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Re: S27 M52 Battleground and time confirmed. Please make sure you all can access the match via w3arena, unless you discuss something different with all players
April 13, 2018, 05:06:59 am
Re: S27 M43 Match 43 will be played again. Please schedule the rematch!

Trunks and Gradient disconnected at the same time in their final 1vs1 (bot was rebooted). Trunks had better heroes and 8k gold, but Gradient had a huge main base, hidden buildings and tinker, panda.

The match will also be replayed as a penalty (and last warning) to Trunks and Gradient for preteaming. It is well known that both never touch each other before their final 1vs1. Even if it's only a "silent agreement", this is not how FFA can work.

April 15, 2018, 05:51:01 pm
FML goes Dear FML members,

Some chaotic days lie behind us and we know that it has been quite a challenge to get FML matches going, since 1.29 was released and players were required to patch back. After some initial hesitancy, we communicated on Friday that the FML standard realm will remain w3arena until further notice. At that point, it wasn’t clear if the further notice would come within a day or two weeks. However, the events since Friday and discussions amongst the admins have led to the conclusion that an immediate transition is inevitable. We rather take the risk of potential bugs and some uncertainties now, than to continue with a situation where the majority of players have to patch around before their matches and “multi-realm confusion”. Most other tournaments and leagues moved to 1.29 already.

All FML matches will be played on as of now and the FML community meets in “clan FFAM” on Northrend (we will try to recover clan FML or FFA). This is also meeting point before matches, so we don’t have to occupy the game lobby for too long.

Active bots are noot (London) and accu (Miami). Whoever had access to these niels bots on w3arena, please request access again by writing to niels via Discord.
The player colors black, white, brown (on brown maps) and dark green (on grass maps) are prohibited. Furthermore, there should be no two players with very similar two colors in game (majorly affects the different tones of purple, ocher, salmon and light blue).

We know the change may cause some inconvenience for a few players, but hope everyone is as hyped as we are to experience FFA on 1.29. If you have issues to set up again, please check some of the FAQs (e.g. on or contact Ugri via Discord. In many cases, launcher issues can be solved by running it in “admin mode” at all time and removing all other Warcraft 3 instances before it. The mouse curser slowness can be solved by deactivating “vertical sync” in graphics driver settings and running the launcher with the command “-nativefullscreen”.

Apologies for the confusion and us all a great time on The nostalgia is alive!

Your FML admin team

April 15, 2018, 05:59:43 pm
TBR 3 | Announcement Hi everyone,

Some interesting months lie behind us. Warcraft 3 got patched, we moved back to, Trunks secured his FML title and finally we got our FFA bot running, thanks to SomethingWicked, Ping and Massmoretankz. It took more time and effort than expected, but the collaboration with Ping’s is a great solution.

Before we get to the actual announcement, we would like to officially welcome Massmoretankz and Vyvanne to the admin team.

After two FML seasons in a row, it’s time for Team Battle Royale. As in the previous events, four or five teams (not decided yet) will fight for the prestigious title. Teams will be drafted by captains after the sign up phase concluded. The special thing about TBR: All matches will be played anonymously and there is no scheduling required. There will be a preset match list, for which players will be seated by their captains depending on their availability.

Sign up phase: June 12 - June 30
Draft and orga phase: July 1 - July 7
Event: July 8 - August 12 (we won't start before July 8 due to FIFA World Cup)
Game Modes

While TBR 2 was powered up by captain cards, TBR 3 will have no such cards, but bring joy by game modes themselves.
  • 4-way
  • 4-way Random Hero
  • 4-way Pacifist (no player is allowed to go above 55 Food before he hasn’t hoarded 10k gold initially)
  • 2v2v2v2
  • 8-way Preteam (with two players from each team and pre-teaming allowed)

A team will get rewarded 10 points for each won 4-way (random hero or not random hero) and 15 points for each won 2v2v2v2 and 8-way.

A team will get rewarded 3 points for each player that has played at least three matches.

There are four “race crowns” (one for each race) that teams can win during the season, by having most (non 2v2v2v2)-wins with one of the races (random race will count depending on the race drawn in each match). Each race crown will be awarded with 10 points.
How to sign up?

As a requirement to participate in TBR 3, you need to join the FML Discord Server and play at least three inhouse FFA matches if you are unknown to the community.
If you want to participate, please post the following details in this thread:
  • Name (no smurfing allowed)
  • Race
  • Country
  • Want to be a captain?
  • Why should a captain draft you (or why not)?
If you have questions, contact us in Discord

Signed up

:USA: :ra: Iwantwc4
:Lithuania: :hu: :orc: Peanut
:Kazakhstan: :ud: DV*
:Germany: :hu: QQs*
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus

:Russia: :ud: :ra: Reinforcement-
:Germany: :ne: Trunks
:Bulgaria: :ra: Joey
:Russia: :ud: SomethingWicked
:USA: :ne: Wrecktify*

