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New Site Features! :ra2: :FMLQ: :ra2:

At the request of literally no one, I took it upon myself as the FML Webmaster to make some site changes and add some new features!! Woohoo!!!

First thing I have done is some routine maintenance that I don't do routinely. This may or may not speed up the site. I also updated the forum up to the newest version of SMF. Afterwards I learned that these updates broke the site. So I rolled them all back! Who needs updates anyway?

The New Features though! Thats really what this post is about. So, The following features are new. Feel free to play around with them and annoy fellow FML members with them:

1. Mentions! By using the @ symbol and typing in a member name you can summon them to the post. The Summoned member will get a notification on the top bar of the site when they log in next. ex. @FML|WorpeX

2. Post Likes! You can now like posts that you like. This feature is only available in the forum and not the homepage. Dislikes will be available in the year 2020.

3. Default Avatars! To force more people to use avatars and make posts stand out better, I have made everyone without one have an ugly default one. Your welcome!


November 22, 2016, 06:06:47 pm
Re: M23 Result
November 24, 2016, 12:15:02 am
Re: S24 M39 Sure he can, lets play 20h45 CET
December 02, 2016, 11:51:21 am
Re: S24 Grand Final
lol tough call for Noex, 2 of these maps are heavily favor undeads. I think Red wants an und champion no matter the cost ...

Luckily for Noe every map favors human because human imba!

January 25, 2017, 05:42:38 pm
Re: TBR Thursday Week 1 Result Uther since you are new here dont get fooled by mogs flirting tactics.

Hes pulling off the typical "asshole guy" with Renaud as his wingman so he can protect you and make you feel save in his presence.

I warn you because mog and renaud did the same to me when i was new...and i fell for it

I sold all my stuff quit my job and moved to Phoenix to live with mog

it was the worst time of my live he treated me like trash..I can finally say these days that iam over him but  every day i look in the mirror i have this stupid tattoo reminding me of our time together...

Dont think iam just a jelous and hateing ex boyfriend iam really trying to protect you here

February 24, 2017, 01:57:39 am
Re: M22 Result I dont think i ever knew what scummy was until i saw this post. This fool created  a detailed powerpoint presentation with screenshots and POVs and an essay just to try and fuck over some other players after getting a free discwin when he cant  even advance haha. The kind of sad it takes to do that is incomprehensible

Also just to fix ur terrible onesided "analysis" - i had a zepp that i was gonna scoop up my mk, and then just harrass ur buildings till i won. I had too many builds for you to win. And i had scouted your hidden peons and zepp earlier. As we finish laxu u can see me do a full map scout with my zepp. So for you to claim you were going to win this game is asinine and laughable. If somehow i fucked up then you may have had a chance. And the only reason my AM and pally were low was because i was spiking uncontrollably. Admins will make a fair decision, maybe regame, maybe bonus pts, maybe nothing. But its insane how hard you try to fuck people over when either way youre out. Enjoy your disc win, you just showed everyone what a scumbag you are.


June 18, 2017, 07:09:42 pm
Re: TBR2 Concludes! It was a pleasure and great fun to be part in this TBR. Thanks to all admins.

Teams seemed quite balanced and it was a cool mix of standard ffa matches and unusual game modes.

If I could change something, it would be the "truth card", which I think is not necessary and only useful for suicide missions. Furthermore, I think the team matches were rewarded with too many points (15 instead of 20 might have been better).

August 28, 2017, 05:59:07 am
Re: Week 2 Matchups :GR: M9

:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]

I think this map will favor intelligent players with good ffa sense, knowledge about other players gold counts is all-important on this map. Any of these players can fight but the winner will be a player who survive through all these fights. I would say Eshan is the safest bet here because he is very persistent player who won't get defeated easily and who somehow always show up strong in the final stages of the game.

:SP: M10

:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]

I see this as a long game where people manip and sit behind towers, at least Airenikus and Peanut are usually relying on mass tower play. However, this can be anyone's game but I see Shave as a top scorer here because he is probably most aggressive of these players. Shave will also have great chances for complete win if he can keep his head cool and will not get triggered about "teaming" when someone else than his 1v1-opponent touches him.

