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Finals is here! :FMLN:

The four regular rounds of the silver anniversary season have been played out and we've seen some great games. It really came down to the wire in the battle for a seat at the final table where the absolute last two games played a huge part in the final outcome. As a result we now have 3/4 of the finals line-up complete and four semi finalists ready to duke it out for the final spot. We congratulate the following players and thank everyone who did not advance for a great season!

Grand finals:
:USA::ne: Wrecktify :gold:
:Switzerland::hu: Noexxx :gold:
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam :gold:

Semi final:
:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:Australia::ne: Sweet
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:Germany::ra: SosoHasRedHair

The semi final will be played on the classic map Twilight Ruins, schedule away!

June 27, 2017, 05:12:01 pm
Re: Team Battle Royale 2: Applications Open janker #8632
All races
No captain
KoW3.Target's long lost descendant

Can't play until 4th of August  :icon_eek:

July 18, 2017, 03:21:19 am
Re: Current Teams & Free Agents
I play for team #4 freeEna

Fucking gay team concept retarded gayshit

While you may think you are an amusing troll, we are tired of your insulting comments. Keep it up and you can add ffamasters to your banned from list. 

October 12, 2017, 12:20:39 pm
Re: M27 Result https://www.twitch.tv/videos/207016674

shoutcast of M27

December 06, 2017, 03:01:42 pm
Re: FML Season 29 | Round 2 M7

:Peru: :hu: zS.SuperCumulo
:Russia: :orc: DeniskaEE
:Bulgaria: :ud: jOeybadaSs_
:Albania: :orc: ena1337

joey got chewed up by deniskaee in round 1, i except more from maga's prodigy in this game. cumulo pushes out one the robot orcs with early gryphons, joey cleans up the 3 way.


:Russia: :orc: Jiexa
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo
:Russia: :ra: Dinamo-
:Germany: :ra: Slythe

nelf robots this game. slythe the slug has the biggest brain, that grants him the win.


:Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
:Germany: :ra: Shave
:USA: :ra: Donald-Trump
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne

solid players in this game, shave may be overlooked although he's probably the stronkest one.


:Czech: :hu: Lil Tic   
:Russia: :ra: Jaod
:Bulgaria: :orc: Godfather
:Germany: :hu: QQs

this game with 2 champs somehow doesn't give me quite the chills as say a game with maga and wrecktify. my frend jaod is good but usually gets overteamed and takes bad decisions in the final 3rd (need to take lessons from qwest! ))). being a nasty fucker who plays necrowagon, godfather reminds me a lot of tleilaxu. hope to see more necrowagon here


:Sweden: :ra: junkerzam
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
:Finland: :ra: aarnikratti
:USA: :ra: Eshan

will arni crawl out from the darkest corners of the FML overall standings?


:Germany: :hu: GEASS
:Germany: :ne: Trunkz
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Poland: :ne: Gradient

will gradi do his masters bidding once more? qwest top ud, trunkz will try to rush him out and should grab the win if he succeeds

January 16, 2019, 01:31:40 am
Re: 2020 Review Thanks for all your efforts hightac, you have almost single handedly (credits to other admins as well) kept the scene alive the last 2-3 years.

The discord server is a sad place these days, you would think you entered a locker room for 14y olds but sadly its grown ups discussing anal sex, gay jokes, what hot girls they would do or not and other wc3 related topics. This mentality obviously taints ladder games as well and until most of these trolls are rooted out, understandably no new players will join.

For the game format, maybe a timer could increase activity on ladder. Most players coming from the solo scene will leave the game 30min into the 3h sitfest, its also hard to play the occasional ladder ffa when u dont know if u can commit your time or if u will have to leave because gradient hides trees in every corner of the map. These games can be saved for FML/TBR etc

December 28, 2020, 06:27:53 am
Re: FML Season 33 | Go! junkerzam

sign up as reserve if someone drops out

April 03, 2022, 01:04:36 pm