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Messages - tuna

Pages: [1]
News / Re: Use of !ping
« on: March 03, 2017, 07:20:57 am »
That is the opportunity for TMNT team to get at least some points.

News / Re: Communication Pause
« on: February 28, 2017, 07:37:40 am »
If we ever find that this rule is being abused or makes the game frustrating to watch/play, we will consider banning it.

Would you please explain this to me. Are you going to ban this rule or a player who abuse it?

News / Re: Communication Pause
« on: February 28, 2017, 07:13:38 am »
I want to reiterate one thing:


This is simply a clarification on a gray area. Manip pausing was never formally banned in FML. As Renaud mentioned, there is a chance we will formally ban it but at the current moment it is legal.

So, its not a step-backwards, as nothing was changed.

By forbidding unpausing you give unfair advantage to players who are not so good at multitasking and make this game unpleasant to watch. Let the players decide if they want this plause-manip or not.
There is one more thing. Imagine that you watch replay and you suddenly miss all the chat that was made in last 10 minutes. Not cool.

And yes. It is a rule changing.

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