:AC: M11

:Germany: :hu: LssL [Rage]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]

This cast has three almost equally favourite players for win. It is interesting to see which races Alien and Tyrant will get/pick: Alien is very solid with every race, Tyrant has recently played a lot with other races than with his best race UD, if he eventually will pick UD for this match, he will have got hard opponent from Wreck whose best match-up is against Undeads. I don't know how good LssL but I know he is an active bot player and will now show his skill in real games. If Im forced to guess one winner here, I would say its Alien because he has been in a really great shape lately.

:GW: M12

:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]

As always, Noe is the favourite here but he wont get his win easily, he will face experienced and wise players. Mog's Tinker and Hightac's Alchi will be pivotal things late game, and I also expect that Slythe will pick some good anti-Noe hero combo. I think this match will contain a lot of coordinate teaming and stuff because all these players are good with communication in FFA games.

:GR: M13

:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life [CoR]

Chaotic game incoming. QQs is probably favourite on paper. Supremo is pretty good fighter as we saw in the first round, IWANTWC4 aka DONALDTRUMP has his chatting skills and Fail.Life has his experience from old FML seasons. I predict that QQs will eventually win after a lot of rebuilding and tunnel vision by every player.

:SP: M14

:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Poland: :orc: dragao [FREE]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]

Trunkzz was unbeatable in the first round and I see that same will continue this round. Dragao will be the only player here who has chances to survive till 3 way if he face Trunkzz in first 1v1, if Renaud or Fetta face trunkzz, they can't survive. Renaud did well in the first round but here probably his only chance to win is 100 food chim surprise attack to Trunkzz main. Fetta can actually do some damage too but I don't see him winning here.

:AC: M15

:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]
:Russia: :ud: Spielmann [Ena]
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]

Seksi will win. That small map is not good for Gradient, neither for Spielmann, although Spielmann is not a bad player. MrSweets can put up some fight against Seksi but he can't win him. These players are also bad with communicating so I doubt they would be able to put up some coordinating teaming against Seksi.

:GW: M16

:World: :orc: Betoon [Inc]

:USA: :ne: ludakatapro [FREE]
:Russia: :ud: Jaod [Ena]
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]

Cumulo will try to make a fast push on Jaod but probably that will end up as these players just suiciding each other. While Jaod and Cumulo suiciding each other, Betoon will tome ludakatapro and get some good levels which will be enough for win. I really like the attitude of Betoon, he is training with playing inhouse games actively, he improves every game and he is also a likeable person.

November 01, 2017, 11:55:14 pm
Re: Week 3 Matchups :FF: M17
:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]
:Russia: :ud: Jaod [Ena]
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life [CoR]'

EvilPeanut's power skyrocketed once he embraced the dark side.  Now, on the frozen fields of... Freezing Fields... really guys?  We couldnt have a more creative name than that?  OK whatever, Peanut is basically a sexier version of Noexxx bringing early game and late game skills that thrill.    I REALLY thought Fail Life played NE so I am confused by his orc icon.  Im genuinely sad that Jaod decided to play this season but not on the Bad Manneroths.  HighTac is my new streaming buddy, so I will just be nice and say "Good Luck" to him.  Because he'll need it.  Cause Peanut is going to destroy him.  HAHAHAAHAH.

:MT: M18
:Germany: :hu: LssL [Rage]
:World: :ne: TomToast [Ena]
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]

I only think ive played Supes once and I think I suicided him?  Ill just call now I will probably suicide him.  Or he will suicide me after I start complaining about his map.  Speaking of which this map is bananas.  Your natural expansion is cross map and guarded by a fucking purple golem.  FUCK YOU SUPES.

LSSL will suicide me once im done suiciding Supes, then Tom will be like 'Pip pip cheerio m8s.'

:MO: M19
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]

Slythe keeps drawing the toughest MU for the Bad Manneroths.  And for that:

:SA: M20
:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]

Definitely not biased with my picks here.  100% unbiased coverage.  Zero bias.  None.


Fetta Inc. vs Free Agent Squad vs Suicide Squad vs Zig Zag ZIGGURAT!

