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Re: S26 M1 Let's play on Sunday 18 CET?
October 18, 2017, 08:24:36 pm
S26 Week 2 Hello everyone and welcome to the 2nd round of season 26!

A few notes before we get into the next matchups and maps.

- :ra: jaodreturns officially replaces  :orc: Sweet for team Free Ena. Jaod will earn the 20 points from m7 where he subbed into.

- :hu: LssL officially replaces  :hu: zTsoso on team Rage Critters, and will inherit soso's 10 points from r1.

- A friendly reminder on scheduling: It is always best to post your full availability for the entirety of the playweek. Players do have a responsibility to communicate actively with their opponents in their respective scheduling threads. We are aware of the challenges posed by having players from all across the world competing across many different time zones. It has been a problem since the beginning of FML, and the best way to combat it is active communication in schedule threads, along with helpful posts including full availability. Remember, if you do not post in your schedule thread within 48 hours you will lose your scheduling rights.

-Another reminder: If a match is confirmed, and you realize you will be unable to make it, please notify admins as soon as possible. You (and your team) will be awarded the minimum 10 points for said match and it allows time to find a suitable sub. Admins have awarded  :orc: Fail.Life 10 points for m7, noting that he did in fact notify us before the original match time. However, in m2  :orc: dragao did not notify admins beforehand, and therefore he and his team receive 0 points for this match. I only bring these situations up as a direct example of how this rule works for those unfamiliar with it.

-Daylight Savings Time just took place for European players, however, it does not go into effect for American players until November 5th. Please keep this in mind while scheduling your games. The clocks at the top of the FML site are accurate. Typically, EST is 6 hours behind CET. But currently it is only 5 hours behind. On November 5th it will be 6 hours behind again. Thank you world for being confusing to us nerd gamers trying to schedule  :icon_mrgreen:

Moving on, here are the maps for round 2!

Gold Rush  :GR:
Silverpine Forest  :SP:
Anarchy Castle :AC:
Greenville Woods :GW:

Matchups are:
Rage Critters vs Bad Manneroths vs Suicide Squad vs Zig Zag ZIGGURAT
Fetta Inc. vs Free Agent Squad vs Free Ena vs Church of Renuaud

Captains please notify admins of your lineup within 48 hours of this post. An easy way to do this is to simple tag @Worpex in your team discord channel, since he has access to all of them.

Thank you all and happy gaming!

October 29, 2017, 10:20:53 pm
Re: S26 M13 Now 48 hours have passed. If supremo confirms, then the match will he sunday, Nov 5th 19 CET.

Hopefully life shows, or a sub will be needed

November 03, 2017, 11:51:57 am
S26 Week 3 Congratulations to all the winners from the last round! 1/3rd of the way through the season and we have a very competitive group of players vying for those top spots!

Before we move onto the matchups this round, we just want to remind all players about a rule that some players seem to have forgotten. When a game is paused, a player may not chat about the game in any way or form. We refer to this as "pause manip", and from this point forward if someone speaks about the game during a pause they will be deducted 5 points from their total score.

Anyway, moving on to the matchups this round we have:

Rage Critters vs Bad Manneroths vs Free Ena vs Church of Renaud


Fetta Inc. vs Free Agent Squad vs Suicide Squad vs Zig Zag ZIGGURAT!

And the maps this week will be:
 Freezing Fields :FF:
Meson de la Taberna  :MT:
Monsoon (FML)  :MO:
Sanctuary  :SA:

Lineups are due 48 hours from the time of this post. Happy gaming!

edit: Forgot to mention, we are currently looking for a replacement for ludakatapro who has failed to show for both of his matches. We will announce when a replacement is found.

November 12, 2017, 09:19:02 pm
Map Contest | 24 is the new 12 | Results

Patch 1.29, although it's only available on the Public Test Realm currently, increases the maximum player count to 24. In the past few days, many players experienced these gigantic and totally chaotic matches on the PTR, but there is a lack of playable maps obviously. I would like to use this opportunity, to hop on the hype bus and motivate all the map makers to create a fancy map for 16 to 24 players by March 20. Submitted maps may get the chance to become part of FML events and the future FFA bot on


Please send your map file (and potentially additional random hero version) to (no zip or rar)


  • In general, I will grant up to 100 points for each map
  • 90 for playability, creativity, balance and design
  • 5 for fixed spawns in case someone wants to use it for team matches
  • 5 for an additional random hero version
  • Points will be deducted for bugs

Some tips for big FFA maps

  • There should be at least two mines per player
  • Main mines should have at least 18k gold in them
  • Each main needs a sufficient amount of lumber
  • Shops, taverns and goblin labs should be available and accessible for all players
  • Markets (depending on item set), fountains and particularly dragon roosts can become overpowered very quickly in FFA. They are no must have
  • Although it's difficult to manage on huge maps, it's helpful if there is a certain distance between main bases
  • A minimap that's still somewhat readable makes life easier
  • Creeps and item drops should be aligned with normal melee standards (e.g. no infernal as creep or speed scroll item drop)
  • If played with fewer players, empty player spawns should have creeps.
  • In case anyone attempts to create a map with islands, it's important to have "flat water landing areas" to allow zeppelin drops out of tower reach
  • Staff of Silence and Amulet of Spell Shield are overpowered in FFA

I'm looking forward to your maps. Let me know if you have questions.

Rules of this contest may be subject to change and I reserve the right to decline submissions without giving reasons.


A big thank you to all participants and congratulations to Arrr. We received nine maps and analyzed them carefully, before scoring them individually and then averaging our results. All maps were unique and we were amazed by the creativity displayed. They all come with flaws, which is understandable, regarding the short period of time they had to be created in. However, this made it even more difficult for us to evaluate their true balance and potential. Furthermore, we didn't manage to get as many test matches filled on the PTR, as planned. Though, Emersion is a deserved winner for sure.

