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Messages - letshavesomefun

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 18
Scheduling / Re: S32 M29
« on: May 28, 2021, 02:36:46 pm »

Scheduling / Re: S32 M29
« on: May 25, 2021, 04:11:39 pm »
ye I veto it aswell. Pick another one

Scheduling / Re: S32 M27
« on: May 19, 2021, 04:01:27 pm »
fine by me. Aarni said he can play basicly anytime anyway and he wanna show hes a little rebell to cool to follow the rules and too important to have 3 secs to post in here

Scheduling / Re: S32 M27
« on: May 16, 2021, 05:59:01 am »
i have to revoke saturday :/ but Friday or Sunday would be a go for me next weekend!

Scheduling / Re: S32 M27
« on: May 14, 2021, 10:35:03 am »
no not this sunday i gotta work monday

i offer friday(today) saturday(tomorrow) or next week fri sat sun since the monday there is holiday

Scheduling / Re: S32 M27
« on: May 13, 2021, 02:31:22 pm »

guess due to timezones weekends will be needed.

i can do Friday or Saturday next weekend 20 cet till lets say 2 in the morning cet?

Scheduling / Re: S32 M18
« on: May 04, 2021, 12:43:20 pm »
i vote for trunks as sub

Scheduling / Re: S32 M18
« on: May 04, 2021, 11:49:15 am »
map vote: market square

dunno maybe got weekend after?

Scheduling / Re: S32 M10
« on: April 25, 2021, 01:27:46 pm »
T.t prolly wont make it tonight. U are gonna have to sub me im afraid

Scheduling / Re: S32 M10
« on: April 21, 2021, 06:24:01 am »
25. in the evening then?

Scheduling / Re: S32 M10
« on: April 20, 2021, 05:29:09 am »

Go tomorrow 22 cet? I think it should be 16 EST?

Else 25. in the evening I guess?

Scheduling / Re: S32 M3
« on: April 12, 2021, 02:59:20 pm »
Saturday works to 80% for me

lets book it in at 22 cet?

News / Re: FML Season 32 | Round 1
« on: April 12, 2021, 01:40:37 pm »
Round 1 Matches

Match 1
:USA: SeeKer
:Sweden: Fetta_ook
:Finland: Leluaami Noexxx
:Peru: D2sTRUCT8

School just started again in Finland. Lelu who spent the last months in his parents cabin deep in the finish forests, has to leave his save space now and go on his school walk without any chance of covering or hiding from his natural predator. The Voxius. Beeing aware of how defens- and hopeless lelus current situation is, vox already booked his flight. Chances that lelu gets this game sheduled before the unevitable happens, are slim. So while lelu spends the FML start with voxius, Noexxx will take his place. Unfortunately Noexxx wont see the screen clearly during the game since his eyes are covered by all the tears running down his face about his girlfriend breaking up with him. Meanwhile Fetta is sitting in the first class waitinglongue of Stockholm airport, smoking a cuban cigarre, sipping on an exclusive and expensive drink and smiling. Smiling as he remembers how he tipped of Vox about Lelu and seduced Noexxx ex gf. His Masterplan for Season 32 is slowly but steadily unfolding. Ready to End his Opponents entire existence and not only their ffa careers.

Match 2
:Austria: rulaZ Tomtoast
:Finland: Aarnikratti
:Peru: Punpun
:Russia: ostone

If Tommy doesnt end his Human experiment here and goes back to elf i see Ostone winning this one.

Match 3
:Argentina: supremo
:Russia: Sheik
:Germany: Shave
:Germany: 5te1n Granti

Penalty for Granti please for signing up under smurf @hightac

Whoever wins this game has the biggest shower!

Match 4
:United_Kingdom: Enjoi
:France: SyDe
:USA: Nightwing
:Serbia: Voxius Melicia

Vox needs to keep a low profile, so the fin police doesnt find him and Lelu. That means no Wifi and no GPS.
2 Months ago shortly after planning to visit lelu, he started to introduce his sister to the comunity. To learn and study our behaviour. 2 Months of Planning and Preparing, just to give her big bro an alibi by playing on his acc.

I cannot really predict this game any further since im afraid of Eshan crying to hightac 3 days straight about my post causing his loss somehow and im gonna end up with 5 Penalty Points before my first game even started.

