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Converting any map into a random hero map It just occurred to me that I've never actually 'made public' an easy way to do this. So, I'll post it here.

First you'll want to create a new (empty) folder and extract all of the attached files to that folder. They are in a compressed folder, so you'll need to uncompressed them.

Second, copy (don't move) the map you wish to convert to that folder as well. I like to change the file name just so there's no risk of accidentally modifying the original. My standard way to do this is to add a "[original name]RH.w3x" at the end, but before the extension. You can also change the name completely, of course, but that's up to you..

Here's the strangest part: you actually need a third party program: an MPQ editor that you can download here: http://www.zezula.net/en/mpq/download.html

There are probably other MPQ editors, but these instructions are based on using this one. Now the following steps must be done in order or there could be errors.

1) Sound.
1.a)Run the MPQ editor. The first time you run it you'll get a bunch of dialog about initial settings. Ignore them and just click "ok".
1.b) Go to your newly created folder and drag the copy of the map you wish to convert to the right column of the MPQ editor. You'll see a bunch of files show up. Ignore them.
1.c) In the newly created folder, you should have extracted from the attached a .w3s file. Drag that to the right column of the MPQ editor.
1.d) Close the MPQ editor (no need to save or anything, just close it and you're done with this step.) If you wish to confirm this step was done correctly, just look for the .w3s file in the right column.

2) Objects.
2.a) Open the map you wish to convert in the Warcraft III World Editor that comes installed with warcraft III.
2.b) Go to the "Object Editor" (F6).
2.c) Go to File->Import all object data...
2.d) Open the .w3o file you have extracted from the attached. It may take a few second to import the data... just wait for it.
2.e) Close out the Object editor
2.f) Go to Scenario->map options.
2.g) At the bottom there will be a field that says 'Game Data Set'. Change it to "Melee (Latest Patch)". Note that if you skip this step your map will not get any run-time errors, but the units stats will be different. If you notice that after playing all your prices and build times seem way off, it's because you skipped this step.

3) Triggers.
3.a) Open the "Trigger Editor" (F4).
3.b) Go to File-> Import Triggers.
3.c) There should be a .wtg file you extracted from the attached. Import that. Again, it could take a few seconds. Just wait for it...
3.d) Close out the trigger editor as you are done.

4) Save the map and it's ready for random hero play. You may get a warning that it is no longer a melee map. Ignore it and just save.

January 28, 2016, 03:17:19 pm
Grubby played a random hero FFA map

just fyi, for those who didn't know!

November 10, 2018, 12:03:36 am
Re: Grubby played a random hero FFA map
wow normalice where have you been? How may I reach you?
oh. I got a job, and they kinda monitor internet activity there, so I can't really do much like I could on my college computer..

also, I started playing HotS, which necessitated a new computer. And when they announced the starcraft remake, I knew WCIII was probably in the pipes. So, I didn't really want to reinstall WCIII until they came out with the remake. Still looks like it'll be a year, but I saw that grubby played a random hero game and wanted to share..

November 12, 2018, 08:31:10 pm