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Messages - Slythe

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 35
Scheduling / Re: S31 M21
« on: March 23, 2020, 05:17:17 pm »
tue-fri: 20-23
sat: whole day

2nd week
sun-friday: n/a
sat: not sure yet
sun: 14-21

go play it this week!
or sunday 2nd week are my suggestions

map: either PG or SP

News / Re: Team Battle Royale 4 | Sign up by Nov 22!
« on: November 06, 2019, 02:36:25 pm »
Name: Slythe
Country: Germany
Race(s): Randome
Captain Volunteer: no
Why should a captain draft you? Need to improve my TBR % - % matters!

Scheduling / Re: S30 M28
« on: October 14, 2019, 04:36:40 pm »
Thu 24. : 21-22 CET
Sat: 26. : 20-23CET
Sun: unclear yet but maybe 11 am - 2 pm

Scheduling / Re: S30 M20
« on: October 04, 2019, 03:49:41 pm »
keep the 6/10 17 CET time

it seems now that iīll be there and if not sub me as i said
next sunday is also uncertain, so better go this sunday imo.

Scheduling / Re: S30 M20
« on: October 04, 2019, 01:53:07 pm »
Cannot really say how it goes on sunday... if you guys want keep the 17 CET slot and iīll see if i can make it.

When we donīt find another time except next week same time (which i also can only confirm late notice) go for the suggested and sub me (again) if i wonīt be able to join.

Scheduling / Re: S30 M20
« on: October 01, 2019, 12:44:13 pm »
most likely i can tell yo by friday if sunday 17 CET works for me.

Scheduling / Re: S30 M20
« on: September 30, 2019, 05:57:08 pm »
so i post my sunday availability!

10-14 CET

prolly can later but donīt know yet. Ofc i could other days aswell.


Scheduling / Re: S30 M11
« on: September 17, 2019, 07:08:55 am »
Hey, if it is okay for you guys, can we play monday 30th, 21 CET?
I doubt that i can make 29. , 21/22 CET. But if its possible somehow, i'll join.

Thanks Hightac for mentioning my post.

Scheduling / Re: S30 M1
« on: September 05, 2019, 04:45:11 pm »
seems like the only possible time, so letīs do it!

Scheduling / Re: S30 M1
« on: September 03, 2019, 06:51:57 pm »
any map is okay.

Scheduling / Re: S30 M1
« on: September 03, 2019, 08:00:17 am »
so we can try to play this sunday around 13 CET? Atleast keep checking fmlmasters/discord if we can make that or similar time happen. Iīd say letīs try this sunday.

News / Re: FML Season 30 | Round 1
« on: September 01, 2019, 02:45:39 pm » we go again. Season 30!
Some have the chance to net a 2nd win and there are plenty of guys that are overdue with winning a season. Itīs gonna be glorious.

Match 1

:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Germany: :ra: Joggel
:Lithuania: :hu::ud: Peanut
:Bulgaria: :orc::ud: rbr.Godfather

very very interesting

Match 2

:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Kazakhstan: :ud: DV
:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo
:USA: :ra: Eshan

DV> Gradient & Cumulo > Eshan >> DV>Cumulo

Match 3

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Germany: :hu: GEASS
:Finland: :ra: Rain
:Estonia: :orc: Betoon

qwest best shape from what i know, but geass obviously always dangerous with his micro & race and last season shown patience and tryhard.
Havenīt Rain see play long time so absolutely no clue - he holds the finnish stripes high. Betoon is to me - solely for his accname an alltime favourite.

Match 4

:Czech: :hu: Lil Tic
:Russia: :orc: mrSweets
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Russia: :ra: Airenikus

hopefully we see two orc vs 2 humans, but i doubt airenikus will play orc. so itīll be interesting to see what approach Tic will take, how effective sweets herofocus will be, how much noe will care and what openings airenikus can create or will present for him.

Match 5

:Finland: :ra: aarnikratti
:Belarus: :hu::ud: ep123
:Russia: :orc: b100death
:Germany: :ra: FAiL.Life

aarni has do deliver, but can he handle the pressure he created around himself as the hyped new school ffamaster? i think he can. ep is pretty active and in shape though and b100 seems to be as precise and clinical as ever. Life has some fml experience and will be underestimated due to his inconsistent showing and basically never playing inhouses.

Match 6

:Russia: :ra: Jaod
:Germany: :ne: Trunkz
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
:Russia: :orc: Jiexa

havenīt seen jaod, trunkz or jiexa playing much or at all lately, which makes junkerzam the logical favourite. But normally it could be everyones game. jaod pretty strong vs trunkz early, while junker also has a chance vs him, but suffers from the fate of a rdm player timing wise against that strat i suppose. If jiexa can survive midgame heīs in for a surprise.

