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Re: Round 4 Matchups!! Fetta Inc. vs Rage Critters vs Free Ena vs Suicide Squad

:TM: M25
:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:Germany: :hu: LssL [Rage]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]

I guess the only german here is Trunks :D MrSweets is spamming in russian our discord channel like Trunks/Shave and me do in german.

I hope Noexxx is somehow in good form that we can see here a nice game. All are quite good micro players, therefore we going to see 2 nice 1n1's. I'm guessing that Trunks can pull again a win here, since once his DH reached lvl 6 it's GEGE.

:DL: M26
:World: :orc: Betoon [Inc]
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Austria: :ne: TomToast [Ena]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]

Favorites are here Ponty and Airenikus. I can't believe that Airenikus can still flies under the radar, even here in the predictions. He is a good micro player and showed us quite often that he can hoard like a Dagobert Duck. Betoon is in his first season and lacks a bit on micro and good decision making. Tommy Boy will probably play Elf, since his anxieties against tanks won't brude him here. Well, and we have Ponty. He will get most likely teamed for name, but he is back in his old shape and can even take a 2n1. My bet is on Tom. Go Free ENA Mate!

:DR: M27
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Russia: :ud: Jaod [Ena]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]

I completely agree with Hightac here, give them their own Channel. I think we will see the first win of Shave in this season. Sorry Jaod :-*  Who ever takes out Fetta first will get teamed by the others until they balanced it to a 3 way where everyone is able to win.

:HS: M28
:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]

Again in a game with my lovely Buddy Karfal, please stick to one name, well I didn't forget how you threat me in our game on Gold Rush, but no worries, I'm playing for win. GL HF Everyone

Free Agent Squad vs Zig Zag ZIGGURAT! vs Church of Renaud vs Bad Manneroths

:TM: M29
:Peru: :ra: Black-Magician [FREE]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]

Tyrant is showing good performances in our inhouse games. Probably the best player at the moment, but Cumulo and EvilPeanut are also good micro players, which is quite important on TM. I have no clue about Black-Magican, but he got summoned from Supremo, therefore I think his ffa knowledge will be as bad as Supremo's. I'm hoping Cumulo is winning here, since the other two's already collected enough points.

:DL: M30
:Germany: :orc: Joggel [FREE]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]

We see here a bunch of old schoolers, I don't Joggel yet, but Hightac said he is a  decent player. And since Hightac the German version of Aarni is, I'm going to trust him. Therefore we can assume to see a good game with sneaky moves and a funny chat. I think Junker is winnig that game, don't ask me why.

:DR: M31
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]

Eshan and Seksi again in the same Game, but this time without Shave and myself, which turned out in a really weird game, maybe the clash between Seksi and Eshan will be a different this time, just kidding, flame war will start after the gold is running out. Slythe didn't show a good performance yet and I would recommend him to play standard tac to be able to win here. As always Gradi is a wildcard and anything can happen. I think Eshan will sneak his way to the win, which he already showed us twice this season.

:HS: M32
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]
:France: :hu: Valefort [CoR]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]

I have the feeling that Mog can win that game easy, since Supremo has no clue about upkeep, Valefort is still not back in shape, but at least we won't see a cross mapping move to an UD in this match up and Dinamo who is somehow playing bad this season.

November 28, 2017, 12:17:10 pm
Re: S26 M25 ill be thurr to cast this *thumbs up emoji*
December 01, 2017, 01:22:36 pm
Re: M44 Result

January 07, 2018, 10:15:02 am
Regular Season Wrap Up Season soon comes to an end and it´s time to look back and sum up a little bit.
One of the longest seasons it´ll be and a unique one for sure.

Season´s System:

The team aspect brought a fresh approach and was a nice hybrid between more classic fml and TBR. It definitely was good to have the 25% share points, since othwerwise there wouldn´t really been a teamfactor, besides fighting for your favourites maps.

This brings me to the next point. The map choices and decisions about who´s playing on which map. At first, with the original format, i´d expected to have much cherry picking and hard discussions about the maps in the teams.
Atleast for my team i can say, that it went really smoothly all along. Partly due Wreck´s more laissez-faire style of captaining, aswell as my rare map-vetoing or favorizing. With Dinamo being basically the only one, that liked to play a certain map almost every round, it was most of the time just a logical development of finding the maps for each player.

