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Messages - Lightweight

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General Discussion / Re: MAPS FOR FRA1 BOT
« on: October 16, 2016, 09:22:32 am »
Every map is OK except for searcher BOG rdm heroes.

News / Re: Season 24 Applications
« on: October 15, 2016, 08:53:11 pm »
1. W3arena : Lightweight
2. :Germany:
3. :hu:/ :orc:

General Discussion / Re: FML S23 Video
« on: October 15, 2016, 08:50:21 pm »
Congratulation Cumulo, i like the little details you put into this like the skill bars in the end or the country according to the player. I'm sure it was a big time investment to watch replays and look for good and interesting moments. I agree with Fetta that maybe showing healthbars could make it even better. You seem talented for making movies. Song choice is dramatic and exciting too for me.

General Discussion / Re: Weekly FFA Talkshow?!
« on: October 14, 2016, 09:26:33 pm »
I would be up for some Jerry Springer aftergame talk where players can let it all out. Moderated by Wreck. That would the most epic thing to happen.

League Discussion / Re: Feedback for S23
« on: October 14, 2016, 08:52:16 pm »
Honestly "organized free for all" is an oxymoron, and the more objectively I try to look at it the more pointless it seems.  If any type of play should be promoted, its the type of play that makes it more chaotic, instead of this weekly political meeting of sociopaths where you all gather around and use Warcraft 3 as a means to lie and manipulate each other for hours.  That's not good gameplay.  That's not good free for all.  That's not good Warcraft.  What that is is garbage, get me away from that.

I can sign that as it is. I sometimes miss the ladder because you had to figure by the playstyle who you are being up against and you actually needed scout. Besides that ffa was shit due to hackers and delay.

League Discussion / Re: Feedback for S23
« on: October 14, 2016, 06:27:17 pm »
What made the finals so interesting was the Wrecktify/Mog cast, i mean they really did a good job there. I agree with you Worpex, need to make FFA as interesting as possible for the viewers.

General Discussion / Re: To Cumulo, Mog and Wrecktify
« on: October 14, 2016, 04:45:54 pm »
The 4:30h final is not a good promotion for FFA in general i would say  :icon_mrgreen:

1/6 of a day just for a single game rofl.

General Discussion / Re: Bringing FFA to China - Must read
« on: October 14, 2016, 04:44:51 pm »
Today on Back2Warcraft Twitch, Neo and Yaws talked about that there is a Europe Bot in discussion for Netease. Would that mean that if you get into a game with 2 europeans at Netease you play on a europe bot? If you play with an asian who gets the favour?

I agree that Netease seems to be the shit right now and w3arena although ambitioned would suffer hard from a europe bot on netease.

I just can't imagine how this would work. For the FFA part it's a good idea why not.

League Discussion / Re: Feedback for S23
« on: October 14, 2016, 04:33:30 pm »
I could write map suggestions, rule changes and so on, but i think this league is overall great and the admin-team is experienced enough to make the right steps and twist some screws here and there. It doesn't need any big changes.

At least i have some funny ideas that i brainstormed through:

1. A round with rdm heroes!
I think most of us dislike random heroes maps (including me), but it would make up for some funny games i bet.

2. Tavern heroes only round!
Instead of random heroes we make a round where we can only choose tavern heroes. I know this might favour elves, but hey it's just an idea.

3. No-chat joker VETO
Every player has one so called NO-CHAT Joker throughout the whole season that he can use at anytime in the game which means that the rest of the players will not be allowed to use chat throughout the end of the game.

We can make some exceptions. For example vetoing a semi-final or final isn't allowed. THat would make up for some new strategies. You could use your no-chat veto right before u want to stomp someone with your army and he won't be able to call for help, people would have to scout more (Ebo-Style).

4. Make games more dynamic/fast-paced:
I agree with soso. Nobody likes 4 hour games where nothing happens after 30 minutes until the last 20 minutes where you get a thrilling base race.
Each of us has a certain age and time is a limited ressource to us, isn't it?
Find a way to benefit people who try to stay active and are interested to make games greater to watch for observers.

