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Topics - rygorych

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General Discussion / Ebo sad :(
« on: January 27, 2014, 05:37:15 pm »
Few things... I think I'm done with FFA for awhile. The impression I'm getting is that I'm just not wanted around the community. My playstyle or my general attitude, I don't know.

I'm not withdrawing my app from FML, but I will only play if admins want me to play. If my participation is specifically not wanted, I won't burden you guys or the community with my presence. It's just lots of negative energy.

Another thing - one of my favorite top ffaers, duck really fucking disappointed me last night. The suicide was deserved, and I know it was emo of me to scream preteam. But pausing the game and sending screenshot over skype to his friend sniq is just a new low. I mean, if screenshots are ok, is inviting another player to your stream of the game is also ok? Ugri apparently thinks this is ok. Am I crazy if I think it's not ok?

My manipulation is a strategy. It may be lie or truth. Sniq should be smart enough himself to figure that out. Duck completely countering it by sending a screenshot of his screen is just not right. I don't want to bring any drama from ffacup to fml, but I do hope you guys take notice of this and make a rule that no screenshots or streams can be shared during the game... this is just wide open to abuse with how powerful streaming is.

With all that said I still have mad respect for duck, just disappointed at the moment.

Anyways, I'll be around, just not playing for awhile (and no, not planning to pull a lw. I will play in fml if I'm invited, but not making a come back to ladder).

Strategy / Garbage hero gambit tactic!
« on: October 25, 2013, 11:52:12 am »
I've talked about this generally many times before, but here's something you may want to try out, especially if you are bored of reusing same hero combos every game.

There are several heroes that are quite bad and are considered a "noob" indicator (e.g. other players won't take you seriously).


You can also screw around with people's expectations (everyone expects a UD to go dk/lich/dl, hu to go mk/pal+something and orc to go tc/sh+something - these are so-called ezmode (EZ) combos).

By breaking these expectations, you make your opponents think you are shittier player, and they won't think you're too dangerous.

Of course this can also backfire. Another player might think you are easy kill and try to tome you, and if they are using an EZ combo, they will have an edge. So it's probably not the tactic you will want to use on maps where you spawn near an EZ player.

Ideally, you should have solid micro to pull this off, but more importantly be ready to manip against the EZers (remember, they have stronger heroes than you, so you want them teamed out while you look like the underdog). Get into the mind of your teammates: you have to look undeniably weak to them. They have to believe that they will beat you in 1v1. If they are using a ud tri nuke combo and you are using a naga/kotg/potm, they will consider you an easy kill, and perfect ally to team up against a nasty bm/tc/sh orc. The orc on the other hand will most likely go for the undead, who is much more dangerous with his tri nuke than naga using NE. This is perfect for you - because while they fight, you snipe for easy experience and quietly collect gold mines.

Once it comes to 1v1, your garbage hero will become a liability, and you better be ready for it. A single hero makes a huge difference in the endgame where heroes can often take out entire 100 food armies. So you have to be sure that you have significant resource/positioning/item/lvl advantage vs your non-garbage hero opponent.

This is a somewhat risky tactic that also becomes problematic if players are resisting manip and don't team the strongest person (this is often the case in low-skill games). But I think it's pretty good in certain map setups in high-level play.

Anyways, this is my contribution to hopefully adding some variety in the ffa hero combos (of which I want to see more! all games seem exactly the same with people reusing same heroes over and over = boring!!!)

General Discussion / Back from the dead, where do I play?
« on: October 18, 2013, 04:10:59 pm »
Hi, what's new in the world of FFA?

I'm not seeing any b.net ladder action happening, but I guess there is an FML ladder of some sort? How do I play it?

Anything else I should know?

General Discussion / Hi
« on: April 10, 2013, 03:17:35 pm »
Hiatus done, I'm back. Diablo III America's #1 Paragon, then hiatus from D3 as well, bored with life, time to hit up good old FFA.

I promise not to be as annoying anymore. Probably play UD or something, go for my awesome DK MK Lich combo.

Going on vacation from April 16 to 23. When is S16 starting?

League Discussion / Need confirmation from mods on "feeding"
« on: May 09, 2012, 02:48:52 pm »
I can drop an item from my shop for other players to pickup, as long as I still intend to win, correct? Because I intend to use this as part of my strategy. Don't want to hear anything about "feeding" when I do this, which is why I'm asking for a hard confirmation.