Also there were mostly a nice varitey and mix of maps each rounds, with probably just a few bigger maps missing. With the overall opportunity to pick maps, it was a lot more player friendly imo, than just giving maps for each round (of course there were ways of more diplomatic map choices via veto or similar in the past fml season).

Of course the concept of the season helped some players to quailfy for the post season, aswell as it denied some the access to the playoffs. But that´s how it goes. Shoulda thought about it beforehand joining the season and not waiting until the end and then complain  :icon_wink:.

Overall i felt there was some drama, but surely not as much as in some previous seasons. No clue how intense it was in some teams internally, but overall there were just the standard bad blood in few matches, plus maybe Trunkz´ complaints, Shave´s trolling and a few unfortunate player exits from the competetion during the season. But all in all, those were the common things, that occur every season.

Besides the little troubles there were a lot of players that surprised with their play and results, both in positive and negative way. Together with those performances, the teams turned out to be kinda balanced, atleast most of them and in certain scales.

Here we have big differences though, how those teams were formed. Some were founded via friendship, symphaty and love ´n´hate like rage quitters. Others were formed by captains due to player´s strengths and past good experiences together like the Zig Zag´s. And few just were created out of nowhere or picked by admins, like the free agent squad.

Apropos Admins. Big thanks especially to the ones who made this season work so smoothly and well. Worpex ofc, Mog, Renaud from the official side and of course the amazing helpers of those like Hightac, Ponty, Aarni,Wreck, Cumulo and many more. Either with hosting, results, replays, sheets, Streams & Casts. Besides the need of willed players  :icon_lol:, those who are motivated, qualified and able to help are such an important part of the success and joy of this FFA/FML we got rolling here for quite some time now!

Continuing with a look to player´s performances. Note that i did not watch every game, but maybe  around 75% of them, either via replay, stream or obs.
I´d like to begin with my team,
Bad Manneroths :

Wreck had an truly memorable run this regular season. He won 4 out of 6, with having the chance of winning in the two losses aswell. He played especially well in that deadlock game and also on anarchy castle. Some casts were not that hard and he could use the opportunities that were there really well with nice decisionmaking and strong use of the elfish race.

Peanut had a pretty neat showing the first 3 rounds. R1 i remember him countering alien rly well, but then struggling a bit with making the right calls.
But he made that up with a very strong r2 and r3 performance. Especially that epic silverpine game, where he had to raze the island lame by Shave almost alone and then going into a long 1v1 against Junkerzam were impressive.
Unfortunately he missed the two last games. Also he abandoned the human race for undead, which i can partly understand  :icon_cool:.

Dinamo had a terrific R1 game, where he outmaneuvered the other players and made perfect choices to win vs Soso in the and made him leave the court like a broken man.

After that strong start he struggled due to vodka and bad shape. Had good chances in the final round to win, but seemingly lost his cool. But that can happen with fetta and trunkz being in your game.

My own season was resultwise disappointing. Since i calculated with atleast 2 wins.
I put some time into practicing creeproutes and thinking about combos, strats, but it rarely paid off, together with some mistakes, that turned out to be costful.
I still had fun in most of the games, especially 2nd half of the season.
Except R2, where i knowlingly used a strat, that would been very hard to end up winning with (orc ground tc/alch on greenville, but somehow i had the itch making it work ), i played stuff i´d expected to have a higher chance of winning with than using standard cheese, even though they maybe looked pure fun.

Now to the other teams:

Zig Zag: On paper the strongest team with 2 fml champs, and 2 multiple finalists.
They had a strong first half and choked a bit in the 2nd.

Mog: Pretty strong season. Did not expect him to perform so well. Prolly put some time into getting in shape. Used power of elf and his experience nicely. Cannot recall a specific game, except our´s, where he got my heroes in the end thanks to double speed aura, found at creeps  :icon_eek:.

Tyrant: R1 stole the win from Renaud with nasty manips and ugly play. R2 was stronger. He seemingly lost some motivation afterwards, or mb after r3, where he lost to wreck and alien, who focused more on him and had limited timeframe.
Rough r4/5 games with some mutual love between him and Cumulo. Showed a strong last round, except the big throw in the very end. Still hits the semis, but have not been seen in 2 weeks. Let´s see if he shows up ^^.

