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Offline Persuade

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FML Custom Map Preview
« on: June 14, 2013, 12:54:40 pm »
FML is proud to present our very own custom map called Death's Bayou.

*please ignore the terrain palette icon in the top right, that is not part of the map.
**Also note this map is still in beta, and things are bound to change.

We wanted to create a map that had the FFA feel to it, that also encourages people to get out and fight and avoid sitting.   

Typically there would be an uneven number of gold mines to promote people to fight, but at 1 expansion per person this gives a slight edge to the more prominent solo players.

So instead what we did was make the center middle expansions hold a much larger amount of gold over the island ones (which have unbuildable terrain near the edges so you can't mass too many towers) that way both people can get 2 expos (unless you decide to rambo it of course).

The center of the map is where the maps name comes from.

We wanted a risk vs reward type of style for players utilizing the marketplace.  If you see an aura item that would help win a battle, you need to decide if someone sniping the zeppelin is worth getting it.

The map has been tested a few times, but we are only admins, and we are very few, so I would encourage everyone to play on the map and give us their opinions.

We realize it is far from perfect but we want to keep fixing it until it is able to provide a great game worthy of FML.

If you wish to play on it, the bot can host it using the .map command.  Please wait a few days before Ugri is able to add it to .load command, meaning you can only play it without observers for now.

Please post your suggestions and comments in this thread, however please keep in mind do not be TOO mean because it is the FIRST map ever created by the creator.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 09:57:18 pm by FML|Mage »

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 12:59:24 pm »
persuade is a handsome manbeast
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 01:07:39 pm by FML|Persuade »

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 03:59:16 pm »
Fine since everyone else sucks I'll comment.

Map is much improved.  It could use a better tavern area for early tavern heroes.  And I think it needs to be played a fair bit.  But I'm pretty excited about it

Offline Persuade

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2013, 04:32:23 pm »
I could move it to the right/left of the cliff expansions at the bottom (across from the merchant shop)

Then maybe add something where the current tavern is.

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2013, 04:52:16 pm »
I will test it when I get home tonight!
:ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne:

:ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne: :ne:


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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2013, 07:26:36 pm »
loading file ready, obs availables


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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2013, 01:28:12 am »
loading file ready, obs availables

ok some bug i dont really get...

so if you never played the map, it is advised to ".map bayou -> download from bot then .load bayou".

The bug seems to come from the ' in death's bayou, which is transformed in "death_s bayou" by bot or w/e.


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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2013, 01:30:27 am »
as for the map i saw it being creeped at 80%. I mostly liked it.

Perhaps the shops are evilly creepjacking places but thats all right i guess. The market only reachable by zep and the 2 sort of islands im not really sure... any orc puting a few bats here could pwn anyone trying to reach the market.

I would say remove the market

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2013, 03:05:26 am »
minor suggestion: I think the gnoll at the shop should drop a +2 tome instead of +1

It seems like with the air distance between bases that air rush harassment might be kind of abusable and I'm not too sure about how quickly the opening of trees between bases. I think at least if u move the tavern to across from the shop u could have the option of either adding a bigger barrier between bases, or maybe putting a creep camp(that could hit/aggro air units) in-between the bases.

You could consider swapping the spawn position with the natural position, but that would be quite a drastic change and require a lot of editing, maybe switching the spawn position with the merc position might be a little more balanced.

If u really want a close air distance I at least think the tav location would be better as u suggested

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2013, 06:29:46 am »
Din't have the honor of playing on the map yet, but I like the concept of a risky market

Could see players wasting food to guard it, or sending footman with researched backpack in order to risk less
Or even better, 2 orcs killing each other's bats trying to secure the market

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2013, 11:18:17 am »
Obvious comments, but I will make them anyways.

1) Shop in middle is a perfect snipe place and a game can be over by 1 zepplin being shot down.
2) Huge choke points everywhere making ground very unusable.
3) 4-player maps are always the worst thing in FFA. 8-player maps allow for more mash-ups.
4) I felt like the exp gain was different on this map. I played vs 4 computers and on of them had 8,8,5 heros in first 17 minutes.
5) The mines on left and right with purple golem should be red, except that the purple golem seemed relatively easy.
6) Each person can easily dig themselves out from the trees by chopping them down, this makes it the exact opposite of 4 players separated.
7) Interesting map  But I am negatively biased against all 4 or 6 player maps for FFA. Need 8 player map and play on it with 4 players

Ashalar's comment of swapping the spawns and the naturals would be a better orientation. This would almost force people to pass by expansion before hitting mains which leads to larger batters since the person with expansion going down can build a counter army.

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2013, 11:39:13 am »
Ashalar's comment of swapping the spawns and the naturals would be a better orientation. This would almost force people to pass by expansion before hitting mains which leads to larger batters since the person with expansion going down can build a counter army.

I agree. I told him this when I tested the map a few weeks ago but he refused cause he liked the unique starting spots. But there is a damn good reason no good map uses spawns like that. lol


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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2013, 03:02:43 pm »
My recommendations:

1. Slightly more creeps.

I understand that the you would like fast games but there are too little creeps and they are also too strong, so whoever gets the majority of them gets too strong early. I think 1 new orange camp per person would be good.

2. Remove the islands or make them non-elevated

The islands are similar to those in Savage Storm and it is a HELL to siege such towered islands on that map. Just make them on the same level of the terrain or simply remove them.

3. Air distance too small, needs to be increased

I am sure elf or orc players would love that but this is one major flaw on the map and it reminds me of Spider Falls (probably the "elfest" map) where elves were easily sniping whole bases uncontested.

All in all these are my remarks so far. Lets play a real game so that we can improve it more!

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2013, 04:20:14 pm »
or maybe just reduce the elevation!

Offline ashalar

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Re: FML Custom Map Preview
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2013, 04:48:47 pm »
doesn't really matter for elf/hu cuz they have chims and cloud. I dont see how orc could ever kill mass towers on cliff