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Ladder Discussion / F21 needs sub, 18th 13EST
« on: May 11, 2014, 03:34:49 pm »
Everything is in the title, we need a sub for F21
Game is scheduled for

Sunday May 18th,

please post here :


Scheduling / Sheduling penalties
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:18:07 am »
Hello guys

What do you think about penalizing people when they post really poor scheduling ? I have noticed that when you do your scheduling with people following this scheduling the game is much more easy.

I made a poll :) (I voted for penalizing after 5 warnings)
1 point less after 5 warnings in the ranking is not much when you earn minimum 5 points per game. And maybe at least people will start caring about posting good scheduling.

General Discussion / htrt come back ?
« on: April 15, 2014, 07:10:32 am »
Hello everyone

I met htrt alias Jon_Irenicus on w3arena yesterday. I asked him if he wanted to come back to FML. I saw some replays from him and he was for sure an awesome player, he is 84-10 solo on w3arena ! So this is definitely the kind of players I would love to see on FML. Plus he is an hu players and we are missing good human players.
He told me he will think about it and seemed motivated to come back.
@Admin, I recommend you to contact him for S19 as it might motivate him to come back :)

General Discussion / Game Tonight
« on: March 08, 2014, 02:34:38 pm »
Hi Guys,

w3arena is down and bot games are boring me, anyone is up for an FML game ?
I propose 1600EST/2200CET today. Please post here if you are interested.
We will decide the map together :)
Meet me on clan FML on battle.net Azeroth


General Discussion / Replay watcher
« on: January 08, 2014, 06:53:14 am »
Some FFA games can be really long, or really boring, sometimes even go x8 isn't enough. Or if you want to check the end of a 2 hour long replay, you still have to go x8 during 15 minutes.

Here is why I present you Dota Replay Seeker :
or some additional info here :
It allows you to go up to x31 (and even really slow to 1/32x :D) Or to just enter a starting time in the replay and the software will fast forward to this point and pause the game when you reached it


It works with every replay as it works after you started the replay the usual way, then you start replay seeker, and click synchronize, then you can control the replay speed from the software (changing speed from warcraft doesn't work after x8 that is why you have a plug-in to add short cut for increasing/decreasing speed)
Though my computer is kinda slow, so according to replay seeker, it only went up to x19/x20 :p

Do not hesitate to open rshelp.chm it gives lot of useful information !


General Discussion / AT friends ?
« on: November 28, 2013, 09:35:12 am »
Hey Guys,

I enjoy a lot FFA and the variety of games it can produce.
But FFA can be sometimes long, or game on bot can be over easy, or over hard with people teaming you.
I am a w3arena user and I often play RT there, I'm sure some of you also enjoys playing 2v2 or 1v1 (like Pinballmap posted a 1v1 replay).

Does anyone would like to play AT ? I'm French so I am usually free in the evening CET time and week ends. I play hu/ne.
By now you should have seen me playing on some game, you should have an idea of my micro/macro skills (not saying they are good !)

General Discussion / GProxy++ Window 7 64 bits
« on: October 06, 2013, 07:47:41 pm »
Hey Guys,

So it is me who brought GProxy++ to this forum, and supported it for a while, but I've migrated to Windows 7 Pro 64 bits and I cannot make it work, GProxy runs (the black small window opens) and then crashes

Did anyone succeed to make it work on this plateform ?


General Discussion / Does it worth to go 100 food ?
« on: September 19, 2013, 04:46:34 pm »
Hi guys,

I realized something, at 80 food you mine 7 gold, at 100 food you mine 4 gold. So basically, it means that you will mine the exactly same amount of gold with :
  • 4 mines @ 80
  • 7 mines @ 100

3 extras mines, needs 15 workers, so basically, you can only have an army 5 food higher, which is almost nothing ?

Or with:
  • 3 mines @ 80
  • 5 mines @ 100
you also almost earn the same amout of gold (3*7=21, 5*4=20) so in this case, you only need 10 extra workers, so you can have a 10 food higher army, which start to be not negligible.

However, more expos means more expos to harass for your opponent.

More generally, when facing a 2v1, I always wonder whether it is a good idea to go 100 food with more expo to be able to have a better map control, or is it better to stay 80 with less expos to defend.

What is your opinion on that ?

Ladder Discussion / Freezes on Bot
« on: September 10, 2013, 09:45:07 am »
Hello Everyone,

I know I should post this on playFFA.com but I do not have the right to create a new thread, and I'm not sure there is an open topic for this.

For several weeks now, I have lot of freeze on bot, I'm playing from Europe (northrend) and I know it is not my connection or my computer because I have no issue on w3arena.
I know a little bit how GHost works, maybe the latency or the synclimit via the following commands has been changed:
  • !latency {number} set game latency (20-500), leave blank to see current latency
  • !synclimit {number} set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit

I think it could be the latency, setting the latency to a low value can improve (really slightly) delay for players with good connection in America, but a low latency can give freezes/spikes to players with not such a good connection (especially from Europe, you cannot have a very good connection with Atlanta).

So could I please ask what is the current latency value ? If it is low (less than 100) could you please try to set it for few days to 150 so I check if I have less freezes ?
If too many people complain for an increase in delay then you can still change it to the previous value (shouldn't happen).
Note that I could change it myself via the !latency command in game, but I do not have the correct rights to do this command.

Or maybe something else changed in the bot configuration ?


General Discussion / new FML chat
« on: April 18, 2013, 04:17:03 pm »
Guys, go chat here :
NO LOGIN REQUIRED, just enter a nick and you're ok !


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