Edit: this isn't about the semi. I just want to clarify this and maybe be less ambiguous in the next season.

Strategy / Civil discussion of Race power in FFA
« on: March 27, 2012, 08:50:43 am »
No flaming. Let's avoid the word "cheese", and my apologies for even starting the whole cheese thing.

I want everyone's thoughts on which race ranks where in FFA, depending on the combo.

Now, before I do the rankings, a few disclaimers:
-This is not just about winning a battle. You can win every battle, but lose the war (bonus points to all the ASOIAF nerds who recognize the reference).
-This is about overall chance to win the game assuming EQUAL MICRO/MACRO SKILL, EQUAL POSITIONING AND EQUAL MAP ITEM DROPS.
-You can assume an average map where everyone is in a somewhat fair position .You can assume any map you can consider fair (likely one that favors HU and Orc the least). Please list the map you consider fairest to all races.

So, please rank the following on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being strongest, the following combos. Equal scores imply equal chance to win the average game.

*Note* hero combo order not critical. Assume any order you think is the strongest (e.g. TC first or SH first)

-HU Panda MK PAL (wreck combo)
-HU Alch MK PAL (johny combo)
-HU BM MK PAL (w8man combo)
-HU Any other hero((Naga, Tinker, Beast, FL) MK PAL
-HU AM BM PAL (q-veta combo)
-HU Panda Alch PAL (htrt combo)
-HU Any other combo without MK (persuade combo)
-HU Any other weird hero combo without PAL

-OR BM TC SH (yz/dase/most orc combo)
-OR DR TC SH (darkness combo)
-OR FS SH TC (ebo combo)
-OR SH TC Panda (ss combo)
-OR Alch TC SH
-OR Any other hero (Naga, Tinker, Beast, FL) TC SH
-OR Good heroes, but no TC
-OR Good heroes, but no SH
-OR Weird heroes, no TC/SH at all

Night elf
-NE Panda KOTG POTM (blex combo)
-NE DR Panda POTM (eshan combo)
-NE DR Panda Warden (lost combo)
-NE DH KOTG POTM (old school combo)
-NE DH KOTG Panda (darker combo)
-NE Any other combo without PANDA
-NE Any weird hero combo

-UD DK DL LICH (everyman's combo)
-UD DK LICH DR (duck's combo)
-UD DK DR PL (bobas combo)
-UD DK Panda Lich
-UD DK Cryptlord + Lich or DL (worpex op combo)
-UD non-DK combo
-UD weird hero combo

Let me know if you want other combos added. I will post my rankings in a separate post, please follow the format if you're not sure.

League Discussion / Who chooses map in S12 semis/final?
« on: March 22, 2012, 06:48:21 am »
Top scorers? God? Obama?

League Discussion / No more cheese heroes for me!
« on: March 19, 2012, 07:00:16 pm »
OK I decided to take baby steps towards playing less cheese heroes.

Which bad hero should I use next game?

League Discussion / Suggestion for this/next season
« on: March 05, 2012, 01:52:52 pm »
Maybe we can have a vote after each round, for everyone's favorite game (only FML players and mods can vote).

Top scorer or two top scorers in the winning game receive 1 bonus point.

-Something to look forward to!
-People will strive to make their games more exciting in some way!
-Helps with breaking ties!

Just a thought, I think this would be cool

League Discussion / Did Eshan apply for Season 12 yet?
« on: February 17, 2012, 01:44:59 pm »
Can someone please post all of his smurf apps??? I know you guys have them!!!

General Discussion / OK Since I stopped trolling...
« on: January 20, 2012, 02:39:50 pm »
I'm bored, so:

I am really curious on what happened to ebo since the game, we should call 911

Bwahahaha, missed this gem.

God I wish I didn't go on vacation and got to rage on this clown during the week following...

Also this:
Tonight I have nothing really to do, and its raining out, and on these nights I love to play WC3. For the first time, I dont even feel like playing. Literally this is the first time I dont even have a desire to click that icon, with nothing else to even do.

Am I the only one who's getting this incredibly vivid SLOW MO mental picture of Eshan sitting by laptop near a window, rain outside, he's pointing to a WC3 icon, lingering, lingering, sighing?????? OMFG. YES.