Junkerzam: A few good games and some where he seemed to be kinda sloppy and making questionable calls. I appreciate he plays random most of the time, but from my POV undead/elf fits his style way better. Rough R 5/6 games.

Eshan: Strong start, but struggled then with some bad calls and unfortunate outcomes. Seemed to be prepared and very motivated throughout the season and had some really good openings and starts. Picked mostly instead of randoming and sticked maybe a bit too much on passive play instead of taking his chances a bit more offensively.

Suicide Squad:

Ponty: Tried hard in first 4 rounds, trolled in 5th and no showed in 6th. Was close to winning atleast 2 games. Showed some good ffa meta and improved overall play. Shoulda been awarded with atleast 1 win, imo.

Noexx: everything below 50% is not acceptable. Rather weak season. Can happen. Due to rl obligations missed 1 game and was not able getting into good shape.

Shave: HE WON A GAME. Some nice tryharding, and some garbage time.

Alien: Got a well deserved win last round. Ended up top score a couple of times, w/o winning. Seemed to be a bit distracted, not in mood to tryhard or right shape in few of his games. Was expected by many to win much more.

Rage Critters:

Aarnikratti: Just like Ponty he showed some good games, without being able to net more than one win. Seemed not to be as active as before. Kinda made some bad decisions, like in R1 vs Karfal. Overall also improved and performancewise a really good season.

Hightac: Won several games, also as obs and was close with a few others. Strong showing. Obviously fell in a love with manipping aswell and some good scouting in a couple of games.

Airenikus: Pretty good season. Very good decision making  throughout the season. Had just 1 bad game and even with sometimes questionable gamestyle he brought home many points for himself and his team.

LssL: New to fml and being in many really monstrous casts. Did not lose motivation over a couple of 4th place finishes and showed some good riflemen action and overall potentional for upcoming seasons.

Free Ena:

Trunkz: Very strong r1/2 games where he overcame teaming and did few mistakes.
Some tough games in mid of season and closed the season with a big freewin and a hard fought r6 game with a lot of support by fetta. Had some rather easy casts and not hard initial 1v1, but definitely showed improvements in decisionmaking, adjusting style to his ever good creeping and micro.

QQs: One of the biggest surprises this season. Showed some really good resilience and played his cards really well.

Tom: Also much improved and came close to finish a few games in stronger fashion. Some wrong decisions cost him 1-2 games. Still needs some practice controlling big armies, but nice ffa meta already.

Jaod: Many topscore games. Performed a bit low resultwise. Showed a bit too much aggression in some of his games. With a more diplomatic and patient approach he might end up winning 1-2 more and being a worthy semifinalist.

Fetta Inc:

Betoon: Kinda new to FFA/FML, but showed 1-2 nice games. With some more experiences a nice addition to team orc and the community. Seems like a relaxed guy and has potential.

Fetta: It was not fettas season.

IWantWC4: Oldschool come back smurfing. Had tremendous success the first two rounds, but then somehow lost his groove. Not sure if he got focused more, was not in shape or just suffered from the sometimes very random ingame events ffa offers  :icon_surprised:

MrSweets: Being a good orc abuser with decent amount of experience and good micro, he lacked some luck and better overall decision making. Will do better next time.

Free Agent Squad:

Gradient: Beat the odds various times. Really memorable games with nice hustling, staying in game and making the right calls, with being a dangerous player trying to take out and to let in the game  :icon_biggrin: . Not many expected that he´d end the season with 505 winrate. Was always very game.

Supremo: Gave some players a hard time fighting him midgame, me included but suffered from not talking enough or being diplomatic enough, combined with bad ping and sometimes just underpowered hero & unitcombo. Focused more on goldmanagement later rounds, but was not enough to get away with a win. Showed to all games and is a unique addition to the FFA scene.

Tox: Entered late in the season and had some good games, showing his strong micro and also improved manipping and overall awareness. Missed to secure some more points, but is always a threat and can do much better next season.

Joggel: Seems like an experience ffaer, but rather new to fml format. Had some nice fighting games, but being stuck in tough casts, not allowing him to grab more points. Has good potential to increase his amount of better results in upcoming fml seasons.

Church of Renaud:

Renaud: Strong first round, w/o being able to finish as winner. Struggled in midseason, but had a good win in the final round. Still has left a lot in the tank and is a force to reckon with.