:USA: :ra: Eshan*
:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo*
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:USA: :ne: Mog
:Germany: :ne: HighTac

:Albania: :orc: ena1337
:Russia: :orc: MrSweets
:Germany: :ra: ToX*
:Bulgaria: :hu: rbr.Shorty
:Finland: :ra: Rain

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Russia: :ud: ohn0
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: Jaod
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:USA: :ra: KiLLiN
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Russia: :ra: ILoveSex
:Argentina: :ne: supremo

:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
:Finland: :ne: :ra: Aarnikratti
:Russia: :orc: JIexa_b
:France: :hu: Valefort
:Russia: :orc: Ostone

:Sweden: :ud: :hu: Fetta
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
:Serbia: :ne: Bonucci
:Moldova: :ne: Daguerreotype
:Austria: :ne: tmnt.TomToast

June 12, 2018, 12:23:53 pm
FFA Ladder Bot | Now Live!

Dear fellow FFAlers,

We are happy to announce the return of our FFA ladder bot. It is online and hosted by wc3melee, which also features a very active random team ladder and was established by Ping. It took some time and effort to get where we are now. Thanks to SomethingWicked and Massmoretankz, the bot was almost ready to launch, when the 1.29 patch hit the fan and technical hurdles appeared on the horizon. Due to dozens of bots that flood the custom game lists permanently, it requires special tweaks and requirements to make bot games visible. This is also the reason, why the bot will only host Blizzard maps for the time being.

We believe that the collaboration between FFA Masters and wc3melee will benefit both communities and together, we can provide a great ladder environment for everyone.

Bot Location: New York
Realms: All realms
Game Names: [] FFA #xxxx
Leader Board:
Game History:
Current Map Pool:

Good luck and have fun!

June 13, 2018, 05:35:06 am
Re: How has FFA actually changed after the patch? Hi Dovekie,

I only know the scene before 2017 from replays and discussions, but I'll try to tell you about current meta. In general, some active players have the tendency to rush players as soon as they have 2-3k gold. I was told there were no such oldschool players and initial hoarding was more common. Due to the high skill bandwith, fast pace and general lack of scouting, we saw many freewins in previous events and inhouse matches. To avoid this, people often peace in four ways already (at least temporarily), to scout.


I guess the meta for elf has not changed much (DR/DH/Alchi + Panda + KotG or Panda + Potm + Kotg), apart from kotg being a must have right now, after the recent patch. Most players go for chippo. The only major exception is Trunks, who dominates most of his matches by playing DH + Naga + PotM and a mix of archers, talons, hippos, dryads.


Most current undead players stick to their gargs and don't get a single fiend. Qwest's build order became very popular, in which he techs ultra fast, by instantly building a second necropolis in his main. Unfortunately, necrowaggon pushes are rare these days. With the latest patch, Dreadlord became the only viable third hero and is often played as a first hero even (either with Lich or Panda + DK).


Orcs are having a hard tim these days, not only due to the patch, but also because they rely on micro quite heavily and bats are simply too costly (in a rush-heavy environment) vs all the air armies (chippo, gargs, etc.). While BM, SH, TC still is meta, certain players like to try other hero combos as well or stick with DR, SH, TC. Once Orc has a bank and stacked heroes, they can still dominate.


Human is still widely considered as the best FFA race, despite 1.29. Divine Shield was shortened and Gyros are basically unplayable vs the new Carrion Swarm, but humans still have most of their weapons. Only few players apply rifle caster pushes these days (might also be due to the few small maps we play currently) and most will play whatever is needed or they prefer (tanks, dragonhawks, gryphons, spellbreakers or just hoarding on 50 and getting mass towers). Certain players (especially strong ones) play AM + Panda + Pala nowadays, while others stick to MK second. Alchemist first is played on some maps, but I wouldn't call it meta yet.

Edit: Tinker is still played by some players (e.g. Mog), but I wouldn't say the patch effected it at all and cluster rockets are still way too slow and stun too short to have an impact. MK is not played more often due to Clap and most players still prefer to skill bash second. I'd say heroes mostly impacted by the patch (in a positive way) were: DL > KotG > Alchi > Others

Hope to see you in TBR! Gl Hf

June 27, 2018, 10:45:39 am
TBR 3 | Teams

VoD of Draft:

Go and post your predictions in this thread!

July 02, 2018, 04:28:46 pm
Re: FML Season 28 | Round 1 I'm very happy with the line-ups and super excited to see some quality matches finally again. Being the neutral admin here, I won’t predict winners.

Match 1

:ra: :Germany: Joggel
:ne: :USA: Donald-Trump
:ra: :USA: Eshan
:ne: :Argentina: supremo

Good one. Eshan and Donald are two of the most durable players in the league, particularly on large maps. I invented the “deceptive silence scale” only for them. The less they chat, the harder they try to hide stuff. Eshan usually peaks on that scale after his main died and he executed his “force peace with sappers”-protocol. I hope for Joggel that the two previously mentioned players will focus on each other, so he doesn’t have to deal with all the manip. Not sure what supremo is going to do. You never know. Being the worst hoarder of the league, his DH will need to carry.