So where is he now? Did anyone spot him on b.net? Give me a reason to start playing ladder again...

P.S. Don't mean to open the whole Round 4 can of worms again, this is purely for entertainment value. If admins find this inappropriate, feel free to lock, I won't get mad.

League Discussion / Ladies and gents, let me introduce Eshan, the sad clown
« on: December 21, 2011, 06:59:01 pm »

PMing before game to preteam? You pathetic, sad clown.

The only reason I didn't turn you in to admins and got you banned, was because Ugri asked me to not create any more drama in his last season.

You sad, empty and completely unoriginal excuse of a player.

And you know the saddest part?

Trying to preteam only makes you a sad piece of shit of a sport. That's not so bad. About as bad as me maphacking on ladder, I guess.

However, asking for preteam full well knowing you're going to betray when time is right makes you a sad piece of shit of a human being.


League Discussion / Predict your top 10 going into playoffs/finals
« on: December 14, 2011, 05:46:32 pm »
1. Q-veta
2. Renaud
3. Duck
4. YZ

These four area already high on points and will likely win at least 1 other game. I don't think l77 will win another game, nor will Kruppe.

5. Darkness
Rough start, but he will put in 2 more wins.

6. Rain
Bad (karmic) luck last game, but I'm pretty sure he can pull out 2/3.

7. Maga
Now that he's in the baddie bracket, he can get some free wins.

8. Johny
Solid and consistent, 2/3 is safe bet.

9. Eshan
He will likely lose 1 more game and then pull out 2 wins in the baddie brackets.

10. Rebuke
As much as I think Rebuke is one-cookie pony, he should be able to stall for 9 more hours and 2 more wins.

Close, but not quite:

Rygorych - the Gold Rush rush+disconnect screwed me over hard. I've had the game mapped out down to a tee. The shit I had in store for the speshul-ebo-strat you wouldn't believe. Unfortunately you won't see it ever, or unless I play another gold rush FML round. I think I will win 1/3 in the last 3 rounds, which won't be enough to make playoffs.

Wrecktify - solid with HU and even NE on his last game, obviously not as rusty anymore, but he is lacking the pizzaz for this season. He will put another win 1, but I'm not sure about 2.

Starshaped - not unless the stars shine on him

Darkermirror - I'd love for this guy to make the playoffs, but he is going to facing some tough titties next 2 rounds. I can only see him winning 1, the last one.

Ugri - I'm not sure if Ugri can cut it with 2/3 or only 3/3. But honestly, sorry Ugri, as much as I like you, I don't think you can do 2/3.

W8man - Same as darker, not going to make more than 1/3.

Lightweight - I'd love for him to make it out of lost qualifier into semis, and hopefully using a Naga, but sorry, not quite there yet.

Walking, Human* and Sparkle are pretty low on points, so they'd need some hard luck to get it in.

Dase - yeah, he might win 3/3 in baddie brackets, but I think odds are against him, especially if he faces maga + 2 decents.


My finals lineup:

1. Duck - probably top 3 player right now when combined micro + macro. Unlike Maga, which would be natural to compare, knows how to not get teamed. I'm not sure if  Duck will be in top 1/2 auto finalists, or come out of playoffs, that's going to depend on his next 3 matchups and how tough they are on UD.

2. Darkness - unfortunately, it's time for cookie to finally cut its way in to the finals. I don't think Darkness will be 1/2, but he will most likely win his semi.

3. Either Q or Renaud. Karma says, they will have to fight it out again in the semis.

4. A wildcard. Johny, or Rain, likely, the guys you expect to perform very well, but not quite in the finals.

League Discussion / Bad maps
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:34:33 am »
Not a single map with a shredder/zeps so far. Hope last 2 are with - I'm guessing they'll be Harvest+Twilight :/ Those change macro-game entirely, so I'm surprised this season is shying away from them.  I expected 3/6 :(

League Discussion / Question: matches generation
« on: December 09, 2011, 01:00:44 pm »
Curious, under Swiss system, are we going to play repeat matchups?

For example, I've already played Wreck, but we're at equal points in R4, so would I be able to match up with him again?

Not that it matters all that much, just curious how admins set up the games.

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