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Re: Team Battle Royale - Applications Discord name and Id : porcinet #9633
Country timezone : east canada
Prefered race : human
Want to be a captain : no
- Any other information that might be useful to a captain who wants to draft you: my name is htrt

February 03, 2017, 09:38:55 pm
Re: Team Battle Royale - Applications - DV#6014
- EU (lol)
- Undead/Hum
- Yes, I will be a captain
- Im natural born boss. Just compare me to other ppl and u will understand why I should be a captain.
- -

February 03, 2017, 09:45:00 pm
Re: Team Battle Royale - Applications - Discord name and id: zTsoso - ID: #9051
- Country / Timezone: Denmark (CET)
- Preferred races: Human / random -> I like all races in FFA
- Want to be a captain? Yes / No: Yes

- If you want to be a captain, provide a brief explanation why you would make a good captain:

I know the community and players very well and play inhouse games several times a week. I get a long with most of the players here and share a mutual respect for most.

As a captain: I prefer to take lead with minimal chat involved because I think it is better if teammates learn to analyze/reflect on their decision making, but will always take the role of a guide and make plans/strategies before the game starts.

While I enjoy m being in control, I prefer to play with teammates who can analyze what to do and make lead-suggestions themselves and object if they disagree. I stay open minded, patient and positive to the best of my ability.

Any other information that might be useful to a captain who wants to draft you:

I'm only as good as my team! So be mindful about the synergy of playstyles and personalities in your collection. I prefer to play with players who analyze the game the same way I do.

February 04, 2017, 10:33:12 am
Re: M28 Result yea we bet you do love it  :icon_mrgreen:
December 04, 2017, 10:40:43 am
Re: Round 5 Matchups!! Seksi...lol I find it funny what Eshan does.   He pre game manip more than anyone then literally all he is going to do for the next week is whine and cry like a bitch about our pregame manip.

In week 3 match up verse him and alien I said alien was going to win, but yet Eshan whined and cried like a bitch about I manip verse him pregame.

It's easy to tell when Eshan is full of shit though.   Every time he opens his mouth or moves his fingers bullshit is all the comes out.

December 15, 2017, 05:56:38 am
Re: M99 Result snakecatcher
June 04, 2018, 10:28:35 am
TBR 3 | Announcement Hi everyone,

Some interesting months lie behind us. Warcraft 3 got patched, we moved back to Battle.net, Trunks secured his FML title and finally we got our FFA bot running, thanks to SomethingWicked, Ping and Massmoretankz. It took more time and effort than expected, but the collaboration with Ping’s wc3melee.com is a great solution.

Before we get to the actual announcement, we would like to officially welcome Massmoretankz and Vyvanne to the admin team.

After two FML seasons in a row, it’s time for Team Battle Royale. As in the previous events, four or five teams (not decided yet) will fight for the prestigious title. Teams will be drafted by captains after the sign up phase concluded. The special thing about TBR: All matches will be played anonymously and there is no scheduling required. There will be a preset match list, for which players will be seated by their captains depending on their availability.

Sign up phase: June 12 - June 30
Draft and orga phase: July 1 - July 7
Event: July 8 - August 12 (we won't start before July 8 due to FIFA World Cup)
Game Modes

While TBR 2 was powered up by captain cards, TBR 3 will have no such cards, but bring joy by game modes themselves.
  • 4-way
  • 4-way Random Hero
  • 4-way Pacifist (no player is allowed to go above 55 Food before he hasn’t hoarded 10k gold initially)
  • 2v2v2v2
  • 8-way Preteam (with two players from each team and pre-teaming allowed)

A team will get rewarded 10 points for each won 4-way (random hero or not random hero) and 15 points for each won 2v2v2v2 and 8-way.

A team will get rewarded 3 points for each player that has played at least three matches.

There are four “race crowns” (one for each race) that teams can win during the season, by having most (non 2v2v2v2)-wins with one of the races (random race will count depending on the race drawn in each match). Each race crown will be awarded with 10 points.
How to sign up?