:FF: M21
:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:USA: :ne: ludakatapro [FREE]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]

Mog willi preteam Noexxx with Tyrant, who will sub for Ludakatpro.  Then Hightac will kick everyone but Mr.Sweets who will win by default.

:MT: M22
:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:World: :orc: Joggel [FREE]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]

I dont know why people think Karfal and Eshan will suicide eachother.  Eshan only threatens suicides and Karfal is a passive player.  I do think one of them will over-commit against the other though.  Unstoppable force meets immovable object.   I also expect the observers panties to get in a twist over all the manip, while I will be sitting back drinking coffee outta my BobaFett mug and laughing it up on stream.

:MO: M23
:World: :orc: Betoon[Inc]
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]

The highly underrated Gradient vs. the highly overrated Tyrant.  Gradient uses ninjitsu secret techniques like no-passive Tinker which will confuse his opponents into submission.  I genuinely dont know if SosoHasRedHair is Shave, Soso, or Noe-smurf, and really dont care.  Because Gradient is that powerful.  Betoon sounds like what you'd call your farts after eating too much chipotle. 

:SA: M24
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]

God I just love Fetta so much.  He gets so mad, he pours his heart into every missed stomp, and his name reminds me of cheese.  Whats not to love.  Hes like an honorary Bad Mannerothian.

November 15, 2017, 10:28:10 am
Re: Week 3 Matchups
:FF: M17
:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]
:Russia: :ud: Jaod [Ena]
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life [CoR]

Skillswise i would say Jaodboy has the upper hand here if his ping is ok this time, but Hightac and EvilPeanut are both snakes. Jaod will win his 1v1, probably Peanut will tank his mainbase down and hightac snips peanuts castle. So i expect a lot of babyrage upcoming!

:MT: M18
:Germany: :hu: LssL [Rage]
:World: :ne: TomToast [Ena]
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]

Ok guys this is how this game is going to be played out! Wreck and i will make it look like we are fighting each other, so we can force a hu 1v1 which is the only fair match up, we all know hu is totally op and elf cant beat hu! Even a peruvian lama like cumulo looks decent with this race. But Wreck and i both smarter than stephen hopkins will just hoard talking some about the newest Worpex nudes and feed each other some hippos from time to time to get decent hero levels. After cumulo won his 1v1 vs Lssl, we will snipe his castle with 200 food chims and cumulo will die with 20k gold bank! So Cumulo has to decide which one he is going to suicde and he will pick me because i called him a peruvian lama.

:MO: M19
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]

Im expecting a early 3vs1 vs trunkz, after 63 hero kills he will probably be out of gold and lose the game. Slythe will go for a firelord pitlord beastmaster build, which make him look like super weak and not worth fighting 1v1 so 3way will be easy for him to reach. After a lot of manip and hiding units everywhere on the map it will end up in a baserace and Slyths Vulcano ulti will seal the deal for him.

:SA: M20
:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]

qqs the new rising star for the hu race, no micro at all but who cares if u play hu. After renaud reaching the 60k gold mark because of skipping wood wisps entirely qqs will kill him easily because elf cant beat hu no matter how much gold u have. Aarni and dinamo will suicide each other because of no scouting at all, so easy win for qqs.

:FF: M21
:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:USA: :ne: ludakatapro [FREE]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]

no way for noexxx to win this, everybody fears him even if he is rusty as fuck and plays on his tablet without mouse while studying physics so no way for him to win 3vs1. Mog seems to be unbeatable with his robo goblin technology lately.

:MT: M22
:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:World: :orc: Joggel [FREE]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]

Alien and joggel both very good players, but one of those dicks karfal or eshan will win the game in the end. Both players would prostitute their mother to get more gold to secure the win for them but eshan is able to use staffs so he should have the upper hand here.

:MO: M23
:World: :orc: Betoon [Inc]
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]

After seeing gradient rebuilding on anarchy castle i became his biggest fan. Shaved will make sure tyrant cant win the game. so it will be a final showdown between Gradient and Betoon.

:SA: M24
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]

Nobody of those tryhards can beat lord fetta. His 100 food micro is unique, im sure not even 300 food are enough to beat fetta.

November 16, 2017, 07:46:42 am