Match 2

:ne: :USA: Mog[skynet]
:hu: :Peru: SuperCumulo
:ud: :France: Ugrilainen
:ne: :Germany: Trunkz

Welcome back Ugri! I hope he returned from China with some secret FFA strats in his luggage to put up a fight in his first match. As we saw in previous events, communication and scouting are key against Trunks, if you don’t want to serve him the freewin on a silver plate. Having three smart enemies as it’s the case here is promising. Let’s hope SuperCumulo finally manages to ignore the small confidence-monster on his shoulder that seems to tell him that a late game 1 on 1 versus Trunks is a fine idea.

Match 3

:orc: :Russia: b100death
:ud: :Russia: Jaod
:ra: :Lithuania: Peanut
:ne: :USA: Dovekie

Being the one who talked Dovekie into this season, I feel responsible for his well-being. Same goes for b100 who only signed up because Dovekie did. Both do not like manip and therefore I’m even happier that they got drawn in a match with two other men of honor. My motto for this match is either “rust and bust” or “power mummies”.

Match 4

:ne: :Poland: Gradient
:orc: :Russia: Jiexa_b
:ra: :USA: Seksi
:ud: :USA: Vyvanne

I have no idea what this is going to be. Obviously Seksi is the favorite, but his dominance on ladder conceals the fact that he repeatedly struggled in FML. Especially his decision-making with gold disadvantages was sometimes questionable. Gradi made another leap in skill. At times, he seems to become too confident and aggressive early, which weakens his state on the “deceptive silence scale”. Jiexa (not JLexa as I thought until yesterday) and Vyvanne know how to take a win also, and I hope they will put up a fight.

Match 5

:ud: :USA: SteppinRazor
:orc: :Russia: Airenikus
:ud: :Bulgaria: jOeybadass
:orc: :Russia: mrSweets

Airen is undeniably one of the greatest hoarders in the league and shares the favorite role with Minimaga. It will depend a lot on the map I think. I guess it might become Silverpine Forest, but I secretly hope for Equalrium.

Match 6

:ra: :Finland: aarnikratti
:orc: :Albania: ena1337
:ra: :Germany: ToX
:orc: :Bulgaria: Godfather

Happy Birthday Godfather! *grabs popcorn*

Match 7

:orc: :Sweden: Fetta_ook
:ud: :Russia: Reinforcement-
:ne: :Peru: Headintheclouds
:ra: :Sweden: Junkerzam

Another cool match and I hope that at least two of them are going to choose some unconventional heroes.

Match 8

:orc: :Germany: Pinballmap
:ud: :USA: JSRGN
:hu: :Russia: AJIKAIII
:ra: :Germany: Slythe

Excursion day in the retirement home. Especially since this match will be played on a big map, I’m looking forward to a lot of hoarding, fun heroes and “hands off the keyboard”-fights.

September 24, 2018, 10:09:30 am
Re: S28 M4 22 CET if Seksi confirms. Can't change map vote, unless all others agree to play Market Square
September 27, 2018, 03:13:59 pm
1.30.2 breaking host bots Hi everyone,

Blizzard pushes patch 1.30.2 to the PTR. The potential upside of having new hosting functionalities comes at the huge risk of breaking all host bots and wc3melee ladder.

Please find below an article by Ugri and a statement I published on Reddit. Feel free to upvote and comment there, if you share our fear and doubts.


Update: As my appeal on Reddit was deleted, I post a backup here.

Please refrain from breaking host bots. It's literally what kept the game alive for so many years. I can only talk for the FML community, but similar things apply to ENT, wc3melee (which also hosts our FFA ladder) and all the others.

The Bnet FFA ladder is not really an option for us, as it is separated by realms, only allows 4-ways and you never know how many players queued up already. Furthermore, the maintenance (having 3 month seasons, banning pre-teamers, banning hackers, having a custom game list and regularly exchanging maps) is nothing that currently functions on the Bnet ladder. Your plans would ruin the Wc3 experience for most of the currently active FFA ladder players and we'd run at risk of losing them entirely.

All our FFA leagues and inhouse matches rely on host bots currently. Thanks to niels, we have a very carefully developed bot environment (Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Moscow, Miami, Dallas, etc) that allows us to get an adequate ping for almost any match. Our community has active players from all continents. Furthermore, we have an automatic replay archive and can easily load or replace maps via Dropbox.

Of course it is cool to see that new and very casual players will not have to deal with port forwarding anymore and the custom game list being not as messy, but by no means is this worth to basically ruin entire communities and their infrastructures.

On behalf of the entire FML community, I kindly ask you to reconsider your plans. Don't do this to us! If you do, you either don't care or don't understand and I'm not sure what's worse

September 30, 2018, 05:36:40 am