense. This penalty can be larger depending on the severity.

6.50 Unsportsmanlike Conduct

In order to secure a well regulated and pleasant course of game, it is inevitable that all players act in a sportsmanlike and fair way. This may include, but is not limited to: Spamming during a game, kicking players from the server or match, not playing for the win, artificially inflating end-game score or faking an account without revealing yourself. Breach of this rule can include penalty points or removal from the league and is considered on a case-by-case basis.

A certain degree of bad manners and insults are tolerated in FML, but excessive or very personal insults may be reviewed by admins and can lead to a penalty.

7.00 Disputes

7.10 Reporting Dispute

If you believe one or your opponents was cheating or guilty of some form of rule abuse – you must report a dispute within 48 hours of the match. An admin will request the replay and screenshots needed.

7.20 Dispute Channels

Disputes must be filed through the website, via Discord private message to admins.

8.00 Changes

The FML reserves the right to modify the rules as needed. This includes changes due to software updates or releases, competition committee decisions and all other changes deemed necessary to the league. Players should check the rules on a regular basis and prior to every match to ensure they are in complete compliance. Teams must understand that the rules listed are guidelines that FML will use to try and ensure fair and competitive play and are subject to interpretation by the FML admins based on the spirit of the rule and game. :icon_mrgreen: