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Re: S24 M39 Sure he can, lets play 20h45 CET
December 02, 2016, 11:51:21 am
Re: S24 Community Feedback Why is the point system a little bit better now ? (For the obs and for most of the players)
Because with the 25 points system players tended to be much more passive and I'm one clear example for that and so was Soso. I think last seasons he was more passive then this one. Just look at the game on the island map where I waited 4 hours to win the game.
All in all I don't think the point system changes a lot since it didn't change any result at all. And mostly all the players in the top where top players.
That's why I think we should stick with this point system a bit longer because games were more enjoyable to watch and no matter what the point system is I will try as hard to win.

February 07, 2017, 03:41:54 am
Re: S25 Sign-ups War3arena account name: NoeXxX
Discord Account name and noexxxx#6504
Country you represent: :Switzerland:
WC3 Race: :hu:
Brief message on how you found the league and wc3 accomplishments relevant to FFA : Did 24-0 on 2v2 netease with Ujustgotshaved
Gradient's coach
Lightweight #1 and Ravenclaw #1

April 08, 2017, 12:50:34 pm
Re: S25 M16 Confirmed :)
May 31, 2017, 03:27:49 am
Re: M17 Result ok, I get it now. Just what I didn't understand in that game is that you cj him, then go back. After such a cj just go and finish him off completly. I mean you have to put yourself in his point of view, He gets cjed, loses his only expand and all his pesants and than you back off. At this point he is really angry in his mind and says himself ok I will destroy the game of that orc since he destroyed mine as 90% of the players in fml would do the same. Maybe not that far but they would annoy you for a long time I'm kinda sure of that.

Then you back off and go on creeping which is perfect for cumulo because he can get an army to rush you now that he is angry. When he rushes you, you ask for peace, a peace that of course he won't give you since you ruined his early game.
My point is if you do a rush, do it fully or don't creepjack. But with the background cumulo has of ruinning games I understand now why you did that, I didn't know that you too had grudges and I'm sorry for that.
gl hf

June 02, 2017, 04:17:39 am
Re: Final round games! M19
:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]
:Germany::ra: WeakUD
:Switzerland::hu: Noexxx
:Russia::orc: KENT2566
Germany plus russia VS Amerika and Switzerland stays neutral.
Come and meet us with kent on friday at 18 CET with a bottle of vodka as he kindly invites everyone who wants to participate
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Germany::ra: (SLYTHE)
:Australia::ne: Sweet
:USA::ud: SteppinRazor
Steppin shall rise from the ashes and I except him to grow stronger after giving up with 28 k gold last time. I know that if Steppin tries hard he can take the win here because he is an overall really good player. If Slythe plays smart like he sometimes does on bot when he is not annoyed by some harasser noob he can take the win cause he is almost as hard to kill as eshan when he tries hard to win. I think slythe chances are much higher if he is in a losing position at the begining of the game. I remember an interview I did one time where I said that it is possible that fetta might win fml one year. Fetta is a troll and I've always admired trolls in wc3 so I still think he can win fml, just not this season.
Sweet plays well lately but I don't remember him facing the almighty orc god Fetta_Ook. Sweet usually wins his early 1v1 and this is a problem here against slythe and fetta that always try to rebuild very hard. And I hope stepping will try to rebuild hard this game so we see a good game with lots of turnaround and baserace.
I'll go with slythe here because who can win a baserace against him?

:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Canada::ne: Renaud
:Russia::ud: (SomethingWicked)
:USA::ud: Audigy
Gradient will do an unbreakable base again unless someone kills him before 5 minute mark they shall except to get harassed until the end of the game. While being harass by 3 staff of teleportation, some chims passing arround here and there they will probably break their keyboard and screaming to their computer hoping that he will stop. During that time, Renaud will do some funny comments to obs and claim he is so happy that everyone who is busy with killing gradient let him hoard 50k gold on a small map. Meanwhile, Audigy will be able to do a 100 pop army of necrowagon and attack renaud who is still hoarding, while his army marches to the fortress he will take some drugs, after that, when his army reaches the front of renaud's base, the police will enter and ask him to move his car. At that point, he will pause the game and say that the police is coming from him and that his daughter is asleep. Everyone will perceive that as "pause manip" so either he gets arrested by the police or he gets kicked out of the game".  I except this game to be a mess and if somethingwicked stays strong and passive, he could win it. But if he gets overharassed by gradient, renaud gets a freegoldwin.

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:USA::ra: (Eshan)
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:Russia::ud: Pyatac
Two things can happen here: 1) Jaod rushes someone and kills him completly while he cries for help to be save but since we all know the love that those 3 players have for eachother, we all know that nobody will save the poor jaod victim. Jaod has a farm so he knows the mess it can sometime create. His experiences of farming will probably help him in this chicken coop of manip during all the game.
2) Laxu and Jaod do a solo fight undead miror to see who is the best with undead while the two others write each other love poem about how they are going to manip during the 4 next hours. But even if that happens don't forget that cumulo and Eshan wont forget that there are other players in the game and they will form an alliance to compete in the 3 way until one of the two comes with a magic trick that will make the other scream for help.
Eshan is as tryhard as me so I think he stands the better chance here. If everyone plays for win, Eshan should take the win because Amerika always ends up winning with cumulo. Never underestimate the love of Eshan and Cumulo, its almost as strong as Eshan and Soso.
To be honest, I think this will be a nice game where anyone could win because they are all four good ffa players. I'll go with experience. Eshan + Ravenclaw #1

:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:Germany::ra: (SosoHasRedHair)
:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:Germany::ne: b2w.TrunkzZz
One thing I'm sure of here is Dinamo just can't win against those 3 monsters. But who knows if trunks who belongs to TEAMMODEL will show up or not? If trunks shows up, junkerzam will take my place and become me during a while and he will team up trunks to death with shave as we did in the goodoldyears during sympoleague 2. This game will finish with trunks having triple 10 hero levels with dh naga potm camping in front of his base of 1 tree and 8 moonwels during 1 hour trying to manip everyone that he is losing. After a long moment of chatmanip, a little critter from shave will be able to get in trunks base and he will kill trunks losing 5 tanks of his 8 tanks to trunks imba heroes. After that, either shave wins in a baserace against junker if he did some tricks, either he loses to junker who has a bit too much gold. But I'll go with shave here since we are the killer of 2v2 robots and he took the name of one of the greatest human player of all times: ZtSoso. Maybe his name will give him some strenght

:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Russia::ud: Qwest
:Germany::orc: Ena1337
:Russia::ra: Reinforment-
After game drama incoming: Qwest wins and everybody says that he streamhacked with reinforment- because they are jealous of his undead powers. Ena will troll arround and get 35 hero kills while his fanclub will do memes about the god of blademasters ena just created. Wrecktify is oldschool so he will probably go dr panda kotg and rush the orc with 30 chims. Ena will transform himself in SuperGradiTrunksTeamModel and get the best abilities of all those players which will make him unstoppable until some gods with superpower make him desync from the game. On Ena Twitch we will see superGradiTrunksBlademaster getting those 32 hero kills. Everyone will scream Ena #1 and all the fans hope will be destroyed when they realise he got kicked from the game. When Ena is out, everyone can breath and stop having nightmares of blademaster crits. In the real game, which is not the alternative version of Ena's slaughter, there will be a 3 way between wreck, reinforcment and qwest. I see qwest win here because with high hero levels he is really strong and wrecktify will get teamed to death because his combo very strong late game against undead unless the undead is Magadanski Or ObsandLearn the two bulgarian undeads who may be brothers for all this time.

June 14, 2017, 12:37:15 pm
Re: M20 Result That's not true, with few gold and 12 bats or more, orc can get imba hero levels while the guy you bat wins 0 experience out of killing your bat. Than with your higher hero levels you can aclick the elf or undead heroes and win the game. Ask it to renaud or Magadanky. Tbh orc biggest weakness is early rush, but than they are very imba. Stronger than human in fights but a bit weaker in mobility due to mass tp. Playing elf or ud against a very good orc is a nightmare, believe me
June 20, 2017, 05:08:17 am
Re: Team Battle Royale 2: Applications Open noexxxx#6504
I sign up but won't be there before the 30 July so don't pick me.
If you pick me, please pick lightweight, I've always dreamt to play ffa with my hero and I never achieved that.
Why pick me ? Just because I will play my life to win an ffa game.
I can't be a captain since I will be late.
Lightweight#1 #neverforget

July 14, 2017, 08:34:18 pm
Re: Round 3&4 Match-ups! POOL 1

M23 - Schedule
:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo
:Germany: :ud: ToX
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Germany: :ne: Trunks
From gradi's point of view, this is a game with 3 zomby, someone who completly tunnel visions someone until the person is dead. But those 4 guys can be really good too. The question is more who will get rushed by trunks or who will rush trunks and tome him before he can get an army? My guess is trunks will rush someone and Tox will rush someone too with cumulo winning at the end because human best race
M24 - Schedule
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
:Germany: :ra: Joggel
:Germany: :ne: HighTac
gl hf
M25 - Schedule
:Germany: :hu: TheTrumanShow
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne
Maga came back in shape and has some good undead skills as always, theTrumanShow has good fighting skills  but less experience, he is still a decent orc so always scarry until defeated. Airenikus is a surivor and always finds a way to stay under the radar hiding 5-7 k gold in bank. Vyvanne is ud and undeads don't have much chances unless it's a 3 way. I think airenikus will win if he dosent get rushed by one of the undead like TGW rushed him in playffa cup final. If he gets rushed, ill go with maga winning.

M26 - Schedule
:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Germany: :ra: Joggel
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus
gl hf
M27 - Schedule
:Germany: :ud: ToX
:Germany: :ne: Trunks
:Germany: :ne: HighTac
:Germany: :hu: TheTrumanShow
Tox + Trunks, the evil german ennemies or friends, who knows... This game can go 3 ways:
1) trunks tomes tox or tox tomes trunks, all depends on the timing but I dont know if Tox knows the timing to do that.
2)Trunks rushes truman or hightac and tomes them while Tox comes for help instantly because he is extremely scared of a guy stronger than him.
3)Tox rushes someone, Trunks rushes someone and one of them wins.
I'll go for hightac winning
M28 - Schedule
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
Maga vs King of garg battle qwest, qwest knows how to abuse the undead race at the best,really good cast with 4 undeads. I hope to see an epic battle to see who is the best undead of that day.

M29 - Schedule
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Peru: :ne: Headintheclouds
:Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
:Sweden: :hu: Starshaped
Starshaped is a monster, nobody knows him, he will get tunneled by headintheclouds, reinforcement will tome gradi and win the game

M30 - Schedule
:USA: :ne: VelociRPTR.3EF
:Bulgaria: :orc: rbr.Godfather
:France: :hu: Valefort
M31 - Schedule
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:USA: :orc: xA-iZamatish4
:Finland: :ra: Aarnikratti
Hmmm, seksi, MOg, aarni interesting to see how it goes since aarni always claimed he is better than those old players who are highly overrated. I dont know who xA is so ill go with Mog winning if he goes tinker. HONORSPREN mog #1
M32 - Schedule
:USA: :ne: VelociRPTR.3EF
:Bulgaria: :orc: rbr.Godfather
:Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:)))))))))) easy win for reinforcement or seksi, godfather thinks he can beat either of those 2 easily, velocirptr is a rusher and will probably die trying to rush one of those guys. Seksi will manip and it will be a close game between him and reinforment. Lots of luck involved here.
M33 - Schedule
:Peru: :ne: Headintheclouds
:Sweden: :hu: Starshaped
:Finland: :ra: Aarnikratti
RIP, if TRUMP does learn how to build a mexican wall after all his talk, he will take the win home, starshaped is imba, aarni is good but not enough and headintheclouds a bit lower than aarni believe, at least he tries to improve now. Ill go for starshaped winning even though I hope trump wins with 40-50 towers
M34 - Schedule
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:France: :hu: Valefort
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]
:USA: :orc: xA-iZamatish4
Battle of tinker, valefort is decent and there are no undeads here so he might flourish depending on the map. Nevertheless, 2 elfs vs human is very little chance for human, especially when you face 2 tinkers. I think mog will win because Gradi doesn't pick thorn aura.

M35 - Schedule
:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:Peru: :ud: Bomber.-
:Russia: :ud: Jaod
:USA: :ra: AlienwareOwnZ
2 good players, 2 bad players, the player who gets to tome supermo wins
unless supremo gets rushed by bomber, either way supremo and bomber lose the game.
M36 - Schedule
:Bulgaria: :hu: rbr.Shorty
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
:Kazakhstan: :ra: DV-
Renaud is a good hoarder, dv is a genius, fetta is a tome, shorty is a level 3 am rusher, guess who wins?
M37 - Schedule
:Peru: :ud: Ls.Psike
:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:United_Kingdom: :ne: New_Nebu
:Russia: :orc: mrSweets
MrSweets wins because laxu is out of shape and orc is a really strong race nothing can stop.
M38 - Schedule
:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:Albania: :orc: ena1337
:Russia: :ra: lLoveSex
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo
Dinamo will drink too much vodka, ilovesex will buy 4 crowns, ena will go rambo mode and if he shows up i except from him an imba darkranger who kills everybody with his alphamale superior micro. Soso is the best human player so I think he will still win if he shows up.
M39 - Schedule
:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:Kazakhstan: :ra: DV-
:Bulgaria: :hu: rbr.Shorty
The guy who can tome supremo will most likely win and the guy who gets rushed by shorty will lose.
M40 - Schedule
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
:Russia: :ud: Jaod
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo
Nice game, will dinamo show up with a vodka bottle this time? If jaod is serious, he can play good. So this can turn up 2 ways: Renaud gets to hoard, he wins. Jaod gets to tome fetta or renaud early, he wins.
M41 - Schedule
:Russia: :ra: lLoveSex
:Russia: :orc: mrSweets
:Peru: :ud: Ls.Psike
:Peru: :ud: Bomber.-
no idea who those guys are, i just believe they are rushers and ILovesex will win because mrsweets will get harasssed all game-
M42 - Schedule
:USA: :ra: AlienwareOwnZ
:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:United_Kingdom: :ne: New_Nebu
:Albania: :orc: ena1337
Good cast for T3 pool. Ena will troll again, laxu will die with him, ill go with alien winning depending on the sub

March 22, 2018, 04:26:23 pm
Re: FML Season 30 | Sign up! NoeXxX

August 27, 2019, 02:16:54 pm