As a requirement to participate in TBR 3, you need to join the FML Discord Server and play at least three inhouse FFA matches if you are unknown to the community.
If you want to participate, please post the following details in this thread:
  • Name (no smurfing allowed)
  • Race
  • Country
  • Want to be a captain?
  • Why should a captain draft you (or why not)?
If you have questions, contact us in Discord

Signed up

:USA: :ra: Iwantwc4
:Lithuania: :hu: :orc: Peanut
:Kazakhstan: :ud: DV*
:Germany: :hu: QQs*
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus

:Russia: :ud: :ra: Reinforcement-
:Germany: :ne: Trunks
:Bulgaria: :ra: Joey
:Russia: :ud: SomethingWicked
:USA: :ne: Wrecktify*

:USA: :ra: Eshan*
:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo*
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:USA: :ne: Mog
:Germany: :ne: HighTac

:Albania: :orc: ena1337
:Russia: :orc: MrSweets
:Germany: :ra: ToX*
:Bulgaria: :hu: rbr.Shorty
:Finland: :ra: Rain

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Russia: :ud: ohn0
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: Jaod
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:USA: :ra: KiLLiN
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Russia: :ra: ILoveSex
:Argentina: :ne: supremo

:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
:Finland: :ne: :ra: Aarnikratti
:Russia: :orc: JIexa_b
:France: :hu: Valefort
:Russia: :orc: Ostone

:Sweden: :ud: :hu: Fetta
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
:Serbia: :ne: Bonucci
:Moldova: :ne: Daguerreotype
:Austria: :ne: tmnt.TomToast

June 12, 2018, 12:23:53 pm
TBR 3 | Teams

VoD of Draft: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/280166720

Go and post your predictions in this thread!

July 02, 2018, 04:28:46 pm
Ugri 3v3 Challenge Hi guys,

So last time there were a FML team for the 4v4, maybe you can create some more team here?


I hope to see you guys participate!

September 24, 2018, 10:28:33 am
Re: FML Season 28 | Round 2 Match 9 (Winner's Bracket)

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA: :ra: Eshan
:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Peru: :hu: ZsSuperCumulo

Street fighter VS Bleach
This game will be one of the hardest for me. Everyone here has the knowledge and skills to take the win and qualify directly to the finals. I think Qwest and Eshan are probably, at the moment, one of my most consistent opponents throught all seasons, but one old folk who we haven't heard much from is Slythe. He was very active until season 25, then he took a break for two seasons. Now with his return, I face him once more so I'm looking forward his strange and unpredicted hero combinations like Pitlord, beastmaster, naga  :icon_smile:; hence, Urahara from Bleach (you never know what he has under the sleeve).

Match 10 (Winner's Bracket)

:Germany: :orc: ena1337
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: reinforceement-
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII

Dragon Ball Z
I think the skill level in this group is about the same. The big surprise is Gradient, who has been winning recently quite a lot. It almost seems as if he has awaken from his previous state of severe autism and has now moved into the other end of the spectrum, High functioning autism or Asperger's. I mean we saw him defeat Seksi in ThunderLake (just like in the image below), which, to me, is flabbergasting. Next is Reinforcement, who I always viewed as little Tyrant or Tyrant's squad lol. He played well on Fountain of manip and I wouldn't be surprised if he wins this game. I'd say that, currently, he is top 3 undead. The other two players are natural born killers, I mean Ena YOLOed on Neon City and won with very little difficulties (partly because the game was chaotic), and AJIKAII, a meticulous tactician, whose apm (usually above 320, fucking bionic right!?) leaves us wondering how can we comepete against that?

