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:Russia: :ra: mrSweets
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: Spielmann
:USA: :ra: Seksi

November 01, 2017, 03:21:20 pm
Re: FML Season 27 | Sign up! Come on guys, I know we know who most of you are but humor us and at least follow the very small amount of rules we have for this sign-up!!
If you want to participate in FML Season 27, please post your name, nationality and Warcraft 3 race into this thread, by Feb 28 (20 CET)

February 26, 2018, 06:09:37 pm
Re: S27 M31
Ok seksi and xa lost their schedule rights. @aarnikratti want to confirm that time?

Lets wait for seksi's and iza's posts, it would be nice to play with the real cast of this game.

March 22, 2018, 10:36:23 am
Re: FFArena ladder breaking news Bot is now technically ready.

We can start a new era of FFA ladder once FML site is updated

April 02, 2018, 11:31:44 pm
Re: playFFA ladder breaking news Issue is many here think that the 30 active FML active players = the whole world of FFA

Obviously competitive players are not fans of FFA with rh heroes since tryhard strategies are not really in order.

Recreational players - that make the bot have game started, love RH and rioted when we reduced the rate to 40%.

This is just the difference between @Eshan like players that see the game through the scope of FML only and claim that "only a few people enjoy it" and guys like me that talk to all sorts of players (no offense).

When I ran playFFA, it was NOT true that rh heroes games filled slower than normal ones, that was the contrary!

As for the games not starting fast @Joggel - the bot is not yet started officially (waiting for FML admins to fix the website) and tehre is still the competition of Profforg that refuses to close his bot (to undermine this one).

We will get there, its not like we didnt do it before - when playFFA started, 5 to 6 FFA bots popped up in the next 2 months - often ran by upset people wanting playFFA to fail.

Good management > any competition.

Note that Im just putting the bases of a successful ladder system after you guys asked me to a few months ago. I organized negotiations so a working system is installed and controlled by FML.

If when it's done and I'm no longer in the picture, you guys want to change everything and put 0% of rh games, be my guest. While i'm here just allow me to make something that works instead.

April 07, 2018, 01:40:33 am
Patch 129 Warcraft 3 clean install quick guide Some folks seem to be having issues with patching to 129 as many of us used 126a for W3arena.  Here's a short guide on what worked for me. Your mileage may vary, but hopefully this is helpful for people.

Step 1 - Back up your maps/downloads and replays folder, as well as anything else you want to keep (screenshots, customkeys, etc).

Step 2 - Uninstall every version of Wc3 you have on your computer. After running uninstall, go back to c:/program files and completely delete the Warcraft III folder as well. Uninstall does not remove everything, so you will want to make sure to have a 100% clean slate.

Step 3 - If you have physical CDs, install RoC/TFT that way.  If you purchased online thru Blizzard's site, go to battle.net and log into your account, download the game client.  Blizzard should just give 1 client to install RoC and TFT.

Step 4 - Run Wc3, select gateway + login to bnet to download 129. 

Step 5 - Copy back downloads/replays/keys into the new Wc3 folder.

MOUSE ISSUES - some people (including me) have reported mouse issues with 129.  Remo has posted a possible workaround that seems to help. You make a shortcut to your Wc3 executable and add -opengl to the shortcut path.


2nd solution to mouse issues - If "-opengl" does not work, try " -graphicsapi OpenGL2"

If you want to continue to keep running w3a in a separate 126a folder, let me know and I can walk you through those steps. I have both running currently with no issues.

April 11, 2018, 03:31:32 pm
Warcraft 3 Reforged Hi guys,

As you know, Warcraft 3 Reforged was announced last weekend. A member from the Hive created the below list of what we know so far. I'm curious to hear what you think about Reforged and I created an FML feedback thread in the new Warcraft 3 forum. I hope my feedback summarizes the most important (FFA-related) points and you agree with it. Feel free to comment it in that thread as well.

My feedback to Blizzard from FML perspective


What we know so far

- Same engine as classic WC3, current engine upgraded (confirmed),
- Easier customization of hotkeys (confirmed),
- On Battle.Net Launcher (confirmed),
- Crossplay between Reforged and Classic (confirmed),
- In options, you can choose to play with old graphics (confirmed),
- Classic mods compatible on Reforged (confirmed),
- Reforged includes ROC & TFT campaigns (confirmed),
- "Skins" and cosmetics (confirmed)
- Released in 2019 (confirmed),
- New editor can import old maps (confirmed),
- Old map will load HD models (confirmed),
- Audio will be upgraded, in every language Classic had and even more (re-recording with the same old actors) (confirmed),
- Old audio will still be in the game (confirmed),
- Achievements system (confirmed),
- New editor will be an improved version of the current editor (confirmed),
- Melee gameplay *mostly* unaffected (confirmed),
- New races ("Can't comment."),
- Balancing will continue to happen post-Reforged (confirmed),
- System requirement can't be said yet, due to the game still being in dev. (confirmed)

November 05, 2018, 08:40:30 am
Re: S31 M6 ok for me, id rather not play until 3pm est

i vote for dragon island

March 09, 2020, 04:51:09 pm