Match 7

:USA: :ud: Vyvanne
:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
:Germany: :hu: QQs

looking forward to how this gonna play out! supremo and fetta always in for some giggles and maybe qqs wanna make them bend their knee to him and his humankings crown.

Scheduling / Re: S30 M1
« on: August 31, 2019, 03:22:37 pm »
here we go again ^^.

all times CET

Sun: not clear, most likely n/a
Mon: 20-22
Tue: 20-21
Wed-Friday: 20 CET
Sat: n/a

2nd week:

Sunday: not sure yet, maybe early or late (12-14, 22 CET)
Mon: 20-22
Tue: 20-21
Wed-Friday: 20 CET

Sat/Sun: n/a

News / Re: FML Season 30 | Sign up!
« on: August 28, 2019, 01:37:27 pm »

News / Re: FML Season 29 | Winner is...
« on: March 11, 2019, 02:56:09 pm »
cumulo, i made a tom hanks reference in the obs chat :D saw it the same (although i might called him forrest gump, cannot remember ^^)

Sheeesh - that game was beautiful - for bondage fetish lovers, masochists and overall mostly a torture for everyone involved. On the other hand it served for some special circumstances and unique situational scenarios: cannot remember ever watching that weird island & cliff hopping in such a nerdy, intensive way.
Also how cumulo and geass worked together to get the camp & spank 2.0 guy from his treasure island, i mean how many items cumulo did geass give? ( tic missed it to steal them with invi heroes before they were handed, thatīd be a fun move :D).

Players breakdown from my POV:

Janker: Played a strong early 1v1 vs geass with good timing. His choice for tinker/panda was good, maybe with potm woulda gain more mapcontrol which is so important vs humans, especially mass tp/baserace/islands. Was hard for him when cumulo pushed him that much with a big gold advantage, sticked around quite well, when he was almost out already, but suffered from cumulos will to take out air army, mb cuz he feared chims vs builds in baserace + tinker.

Cumulo: Spanked all of them one by one but missed to take one out, he most likely coulda take it 1v2 with his gold advantage. Kept his cool during the game quite well and hustled until the end.

liltic: seemed to plan that game about sticking around until his heroes are 6, atleast the Am, retreating to islands, manipping & teaming without using any gold early, hoping to outgold them in the end by losing minimum amount of slack and flying once again under the radar. It almost worked out but fire got fought with fire and to face two mass-tp humans in such a scenario limited his chances by a lot.
Missed some chances to take out geass castle/workshop or cumulos last buildings.

geass: just did enough not to die early vs janker, was in a bad spot or atleast really not in a good spot but made some good choices and moves later (adding griffs to army to have more dps to kill cumulos AM, killing tics t2 hall with paladin being staffed there, making workshop (after HOURS of not knowing how to deal with islands!!!), end sequence with taking island by his own) and stayed composed and tryhard until the end. Never had thought it would work to build constructions for getting mortar and gyros. In the end he was the last man standing his ground on that right cliff like the last emperor of the iron throne in game of thrones...after many kings were slaughtered or atleast sent into exile.

There were a couple of close moments were the tides could have turned, like last peasant killed and revived, crititcal buildings not found in time it is often the case and luck played once again a big role.

The issues with islands are that they made up for so long, complicated games when ffa is complicated enough already. It can be so stressful and seemingly unfair and lame. Geass and cumulo stayed relatively calm for that...the guy who executes the island lame is always in the better psychological position and just takes the advantage of having the literally the upperhand when everyone could decide to do the same - which is really an easy thing to do.
Island can be okay to me when they are used in a baserace scenario though to make buildings less easy reachable, but not with camping or building mass towers.
Sometimes it seems legit - when you get overteamed pretty hard - to retreat to an island and defend from there when you donīt have any other opportunity to survive. But people seem to tend using those tactics way too early and too often these days, same as crying for help with 20k in bank when itīll appriopiate to call help when youīre down to like 2k etc...

The thing is with abusing islands in almost every game spoils the fun  - atleast to me - a lot.
Although I donīt have too many really tough island camp & lame games in FML as i can remember. Mostly in bnet ladder games that occured and was super annoying - because on the one hand you want to win but u know it will take a lot of extra time (and u usually need someone to team up with that is aware of whats going and can communicate in a proper way) and you donīt want to encourage the island lamer to go on with this style of play, once he gets way more wins than he usually would get.

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