Cumulo: Brought home 3 wins. A bit surprising to me to be honest. He used the advantages of human on certain maps especially well i guess, and did not mess around with naga/beastmaster too much. Had a very strong game on Twisted meadows.

Ep123: Late replacement for seksi, who made a mysterious exit from the league and the team. Showed good performances, also in inhouse matches, but still has not seen too much of him. Looks like a overall strong ffa player, who is a worthy opponent afaik.

Valefort: Not sure if he started from r1. But with his good understanding of the human race, combined with strong micro, he had some good games without ending up on top, due to some tough casts and maybe a bit lack of tryhard ffa mentality. Seemed hard to manip and scouts rather well.


That you could face the same players two or even three times in a row, can be fun or annoying, but spices things up for sure. :icon_razz:

Hopefully we won´t have to long of a break until next season to keep especially the newer guys attracted and use the success of the season for the next one immediately.

Peace out.

January 09, 2018, 11:17:52 am
S26 M99 M99
:USA: :ne: Wrecktify
:Germany: :ra: trunkz
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66
:Germany: :hu: QQs

:HS: Harvest of Sorrow

January 22, 2018, 07:58:50 am
S26 Final Results M99
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]

:HS: Harvest of Sorrow

(click to show/hide)

February 11, 2018, 05:44:02 pm
Re: FML Season 27 | Sign up! Hi,

I'll be traveling to China and Japan for the next 7 Weeks, therefore I don't know, If my able to play my matches (ping, setup, timezone, etc.).

I think as Champion you should always try to defend your title, besides you are a honorless bitch.

Therefore I'll sign up and try to surive the first matches until im back in Germany.

QQs :Germany: :hu:

February 19, 2018, 03:35:09 am
Re: Beginners FML FFA Guide wow i didnt read cumulos post when i realized his attempt at simplification was an 11 paragraph essay. also when he took diplomacy out of 'set of skills' i assumed it was gonna be a biased argument. So im gonna skip that and go right to:

@Dovekie  - i admit i see your point about always having a chance to win in FFA, while in other gametypes you may have 0% chance to win if your opponent is better. That's a good point. Solo is a binary gametype. AT/RT are more variable. And FFA has quite a bit of chaos.

Just like you say ffa is less difficult because you always have a chance to win, I also believe that FFA is MORE difficult because no matter how good you are, you can always lose. Solo is like a track race, FFA is much more like War. (Craft.)

Its more difficult to 'master' the FFA gametype. But I see your point about the other end of the spectrum, so I'm happy to say that FFA is a more 'complex' gametype than solo. Since you can always win, but no matter how good you are, you can also always lose.

Its much more difficult to have a high win % in FFA, but also easier to get a win when you are less skilled.

In the end thats why i prefer FFA to solo. While solo is just a nuclear arms race with one weapon: micro

FFA is a complex gametype with so many different ways and strategies that can help you win, so many outcomes, and thus it provides a richer experience that has kept me coming back for over 10 years.

March 03, 2018, 01:00:07 am
Re: Round 3&4 Match-ups! Round 3 & 4:


:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo
:Germany: :ud: ToX
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Germany: :ne: Trunks

Interesting game ! All these guys very good... but not sure about ToX ( he super good at 1 x 1 mod - but not so great in FFA )

I Wanna see Trunkzzz vs ToX rly and qwest vs cumulo...

I almost sure - b2w.Machine win there !

:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
:Germany: :ra: Joggel
:Germany: :ne: HighTac

Almost sure - NoeXxX get that win..... but this guys can surprised - junkerzam good known player and two anothers getting better and better every day...

:Germany: :hu: TheTrumanShow
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne

There i see obs&l like a true leader....Truman and Airenikus already known and not bad players....I hear Vyvanne was VERY good UD
Anyway i go with my UD Brotha Mate : )

:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Germany: :ra: Joggel
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus

Think humans fast kill Joggel and Airenikus and after show eatch other who is Human and who is trash)
I go with NoeXxX !

:Germany: :ud: ToX
:Germany: :ne: Trunks
:Germany: :ne: HighTac
:Germany: :hu: TheTrumanShow

Dont have idea what happens there but b2w.Machine must win aggain...

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam

Cool game rly if Junkerzam get NE or UD as RDM - or just pick this

I go with UD Brotha Mate !


:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Peru: :ne: Headintheclouds
:Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
:Sweden: :hu: Starshaped

I see only one game of StarshapeDkh by now but - i think he must win there ...
But who know - Lord Gradient very good last days...

:USA: :ne: VelociRPTR.3EF
:Bulgaria: :orc: rbr.Godfather
:France: :hu: Valefort

Karfal just doun't pick UD and dont get UD as RDM player - and you easy win there !

:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:USA: :orc: xA-iZamatish4
:Finland: :ra: Aarnikratti

Interesting game ! I think must be fast 3 way where this guys kick out xA-iZamatish4
I think seksi win it ( if show up )- even if he was too unlucky last times...

:USA: :ne: VelociRPTR.3EF
:Bulgaria: :orc: rbr.Godfather
:Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
:USA: :ra: Seksi

Seksi win there if show up

:Peru: :ne: Headintheclouds
:Sweden: :hu: Starshaped
:Finland: :ra: Aarnikratti

Don't have idea who can win there... but 100% not peruvian guy..

:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:France: :hu: Valefort
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :orc: xA-iZamatish4

just Mog[Skynet]


:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:Peru: :ud: Bomber.-
:Russia: :ud: Jaod
:USA: :ra: AlienwareOwnZ

Will see... i d k

:Bulgaria: :hu: rbr.Shorty
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
:Kazakhstan: :ra: DV-

hope they not teamed you to death and hope you pick UD

:Peru: :ud: Ls.Psike
:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:United_Kingdom: :ne: New_Nebu
:Russia: :orc: mrSweets

Sad for Laxu he like me - too rusty...

100% must win sub ! : )

:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:Albania: :orc: ena1337
:Russia: :ra: lLoveSex
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo

I think they can't stop soso...

:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:Kazakhstan: :ra: DV-
:Bulgaria: :hu: rbr.Shorty

I think DV can win there - if his first opponent will be soso...
If no - soso win - cuz when someone feed human to 5 3 3 lvls or more .....

:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
:Russia: :ud: Jaod
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo


Me and DIma - kill all and share our win ! : ) as Always

:Russia: :ra: lLoveSex
:Russia: :orc: mrSweets
:Peru: :ud: Ls.Psike
:Peru: :ud: Bomber.-

If he show up - he must win easy between these players

:USA: :ra: AlienwareOwnZ
:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:United_Kingdom: :ne: New_Nebu
:Albania: :orc: ena1337

Winner is Sub ! Or Alien- : )


March 22, 2018, 05:26:08 am
Re: Round 3&4 Match-ups! POOL 1

M23 - Schedule
:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo
:Germany: :ud: ToX
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Germany: :ne: Trunks
From gradi's point of view, this is a game with 3 zomby, someone who completly tunnel visions someone until the person is dead. But those 4 guys can be really good too. The question is more who will get rushed by trunks or who will rush trunks and tome him before he can get an army? My guess is trunks will rush someone and Tox will rush someone too with cumulo winning at the end because human best race
M24 - Schedule
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
:Germany: :ra: Joggel
:Germany: :ne: HighTac
gl hf
M25 - Schedule
:Germany: :hu: TheTrumanShow
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne
Maga came back in shape and has some good undead skills as always, theTrumanShow has good fighting skills  but less experience, he is still a decent orc so always scarry until defeated. Airenikus is a surivor and always finds a way to stay under the radar hiding 5-7 k gold in bank. Vyvanne is ud and undeads don't have much chances unless it's a 3 way. I think airenikus will win if he dosent get rushed by one of the undead like TGW rushed him in playffa cup final. If he gets rushed, ill go with maga winning.

M26 - Schedule
:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Germany: :ra: Joggel
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus
gl hf
M27 - Schedule
:Germany: :ud: ToX
:Germany: :ne: Trunks
:Germany: :ne: HighTac
:Germany: :hu: TheTrumanShow
Tox + Trunks, the evil german ennemies or friends, who knows... This game can go 3 ways:
1) trunks tomes tox or tox tomes trunks, all depends on the timing but I dont know if Tox knows the timing to do that.
2)Trunks rushes truman or hightac and tomes them while Tox comes for help instantly because he is extremely scared of a guy stronger than him.
3)Tox rushes someone, Trunks rushes someone and one of them wins.
I'll go for hightac winning
M28 - Schedule
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
Maga vs King of garg battle qwest, qwest knows how to abuse the undead race at the best,really good cast with 4 undeads. I hope to see an epic battle to see who is the best undead of that day.

