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General Discussion / Pretty Funny Advertising Fail
« on: December 20, 2014, 06:05:50 am »
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced this, but there are times when ad banners will pop up and just totally not fit with what's on the rest of a particular website.  For example, sometimes youtube videos for satanic metal bands will have advertisements for a church.  It's just random.  Tonight, I had to screenshot and share one that seems especially well lined-up for how random it is:

Yeah, let's all bring up dismemberment to keep our families chatting during the holidays!

Scheduling / Re: Q31
« on: December 19, 2014, 08:19:10 pm »
Comfirm 14 est Monday

Scheduling / Re: Q31
« on: December 18, 2014, 06:02:29 pm »
My boss called and asked me to cover some shifts, so I'm going to be working tomorrow.  I have Sunday off though, so I'm off that day all day.

Edit: Here's more specific information:

Friday-Saturday: unavailable
Sunday: 18 est to 22 est
Monday: 20 est til whenever
Tuesday: whenever
Wednesday: maybe available, unsure yet
Thursday: unavailable
Friday: 13 est to 16 est and then 1 est saturday until 5 est
Saturday: might be available early afternoon est before work
Sunday: unavailable

Scheduling / Re: Q31
« on: December 17, 2014, 03:54:11 pm »
Friday's good for me at anytime, long as I know by Thurdsay Night.

I don't think I can play this weekend at all.  I might have a chance Saturday morning, but Sunday's a no-go no matter what.

I need to find out what I'm doing for XMas and when.  I think next week is pretty open for me from Mon-Tues and on Fri, but I am unsure about Wed and Thurs due to the holiday.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and Deathrose!

News / Re: Week 3: The Reckoning
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:39:52 am »
Been doing some of the math.  Not sure if 1 win is a lock for qualifying, but 10+10+25 points seems to be pretty solid.  10+5+25 might not be.  If you have one of those bonus points (11 point 2nd place) for high score and not winning, I think 41 points is probably safe too (win+2nd+3rd with that bonus point).

While not a lock, it appears that having 1 win is safe because some people are going to miss their matches and get subbed.  So there might be some dreamcrushing here, for those who don't need a win and don't want someone else in their game to win.  Definitely anyone in contention who subs is going to be inclined to try to actually take the win away from someone else, in another match--so that actually makes subs have a stake in the matter.

I'm a little rusty on the bracket math and this is a lot more complicated than Swiss rounds+cut to top 8 (which I've done a couple hundred times in MTG tournaments), but 2 wins is definitely a lock; 1 win and 20 other points is probably a lock; 1 win and 15 other points is going to depend on how many people play their games and how many get to that same level.  I think it's possible that some 30 point guys could get in, though it does depend on the rich getting richer (and the subs stealing wins too) so that there's space for a 30 with breakers or a 31 to get on the board.

Hopefully everyone plays to win, but there's definitely going to be consideration for players who know they just need 3rd place and might just 100 food someone out for the sake of insurance.  It should be interesting.

Scheduling / Re: Q25
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:29:17 am »
Let's do 22 CET.  I'm going to set an alarm and wake up in a few hours, drink some major coffee, and warm up for our game.  If it goes, it goes.  If not, w/e let's get it scheduled for some other time--but I'm going to do what I can to be ready for 22 CET.

Scheduling / Re: Q25
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:34:20 pm »
How about tomorrow?  Can we get this going?

Scheduling / Re: Q25
« on: December 07, 2014, 11:29:01 pm »
This week, I can play Tuesday to Friday, any hour of all of these days.  Just need to know a day in advance.  Cannot play Sunday or Saturday.  So this Friday looks good for me.

Scheduling / Re: Q25
« on: December 05, 2014, 12:53:27 am »
So how about next Friday?  Someone pick a time.

FML-Leaguebot : private bot / Re: INS admin abuse
« on: December 04, 2014, 02:55:34 am »
Oh, they made a thread about this?  The crying continues.

They got banned for about a grand total of 3 minutes, and it was because they were spamming a bunch of bullshit in chat.  At first, it was kicking.  If kicking someone multiple times doesn't work, I press the ban button.  Your bot has a chatlog, right?  Go read it.  Go read the cbox discussion log too, while you're at it.  And go talk to Maga about it, too, because he was fuming mad about how much of an unwarranted asshole Tleilaxu was being in our first game.  And ask SoSo about it, too.

Remove me if you want, I don't even give a shit anymore.  I can't get games on ladder at all because nobody can, the vast majority of playffa games are fucking horrible for all kinds of reasons, and now even inhouse games are low-quality because we let these kids join our games, act like complete jackasses in chat in and outside the games, and then they have no consequences.  Some people need to get kicked from games and put into time out.  Some people need to get banned every once in a while.  Some people probably need to get permabanned because they just suck at life.  Deal with it.

FYI, the gn was literally "toolwillgetbanned", and then when they joined they started being tools, so they got banned.  So it's not like there wasn't any kind of warning.

I don't take shit from anyone.  I never did before, and I'm not about to start now.  If you guys want to keep scumbags in because you want every player you can get--well you're going to lose out on a bunch of good players by keeping scumbags and not setting boundaries.  You don't want me hosting because I actually stood my ground?  Then you're spineless.

There's already a known preteamer and known maphacker in FML anyways.  Great job keeping it clean, dickheads!  Peace!

Scheduling / Re: Q25
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:44:02 pm »
I can do next Friday any time.

General Discussion / Re: I cannot access
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:53:56 pm »
I haven't been able to access the site for over a week on my computer or my phone on any browser.

Scheduling / Re: Q25
« on: December 01, 2014, 03:31:39 am »

This week I'm available on Wednesday all day and Thursday all day.  I am likely available on Friday in the morning/early afternoon PST (so afternoon EST and I guess that would be evening in Europe).  I will be gone the rest of the weekend, so I can't play Saturday or Sunday.

Next week I think I'll be available on any of the weekdays, but I'm not 100% sure yet.  Prettymuch anytime next Mon-Fri is probably fine.  Saturday the 13th, I might be able to play in the morning before I go to a wedding.  Sunday the 14th is bad for me.

This weekend, I am not sure if I will have internet access where I'm going (maybe not phone service either), so if anyone expects me to confirm something from Friday night to Sunday, you're gonna be shit out of luck.  Just a fair warning.  Other than that, I'll be checking every day as usual so we can get this game set up.

Social Media / Re: Q9 and Q10 casting tonight!
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:16:52 pm »
I tuned in during the alien/seksi/fow/mog game, and you were doing a pretty good job with covering the big things.  That game was so action packed, I'm not sure anybody could have caught everything going on while also commentating--so the only thing that really could have improved it is a co-caster.

News / Re: S20 - Week 1 Recap
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:16:13 pm »
It's complete and utter bullshit when someone gets to do the write-up for the game they played in.

Out of curiosity what are you criticizing?  He said you pulled off a rush and then he made an uniformed decision.  I don't really see much bias there.

It's a conflict of interest.  There is always bias when someone writes about their own game.  He could have been spot on with his analysis, and it still wouldn't be right for him to write it in a big article about the week in the league.  I wouldn't write about my own game in something like this because objectivity is automatically thrown out the window, and it cheapens the rest of the recap.

Just remember if you complain and Red stops doing these then you either don't get a write up, or you get me doing them again and I can guarantee you that I don't watch any of the matches while doing the writeups. 

Then I'll do it myself, apart from my own games (for above reasons).  I watch all the games anyways, and I type 120 WPM.

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