Match 11 (Loser's Bracket)

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
:Sweden: :orc: fetta_ook
:Sweden: :ra: junkerzam

I hope Junkerzam shows up: his games are usually fun to watch and he is a mannered individual. If this happens, we'll see the Swedish mafia at its full potential. Ruthlessly teaming out my fellow citizen Heads, who still has trouble dealing with his early 1v1s and inetivably losing the game. However, the one, and possibly only, hope for this awesome side of the globe is Seksi or, as shown in the picture, violent Ken. Now, why violent? Because it's all in, you either win this or Arizona is going bye bye:

Match 12 (Loser's Bracket)

:Bulgaria: :ra: rbr.Godfather
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne
:Russia: :ra: mrSweets
:USA: :ne: FML|Mog

Another well balanced game. Godfather has earned the reputation of sitting, chatting, towering and hoarding, so if the other players are cool with this play style, we should expect a long game, specially if it's played on Sanctuary. On the hand, mrSweets might play more aggressively. I really don't know how well he plays, but I remember Wreck destroyed him in Equalrium few seasons ago. Lastly, this two folks are probably the "meat" of this match. I mean this is almost another Street Fighter game. Vyvanne as Ryu vs Mog as Nash, a clash that I'm so glad it's happening this season. Mog rarely plays bot or inhouse for that matter, while Vyvanne is frequentely active at nights and while we may know how Vyvanne and Seksi do in 1v1 FFA, we have no clue about Mog's skill level compared to Vyvanne. I'm looking forward this match, and possibly shoutcasting it with my fellow Party leaders and officials from Germany  :Germany:  :icon_smile: :icon_cool: :icon_biggrin:

Match 13 (Loser's Bracket)

:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:USA: :ne: Dovekie
:Germany: :ra: Joggel

Another game I'm looking forward observing, primarily because we have Doveki and Supremo. The latter proved to be a worthy opponent in round 1, where he got 3v1 for being too PODEROSO. Now he will face another PODEROSO opponent, Doveki. This individual has the skills required to take down any power house from FML. We saw it in an annonymus game of TBR last year; the map was Harvest of Sorrow and Wrecktify got trained wrecked in elf mirror. Let's see if Supremo's wushu martial arts can defeat American Jean Claude Van Damme.
One last note, the other two are wildcards, and if they play it right, they can also take the win.

Match 14 (Loser's Bracket)

:Germany: :ra: trunkz
:Czech: :hu: Lil Tic
:Russia: :ra: Jaod
:Russia: :orc: b100death

If trunkz shows up, then I'd love to see him face b100 one more time. Last year, at nights, we used to play inhouse 4 ways and the games were always constant action. I mean with players like Seksi, b100, Trunkz and others of that level it was "rush or get rushed". Now, b100 may be a favorite, but LilTic and Jaod can also provide some entertainment value. And, since Jaod is a little bit more familiarized with b100 style, maybe this time he can take proper action beforehand. Lastly, Lil Tic reminds me a lot of QQs (I don't know why, but I sense some correlation in their play style lol).

Match 15 (Loser's Bracket)

:Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus
:USA: :ud: JSRGN
:Russia: :orc: JIexa_b

@WeAkUD lost all his FML coins. What he doesn't realize is that there is a limited amount of this "fake" currency that only the mighty Renaud has created for all of us. Furthermore, this will be the last season our lovely Canadian admin produces these coins so you better make smart bets pal! (Let's be honest though, aarni basically screwed him over due to the mess Ena created - smart move by ena or not, he won regardless -) So with this being said, good luck to Tox.
The other two may have similar levels, but JSRGN seems a little bit more solid to me, at least in the overall aspect of FFA meta. Let's just hope this time he actually practices the map so that he doesn't blame his loss on it. A wise comment made by Vargas Llosa about dying comes to mind (for FFA, it'd be about losing): Knowing how to lose is no less important than how to win

Match 16 (Loser's Bracket)

:France: :ud: Ugrilainen
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Finland: :ra: aarnikratti
:Germany: :orc: Pinballmap

The only sad part about this game is that Pinballmap rage quit  :icon_frown:. In Flames will forever live in us @Pinballmap . The good part is that we may now get GEASS, Noex or Alien, which means Ugri and aarni will have a tough time winning this match  :icon_confused:. Since Ugri helped me in M2 vs Shave, I hope he wins this. However, against aggressive players like aarni and Magadansky's shadow (or mini Maga as I call him) Ugri will have to take some lessons from 120 and depend a lot on chatting and scouting to know when to strike, just like today vs Mog.

October 07, 2018, 11:45:37 pm