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Re: S25 Sign-ups w3arena : b2w.TrunkzZz
discord : Trunks#
country : Germany
Accomplishments: Found it from Replays

April 05, 2017, 11:28:01 am
Re: S25 Sign-ups War3arena account name: NoeXxX
Discord Account name and noexxxx#6504
Country you represent: :Switzerland:
WC3 Race: :hu:
Brief message on how you found the league and wc3 accomplishments relevant to FFA : Did 24-0 on 2v2 netease with Ujustgotshaved
Gradient's coach
Lightweight #1 and Ravenclaw #1

April 08, 2017, 12:50:34 pm
Re: S25 Sign-ups Wrecktify
I Have won this thing before and was part of most consistent team in off-season

April 09, 2017, 08:58:14 pm
Re: S25Q4
I like this map - can i be a sub  :ud: if smbdy not come for it  ???
You can't because you are already qualified for the league

April 19, 2017, 04:13:51 pm
Re: M2 Result Here's my theory:

Back in the days, you could divide players in two groups
1- Hoarders/Manipper
2- Good micro

Eshan was a good micro player, so everyone tended to assume that he was honest (at least more honest than the low apm players). That's why we always felt the need to remind everyone that he did manip a lot.

Since then, we have got a lot of players who can properly manip and micro, but I think Eshan was one of the first to do both well.

May 12, 2017, 11:36:34 pm
Re: New Admin: Mog[skynet] "I've been around FML since season 13. I've been playing wc3 off and on (mostly on) since 2001"

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is a high fantasy real-time strategy video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, and was released in July 2002.

Mog already lying to us like the other corrupt admins he seems to fit in well!

May 30, 2017, 03:01:46 am
Re: S25 M17 I should be around to cast this.
May 31, 2017, 06:19:36 am
Re: S25 M17 we can wait for you. @SweeT here ?
May 31, 2017, 06:28:36 pm
Re: M17 Result Some decent fights between Wreck & Sweet early and Sweet and Cumulo later.
For me it was of course a very annoying game.

My start was good and plan aswell. If iīd run early into some greedy fast expanding human in the middle and the mine would not be finished iīd cancel it. And so did I.

Usually i donīt kill someoneīs expand and stick to expanding myself and creeping, but man, i am tired of this human abuse bullshit. Guy comes with 2 foots and militia and wants to take middle expand, next his side expand and then his natural, inbetween getting shredder and ending up with 10 k gold after 10 mins with no limited tech due to shredder, why should i support this crap?

Too bad i did not pull the trigger and went directly after getting the 2nd golem & healing to cumulos base. Pretty sure iīd kill him directly or with the 2nd or third wave. I also could have tried to peace with him, after he killed my expand in the middle, since we were even then, but whatever, hate making deals with guys like cumulo. (funny how he chases me, not scouting the others and asking for peace in the end, when i had zero chance of winning). I tried to get 3rd atleast half motivated, had no clue how the fight between Sweet and Wreck really went, but my first goal was then to prevent  letting Cumulo win and get through with his style, lol. And idc if itīs 10 or 12 pts for me.

Instead i lose my expand due to hesitance of defending it cuz of some orange units of my own. Then i take another expand and tech instead of investing in units and more defense. I was still confident in whatever silly human cheese rush he would put up, but i must admit i did terribly with bad positioning, shit focus of units, much running and losing units right and there. But man, this caster double summon heroes push is also pretty rigged. It was like 20 + units vs 6 units and 2 heroes. Pretty easy to sniping units for him and i forgot to use some spells etc. It was a total mess. But shit happens, whatever.

The pregame fuzz was also very annoying. At first Steppin says he wonīt show. Then Sweet does not appear in time ( we already delayed the game start for steppin) and we donīt have enough subs to play earlier, but i also wanted to wait for Sweet. I extended my deadline 2-3 times, while Cumulo was cyring he wanted to get rid of one thing in his calendar, lmao and play with 2 subs very hard. I felt my concentration and energy level dropped and it was fucking 1.30 PM for me when we finally started. Not to mention all the buzz wreck usually does, some (bluff?) worpex saying everyone has to agree on reschedule, instead of if some1 does not want to play itīs gonna be postponed etc etc.

Big lol@ noexx, new best friends with Cumulo, huh?

Just because i try to balance it vs human abuse (why doesn īt he go for a safe, normal fe near his base), i "destroyed" his game? LOL

And cumulo just switched from his ffa cheese to the standard human solo cheese without thinking of the consequences, only wanting to take me out w/o any scouting whatsoever. He was rather lucky that i was too confident and fucked up than he was playing good. After my main was gone he was alone, ignored and hoarded, trying to find my builds and almost had success with finding peons/halls in time due to massive luck. How is that playing good, really big lol.

June 01, 2017, 08:52:32 am
Re: M17 Result @deluded

I am doing some new stuff this season, even more than usual. Cannot think of me or (m)any others going Firelord in FML game + i like the hero + it creeps the map very good and is quite good early + itīs better vs orc/hu than vs elf/ud (expected to have orc/human/rdm(or orc) in my game + with orc u can add basically any hero and make it work with the support of TC & SH.

@ Noexx

Ok, so you have no respect for players who rush after the 5 mins mark. But before the 5 min mark is ok or what?... :-D
Also i did not rush him , but tried to delay the happy human fast expand cheese so i would not face a human player, who has 5-8 k more gold than me around the 15 mins mark and can 100 food gryph rush me where i cannot fucking do anything against it. I just adapted to the situation and explained it already, but i can detail it for you, if you want...

Also i am wondering cause you said so many times you would rush Cumulo next game you face him, that you cannot stand his style etc, but now youīre basically on his side?... Weird. This guy "ruined" and "destroyed" so many games, especially inhouse, with his stubborness, tunnelvision, towerrushes, early attacks, suicides and whatever else, but okay, now heīs cool and the poor victim of some1(me) who did never before attack or creepjack someone early in around 40 FML games, but saw a reasonable opening for something like that to prevent being in deeper waters later. Of course it did not go as planned since i lacked the aggressivness after the initial expand cancel and/or the will to communicate properly with the human abuser.

Maybe the pregame drama played a role in my actions aswell, together with the history i have with cumulo (round 2, some annoying inhouse games). Trying to get into a game (especially FML) as unbiased as possible, but sometimes itīs tough. Me being tired and being a bit frantic these days in certain game situations (hard abusers, lamers, shittalkers. Ofc thatīs all part of the game and i am bit of those sometimes too, but there are the moments where my patience is just gone). But donīt forget as i wrote in my fist post: If Cumulo would interrupt my creeping route and his expansion would not been finished (thus being faster to kill), iīd go for it. That was my neutral, analytic POV on the early game situation. It turned out to be badluck Cumulo went for that camp/tactic and the expansion was only close to be finished :D.

Also it was no solo, it was a ffa with two parties having early confrontation without another player being significantly involved.

Donīt come up with this "no honor"- troll phrase.

Last sentence of you is total overact/dramatizing. But of course, if you have early fighting without expands and not many units/heroes being killed you will be behind, IF the others decide to cleaning the map/creep. Given the players and position, that was not likely.

Be a bit more precise with reading my games and its surroundings please and donīt make innaccurate posts about them, appreciated.

June 01, 2017, 06:10:07 pm