5. Reign of Chaos Round:
This sounds crazy i know, but why don't we make a round with Reign of Chaos?! I'm sure it is new to most of us and would provide some epic fun and strategies.

6. Point Distribution:
I agree with Eshan that the top score doesn't mean you have been the best player. There is hundreds of different approaches to play ffa. Being aggressive and going broke later while you ended as top score doesn't qualify you for extra points. The fact why most of us love ffa is because EVERYONE can win. Nobody would observe a game if you know that in 99 % of the games the same guy wins.

7. Bring back 12 ways!
12 ways cause chaos, insane dynamics, are a lot of fun to play and observe! The only problem is to get a proper cast for it  :icon_mrgreen:

8. Bring back Celebrity FFA:
You could make this a series. I know there has been pro-player ffa games before long time ago. Play 8 ways with a combination of 50 % solo pro's and 50 % ffa guys. I know the excitement would be big and you could promote FML very well through this.

9. Donation:
Give us a possibilty to donate a prize pool for the season, i'm sure we can get 100$ for the winner of a season. That would maybe bring back some lost players and new ones too, if there is something to win besides pride and honour.

That is all that i can think of right now. I hope you gonna like one of those.


News / Re: Season 23 Grand Final is upon us
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:55:37 pm »
So, here is my prediction:


Under.Sta  :USA:  :ne:

After Yane disappearing from the surface and due to Wrecktify's slackness he is combined with Donald Trump the last hope USA has left. Under.Sta is known for his overall solid plays and great decision making. You can't go wrong with him since the map suits his race.

J33.  :Finland:  :ne:

The Tranquility in person. Former champion and the most experienced for a final game situation. In 99% of his games he won't lose his temper or manners. Always solid and probably the best macro-management from all finalists. Whenever i played against him, it was not easy to take him out. Surely a fearsome force to be reckoned with when he plays  :ne:

Geass  :Germany:  :hu:

Wan, Lightweight, Humanstar, Ente, Pinballmap, Yaws, Maddog, Ostone, Shave, Ena... the list of German failure could be continued for much longer. When everyone thought the Germans are done for good suddenly Geass appeared, a fresh and to the ffa community unknown player that cleaned up the league from the very bottom and left behind many veterans. He made me one of the richest guys in FML so im thankfull towards him. Geass is definetly not to be underestimated.

  :Switzerland:  :hu: :orc:

Noexx is clearly one of the FML veterans that went through everything. He fought for season wins and played a huge amount of FFArena ladder games to improve his skillset. In the semi-final he showed us that he is there when it comes to DO or Die situations. I won't hide that i feel the most sympathy for him, but it is going to be a big piece of work for him on deadlock. The map doesn't favour  :hu:/ :orc: so he needs to develop a gameplan. I don't predict him to win because he lost his ease through all the manipulative games he had to play throughout the years.

News / Re: Semi Finals 2 Result
« on: September 28, 2016, 08:30:31 am »
Tleilaxu got his justice for this game. Shave turns out as a top level consultant for players. Eshan suicides the last 30 minutes into soso. Soso loses his main to a sneaky 100 from Noexx, Cumulo with the sexy naga play but making the wrong army.

Noexx delay/ping issue manip was the best i have ever seen. Losing fights on purpose to let it look like it would be easy to beat him later on while constantly mining. I wish i could say i told him about the genious gameplan, but obviously it was shave... GG WP Finals map = Gold Rush please!

What you learn from playing only orc is that Blademaster is a good hero!

News / Re: FML Season 22 Winner
« on: July 02, 2016, 07:04:59 am »
I forgot something... MOG!

News / Re: FML Season 22 Winner
« on: July 02, 2016, 07:04:18 am »
I haven't seen the replay, yet (shame on me), but congratulations to soso. He definetly brings the skillset to win a final game and be a great competetor throughout a whole season. Also nice descritpion by you Maga  :icon_wink:. Yeah nobody thought denmark could win in 1992, it similar to Wales that are surprisingly in the semi-final now.

News / Re: FML FFA Cup VI Announcement
« on: April 09, 2016, 10:20:44 am »
I think that is too early for registration or not? Otherwise there will be 20 % missing.

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