M29 - Schedule
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Peru: :ne: Headintheclouds
:Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
:Sweden: :hu: Starshaped
Starshaped is a monster, nobody knows him, he will get tunneled by headintheclouds, reinforcement will tome gradi and win the game

M30 - Schedule
:USA: :ne: VelociRPTR.3EF
:Bulgaria: :orc: rbr.Godfather
:France: :hu: Valefort
M31 - Schedule
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:USA: :orc: xA-iZamatish4
:Finland: :ra: Aarnikratti
Hmmm, seksi, MOg, aarni interesting to see how it goes since aarni always claimed he is better than those old players who are highly overrated. I dont know who xA is so ill go with Mog winning if he goes tinker. HONORSPREN mog #1
M32 - Schedule
:USA: :ne: VelociRPTR.3EF
:Bulgaria: :orc: rbr.Godfather
:Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:)))))))))) easy win for reinforcement or seksi, godfather thinks he can beat either of those 2 easily, velocirptr is a rusher and will probably die trying to rush one of those guys. Seksi will manip and it will be a close game between him and reinforment. Lots of luck involved here.
M33 - Schedule
:Peru: :ne: Headintheclouds
:Sweden: :hu: Starshaped
:Finland: :ra: Aarnikratti
RIP, if TRUMP does learn how to build a mexican wall after all his talk, he will take the win home, starshaped is imba, aarni is good but not enough and headintheclouds a bit lower than aarni believe, at least he tries to improve now. Ill go for starshaped winning even though I hope trump wins with 40-50 towers
M34 - Schedule
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:France: :hu: Valefort
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :orc: xA-iZamatish4
Battle of tinker, valefort is decent and there are no undeads here so he might flourish depending on the map. Nevertheless, 2 elfs vs human is very little chance for human, especially when you face 2 tinkers. I think mog will win because Gradi doesn't pick thorn aura.

M35 - Schedule
:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:Peru: :ud: Bomber.-
:Russia: :ud: Jaod
:USA: :ra: AlienwareOwnZ
2 good players, 2 bad players, the player who gets to tome supermo wins
unless supremo gets rushed by bomber, either way supremo and bomber lose the game.
M36 - Schedule
:Bulgaria: :hu: rbr.Shorty
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
:Kazakhstan: :ra: DV-
Renaud is a good hoarder, dv is a genius, fetta is a tome, shorty is a level 3 am rusher, guess who wins?
M37 - Schedule
:Peru: :ud: Ls.Psike
:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:United_Kingdom: :ne: New_Nebu
:Russia: :orc: mrSweets
MrSweets wins because laxu is out of shape and orc is a really strong race nothing can stop.
M38 - Schedule
:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:Albania: :orc: ena1337
:Russia: :ra: lLoveSex
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo
Dinamo will drink too much vodka, ilovesex will buy 4 crowns, ena will go rambo mode and if he shows up i except from him an imba darkranger who kills everybody with his alphamale superior micro. Soso is the best human player so I think he will still win if he shows up.
M39 - Schedule
:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:Kazakhstan: :ra: DV-
:Bulgaria: :hu: rbr.Shorty
The guy who can tome supremo will most likely win and the guy who gets rushed by shorty will lose.
M40 - Schedule
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
:Russia: :ud: Jaod
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo
Nice game, will dinamo show up with a vodka bottle this time? If jaod is serious, he can play good. So this can turn up 2 ways: Renaud gets to hoard, he wins. Jaod gets to tome fetta or renaud early, he wins.
M41 - Schedule
:Russia: :ra: lLoveSex
:Russia: :orc: mrSweets
:Peru: :ud: Ls.Psike
:Peru: :ud: Bomber.-
no idea who those guys are, i just believe they are rushers and ILovesex will win because mrsweets will get harasssed all game-
M42 - Schedule
:USA: :ra: AlienwareOwnZ
:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:United_Kingdom: :ne: New_Nebu
:Albania: :orc: ena1337
Good cast for T3 pool. Ena will troll again, laxu will die with him, ill go with alien winning depending on the sub

March 22, 2018, 04:26:23 pm