FFA Masters League

League => League Discussion => Topic started by: FML|red7z7 on October 05, 2011, 03:49:55 pm

Title: S10 finalist interview: htrt
Post by: FML|red7z7 on October 05, 2011, 03:49:55 pm
As we approach the long-awaited season finale, our four finalists have taken the time to give the community a real treat: a series of interviews! First up in this series is the human virtuoso htrt.

Hello congratulations on making it into the FML season 10 finals. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Like where are you from, how old are you, what you study or do for a job, etc?
<htrt.> im from quebec 22 years old im studying electrics engeenering

When did you start playing FFA, and what is your favorite part of FFA?
<htrt.> I started with the ladder account remember] but didn't stay on bnet long I joined ggc community
<htrt.> favorite part is it exploits everything in warcraft 3 and you can take it cool and relax at many parts...you don't feel like a try hard

What do you consider to be the best spell in FFA, and why?
<htrt.> hmm
<htrt.> in a bnet ladder game mass tp in a fml game silence
<htrt.> because mass tp won't win you a 2v1 in fml and they will 2v1 if they are good, ultimately it will only help for base race but there are staff of teleportation for that but on ladder bnet games are dumb and fast paced so mass tp rules
<htrt.> silence wins any fight
<htrt.> and I guess dominating fights in fml is important
<htrt.> lets say mass tp is a close second :P

To give us some insight into your success so far, could you tell us how you prepare for your FML matches, if at all? Do you research your opponents, come up with specific strats based on map and races, etc?
<htrt.> I used to prepare very weird builds/combos for fun, but now I only create a solo game with the
<htrt.> map and make up a good build/creep order and
<htrt.> think in advance of hero combo I will use
<htrt.> as for my opponents I stalk replays sometimes so I know pretty much everybody

Is there anything you’re particularly afraid of or anything you are hoping to see in the final match?
<htrt.> I hate human vs human with all my heart and I hoped humanstar would fail :D

Any final words or advice to say to the community or your opponents before going into your final match?
<htrt.> keep playing ffa and having fun ! for opponents : do not go too far when you destroy my base because one of you will need me to win

Thanks for your time and gl in final!
<htrt.> lol thank you too
Title: Re: S10 finalist interview: htrt
Post by: hydro on October 06, 2011, 03:01:28 am
lol i loved it!
Title: Re: S10 finalist interview: htrt
Post by: Ugrilainen on October 06, 2011, 10:43:32 am
for opponents : do not go too far when you destroy my base because one of you will need me to win

priceless  :icon_biggrin: