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Topics - SteppinRazor

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / FML Retirement
« on: August 29, 2014, 03:19:21 pm »
I have decided that following the conclusion of this season in FML, I plan to retire from playing Warcraft 3.  I am simply too busy to continue to devote time and energy to staying active - life is too demanding! I have a full-time job, a new girlfriend, am working towards a master's degree, and am in the process of starting up my own business; can't be staying up all night playing FFA anymore :(

I felt that I wanted to make a topic specifically to say "bye" to everyone in FML because when I think back to my wc3 career this community is without a doubt the best memory I will have related to playing this game.  It has been a long and awesome journey being a participant in the FML/FFA community, and I am very grateful to all of the past and current admins (Worpex, Mage, Pinball, Renaud, Ugri, Wrecktify, Persuade... anyone else I'm forgetting) and all of the players who I have gotten to know for making FML such a successful and incredible league.  I would like to think that I can consider many of you to be friends, despite the fact that I have never met any of you in real life and don't know most of your real names!  I have been a member of FML since season 10 (I think?) and it has only improved as the seasons have passed.  I also want to give Ugri a specific shoutout for everything he has done with playFFA and how much of a positive impact it has had on FFA.

I have many fond memories that I will not soon forget, and while I never won a FML Title I'd like to think I have made SOMEWHAT of a name for myself as being a halfway decent player.  Retirement does not mean disappearance, I'm sure I will be around to say hi sometimes and maybe even play a few games on the playffa bot.  But as far as I can see now, my playing days are probably over for the most part (or maybe I'll pull a Brett Favre and sign up for season 20... who knows).  Also, I DO plan to play in the final game this season even though I know I can't advance past this round. 

EDIT: I live near Grand Rapids, Michigan, and if anyone ever happens to venture through this area feel free to contact me and we have have a beer... or 11.  We have some of the best breweries in America (not even kidding, go google it).

 :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud: :ud:

League Discussion / S19 R1 Predictions!!!
« on: June 24, 2014, 11:05:55 am »
Code: [Select]
:Belgium: :ne: MattiasG
:USA: :ud: SteppinRazor
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:USA: :orc: Ashalar

:Kazakhstan: :ud: DV-
:Germany: :ud: PwNu.Wan
:Russia: :ra: qwest
:Russia: :ra: AJIKAIII

:Argentina: :ne: Supremo
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Germany: :orc: Lightweight
:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2

:Russia: :ud: DNIWE-VOVA
:USA: :ra: Re-Chavez
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Germany: :orc: Ostone

:France: :ne: Meeds
:Belarus: :ne: yaodintakoi
:Germany: :hu: Yaws

:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:USA: :ud: Red7z7
:Russia: :orc: Ludix
:United_Kingdom: :ne: WarchiefRich

:Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :ra: Persuade
:Russia: :ra: Sk2Flash

:Belgium: :ne: MattiasG
:USA: :ud: SteppinRazor
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:USA: :orc: Ashalar

Seems like it could be a nice game, but Renaud is the best here for sure

:Kazakhstan: :ud: DV-
:Germany: :ud: PwNu.Wan
:Russia: :ra: qwest
:Russia: :ra: AJIKAIII

Wan is good but very aggressive and will probably go broke first, I think it will be between DV and qwest and qwest is good at manip and hoarding

:Argentina: :ne: Supremo
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Germany: :orc: Lightweight
:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2

LW #1

:Russia: :ud: DNIWE-VOVA
:USA: :ra: Re-Chavez
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Germany: :orc: Ostone

I think Ostone could win but seksi is definitely the favorite here

:France: :ne: Meeds
:Belarus: :ne: yaodintakoi
:Germany: :hu: Yaws Wrecktify

Yaws won't show, and I expect Wreck will get atleast 3 sub wins this season, this one being his first.  He will spam 8D so much that Duck will be unable to concentrate on his garg micro

:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:USA: :ud: Red7z7
:Russia: :orc: Ludix
:United_Kingdom: :ne: WarchiefRich

Hopefully Rich goes beastmaster hunt rush vs ludix, otherwise it will be a fast GG

:Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :ra: Persuade
:Russia: :ra: Sk2Flash

Probably the match of the round, mog and persuade are top players and if I remember correctly flash is very good as well.  pbm is kind of up and down, but should be able to hang in there as well.  I think persuade will pull off a tough win in the end.

League Discussion / FFL Round 2 Predictions
« on: March 18, 2014, 06:26:35 pm »
:USA: :ud: Wuffle/Yane
:Denmark: :ne: ZTsoso
:Russia: :orc: Cheeron
:Russia: :hu: 4erwac

I expect Yane to dominate, and being on a smaller solo map should only make things more comfortable for him.

:Portugal: :ne: F10ex
:France: :ne: Meeds
:Bulgaria: :hu: Scrapper
:France: :ne: PSG

Don't really know much about PSG or Scrapper so kinda up in the air here but F10 has always been good in FML games.  Meeds is decent too and could probably pull off the win with smart play.

:Germany: :orc: Lightweight
:USA: :ud: Goodbeast
:USA: :ud: Worpex
:United_Kingdom: :ne: Delorex

I expect the game will end between LW with a level 10 tinker vs Worpex with a level 10 CL, and ofc tinker wins in baserace.  Goodbeast will call someone bro.

:Germany: :ne: Flavus
:Belgium: :ud: MattiasG
:Germany: :orc: Letshavesomefun
:Denmark: :hu: Noexx

Don't know anyone here well, but Mattias has been active and pretty decent in games ive seen of him.

:USA: :hu: Re-Chavez
:USA: :ra: SteppinRazor
:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2
:United_Kingdom: :ud: Microwithme

NoMercy fighting!

General Discussion / FML Single Game Records
« on: July 26, 2013, 12:59:20 pm »
Was thinking it might be cool to record certain achievements/records in FML over the history of the seasons.  Things, on a single game basis, such as:

Highest Score: Humans7ar- 535 105 Replay: download
Most Unit Kills: Renaud - 472 Replay: download
Most Hero Kills: Brainman - 32  Replay: download
Most Building Kills Humans7ar- 184 Replay: download
Longest Game:S8 M?: 4:41:23
(renaud/louis/lost/nooblex)Winner: Renaud Replay: download

S17M56: 5h46m58
(renaud/magadansky/meeds/j33) Winner: j33. Replay: download

Shortest Game:S13 EM6: 12:33
 ( duck/rkk/persuade/majin game)Winner: PLZLEAVEDUCK Replay: download

Most Building constructions: Humans7ar- 180 Replay: download
Most units built: Renaud 767 Replay: download
Highest average APM (atleast 1hour length): WaN with ~383 in 1:39:56 replay: download
Lowest APM and winning: Kruppe with ~47 S11 M20 Replay: download

And any other things worth being added that I can't think of

I just think it would be cool and interesting (I'm sure other people would be interested as well).  I'd be willing to do some research if others would be willing to help out :D

- Replay is needed, otherwise we can not count the record.
- Replay must be: 1.26 AND from FML Regular season, qualifiers, King of FFA 1/2

This does not include: Bot ladder games or battle.net ladder games.

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