As soon as 1.29 gets officially released on, we would try to get regular matches hosted for 24 players with maps from the contest and hope they'll fill as quickly as they did in the early PTR days. If any contestant does not want his map to be used at all, please let us know.

February 26, 2018, 04:09:32 am
Re: M43 Result Gradient 2016: Autism under control

Gradient vs Trunkz 2018: Autism unleashed

April 26, 2018, 01:07:40 am
The Arena! 24 Player FFA - Saturday @ 14 EST / 20 CET Hello, FFA Masters!

We will be hosting a 24 PLAYER FFA this Saturday (Oct 14) @ 14:00 EST / 20:00 CET. 

The game name will be = 24 PLAYER FFA #2

It will be hosted on BNet.  You can join from any server. 

The map will be "The Arena".  You can download it directly here:

View map here:

The focus in making this map was to avoid having too much gold, and also avoid it from being too big of a map.  I believe these goals were accomplished.  The first play test ended in just over 2 hours and all of the gold on the map was drained.  Since then, I have increased the gold slightly as well as increasing the health of the trees (more lumber per tree) since players were running out of lumber.  I've also added to the middle. 

Most 24 Player Maps are simply too large with too much gold.  The layout of this map is similar in a sense to Marketsquare where each player has their own semi-enclosed base with an opening in the front.   The creeps will be familiar as I used creep camps from some of the best maps (Marketsquare, Twilight Ruins, Lost Temple, etc.) 

The first play test turned out to be a nice game and it felt surprisingly balanced for the first iteration.  This time around should be even better and there will be a good turnout of FML/FFA players in this game! 

Lastly, we picked a time that would interfere with FML games as least as possible.  There should only be 1 FML game running which starts an hour earlier this Saturday. 

Come join us and look for the game to be hosted approx. 30 minutes before 14 EST / 20 CET this Saturday, OCT 14.   

Game name = 24 PLAYER FFA

Map stats:

24x Starting Spawns (15,000 gold)
24x Natural Expansions (10,500 gold)
16x Contested Expansions (20,000 gold)
10x Goblin Laboratories
10x Goblin Merchants 
8x Mercenary Camps (4x Dalaran, 4x Barrens). 
4x Marketplaces
2x Health Fountains
2x Mana Fountains
1x Dragon Roost

There are also 10x Waygates around the map, each porting to the opposite side.  These are around a center ring in the map, helping to reduce the effective size.

Hope to see you there! 

October 11, 2018, 12:48:28 am
A look back at FML: Lots of numbers  :FMLN:

Hey all, it's been quite a while since we last updated the FML stats spreadsheet. This time around I wanted to take it a step further and make a dataset of all recorded 4-player matches (minus some random cups we hosted in the past). This now includes season 1, season 6, KoFFA3, and all TBRs. I pulled 90% of that data straight from posts on this site, and added the rest from TBR spreadsheets. This should be the most comprehensive view of FML to date. The csv with the full match data is attached to this post.

If you see any errors please let me know - such as if there are two AKAs which should be associated with the same player.

Full standings and matches:

Let's get into the numbers.

Total matches recorded: 1094
Total unique players: 364

A timeline of the data - each point is a recorded match

Total players and subs - per event

Sub rate per match - a value of 0.5 means there is 1 sub roughly every other game

Players with most total wins - Wreck is still on top!

Players with most 4th places - Renaud is the king ;)

Players who have made it to 5 or more playoff matches

Players who have made it to 3 or more finals

Now for the juiciest stats...

Top winrate all time (with at least 15 games played)

Top winrate in recent seasons (S26, S27, S28, S29, S30, S31 with at least 15 games played)

Top winrate in TBR (with at least 5 games played)

Race breakdown for top 20 all time - Big shocker there :icon_rolleyes:

And finally, as a bonus for those of us who have been around long enough to have witnessed one of the greatest rivalries in FML history...I looked into the matches between Wrecktify and Magadansky:

Maga wins:
Magadansky,Nooblex,Wrecktify,Nline,,2008-03-16,s7 (final)
Magadansky,Humans7ar,Wrecktify,SteppinRazor,,2012-09-16,s13 (final)
Magadansky,Wrecktify,Seksi,Humans7ar,,2013-04-22,s15 (final)

Wreck wins:
Wrecktify,Magadansky,svedirko,Lightweight,,2013-09-02,s16 (final)


From this, the all time score between those legends is Magadansky 6-2-3 Wrecktify --  they've met 11 times and 4 of those matches were finals! Of course the debate about which of these players was stronger will never end, but I think it's safe to say this is one more point for team Maga.

Hope you all enjoyed seeing some of these stats -- let's see if we can add another decade to the story ;)

September 27, 2020, 08:52:17 pm
FML Season 32 | Finals  :FMLN:

The time has come once again for the battle for the ultimate FFA prestige: the fight for the FML season title! These four players fought tooth-and-nail throughout the season, and proved their mettle to get a spot on this stage, so congratulations to these four competitors:

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA: :ra: Peregrine
:Russia: :ra: sheik
:Germany: :ra: trunkz

The race representation here is interesting as we have multiple players that can play multiple races. Now we wait to see what it all comes down to when the players queue up.

Qwest, being the top seed, has chosen Imaginary Friends as the map, so it should be a very interesting game. Players - please go schedule your match and hopefully we can get a nice live stream, possibly on B2W. Everyone else - please post your predictions below, keep checking back for an announcement on the match date, and tune in and enjoy the show!

June 06, 2021, 06:38:54 pm
Re: FML Season 32 | Finals Now or never Eshan !
June 09, 2021, 03:05:32 am