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Topics - F10EX

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / cant open wc3 after patchback 1.26
« on: March 25, 2016, 09:05:31 pm »
Ive installed wc3 brand new, on a new computer, because i fucked up my old one.

It works when i play it on 1.27, then i installed replay Kit, and im familiar with it.
Ive patched back to 1.26

This error appears, ive tried every solution i can come up, c++, reinstall etc.

even If i patch back to 1.21 it works, just on 1.26a it gives this problem.

General Discussion / FFArena
« on: February 12, 2016, 09:01:03 am »
Why is it so dead?
Why nobody even though they have admin rights, just boycots the bot?
if the bot stays inactive for 1 week, its an avalanche effect, and it gets worse and worse, the same can be said in the opposite direction.

Why doesn't anybody want to try and make some efforts to make it alive again?
Wouldn't it be more fun to play vs thousands of players instead of the same 5?

Social Media / Chatbox ''exploded''
« on: April 26, 2014, 02:40:58 pm »
 :icon_sad: :icon_sad: :icon_sad: :icon_sad: :icon_sad: :icon_sad: :icon_sad: :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted: :hu: :ne: :orc: :ra: :ud: :icon_arrow: :icon_arrow: :icon_arrow: :icon_arrow:

League Discussion / FFL W4 Predictions!
« on: April 14, 2014, 10:19:45 pm »
So I decided to make, since its the most fun in the pre-game times, and you can get an idea of the match ups.

:Germany: :hu: Lightweight (no show)
:Denmark: :hu: Noexx
:Germany: :ne: Flavus
:USA: :ud: Worpex

I think noexx will win, because hes the strongest, and lw won't show:D

:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2
:Belgium: :ud: MattiasG
:Portugal: :ne: F10ex
:USA: :ne: FML|Mage

Interesting game, I think mattiasg is very strong. on this map anything can happen and I don't think im the favourite.

:Germany: :orc: Letshavesomefun
:Russia: :hu: 4erwac
:United_Kingdom: :ne: Delorex
:USA: :ud: SteppinRazor

Strongest FFA player here, the others won't be much of a challange, even though its a small map, delorex might solo everyone out.

:Russia: :orc: Cheeron
:France: :ne: Meeds
:Denmark: :ne: ZTsoso
:Bulgaria: :hu: Scrapper

I think hell be ignored here, and win, even though even if he doesnt get ignored he will likely win.

General Discussion / Feeding @ WM17
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:46:07 am »
Unless feeding is alowed, there was feeding more than once at this match.
LW fed Pinball at minute 41, even after pinballs warning that it was illegal  he keptdoing it.
Another at minute 56.
If nothing gets done with this shit, im done

Suggestions / Siege FFA Game
« on: March 27, 2012, 06:04:54 pm »
So I had this idea of making a Siege only game, by this I would add the following rules, that are obviously flexible with your inputs:

-Only Siege units are allowed:
   + Demolishers
   + Glaive Throwers
   + Mortar team
   + Steam Tanks
   + Meat Wagons
-Hero restricitons:
   +Forbidden heroes:
BM - we are sick of this samurai
TC - (wave)
AM - (bliz)
BMage - (firething)
PB - (bof)
PL - bad (rof)
Tinker - Imba
+Only 2 heroes 1 Tavern

-There are no tier restrictions, and no tower restrictions

What you guys think?
Who's in?

Pages: [1]