Match 5
:Russia: qwest
:Russia: Airenikus
:Ireland: M00se
:Peru: MoonAndino

Match 6
:Sweden: Junkerzam
:Russia: Neytpoh
:Peru: Tukimkim
:Poland: Gradient

Over years Godfather collected penalty points for other players, shouldering the burden of admin injustice all by himself. 90% of this comunity are in his debt and owe him. And now....hes ready to collect the favors. Therefore i expect early 2n1 by gradi/Junker on Neutron. Neutron will fight like a lion but in the end team Gradi/Junker will succeed. Since Junker is used to go clubbing with fetta, he knows how to handle wild beasts. Gradis Animal Harras will fail and Junker takes the first win this season.

Match 7
:Germany: Trunkz
:Lithuania: Peanut
:Brazil: iOwnedU
:USA: Vyvanne

Over 1,5 Years have passed since Vyvanne played his last fml game.

Sleep cooldown reduced? Check
Swarm damage increased? Check
Dessi Dispel buffed? Check
Gargs auto attack air? Check
Infernals removed from deathrose? Check

Happy about his 139 Emails to the Blizzard Patch Team having worked out Vyvanne gladly filled out the sign up form to season 32 in full excitment about raping orcs/humans he forgot a tiny...but important thing tough. Sick of losing to 20 apm elfs and 20 apm undeads human and orcs adapted and switched to elf/ud themselves. And in this game Elsha directly gets placed against the meanest angriest and biggest elf there is.... TRUNKS.

News / Re: FML Season 30 | Semi-Finals
« on: May 04, 2020, 02:40:02 pm »
The main focus of the comunity is currently on pads 2n2 ladder. Who will be the best 2s team?

Thorzain and Skutt?
Tox and Shocker?
Noexx and Shave?

True ffa fans know that pads 2n2 ladder is not the place where u will find the new best 2s team. it is right here instead in Semi Final 1!

But lets start in the beginning

Laegoose is new to the scene but comes with everything a new FML champ needs to have.

1. Hes elf.
2. He will be overlooked.

but sadly all of that doesnt matter cuz we know that if laegoose wins fml, this season wont count anyway because dv says so.

in fact there hasnt been a fml champion since season 20.

so lets switch from a russian nightelf to......oh well another russian nightelf i guess.

neutron looks like the sort of player that signed up to fml thinking this was another random hero ffa cup with pricemoney.

now this season turned into a game of thrones marathon for him and hes in season 3 by now still waiting for the Dragons Random Hero Games to finally appear.

Instead he got a glimpse at "The Wall" aka Noexxx Mainbase in round 4 and is just about to be a part in "the red wedding" aka this semifinal.

Now lets have a look at the Stars of our Game. The new best 2s Team. Best friends for life well....until final baserace i guess.

Seperated trough the brackets Neutron managed to catch Seksi offguard in r1 and by offguard i mean without eshan by his side.

so whats gonna happen this game?

While Eshan is busy spamming "GG HELP" in chat at 3min mark cuz he feels treathend by Neutrons scout whisp Arni will enlighten Random People on FFAMASTER Twitch channel that

1) FFA should be only played on 4s maps
2) there should be a timer of 1 hour
3) FFA is stupid anyway and they should play solo instead

People that dont agree to these words of wisdom will be challenged by arni to 1on1 him.

Just to then remind the people actually daring to 1on1 him that he doesnt have time for that because he is a teacher and his job is too important.

So while Fetta is watching the game enjoying a bottle of whiskey noone else in this comunity could afford and feeling pitty for these sad hobbyless nerds playing this chieldsgame tommy is collecting all his bravery and goes on another date with Badminton girl. Hoping shes out of shape due to lack of training during Corona Virus he now sees his chances to finally clear his name. Little does he know that she has a badminton court at her house and trained even harder in the last months since she had more freetime. So instead of destroying her pussy in the night its tommy thats getting destroyed.....during day....on the court.

But Tommy is not the only thing getting destroyed this day because Neutron is currently destroying Eshans and Seksis Dreams of becoming a FML Champ. If Neutron didnt meditate under a waterfall the past 2weeks to prepare for this game he wont last 1 hour against Eshan and Seksis Chat without Suiciding both of them. Laegoose who like every good FML Nightelf did 3 heroes and 9 chims in his first and only control group because ("why make bear i dont use roar anyway" - Renaud 2010 right before winning FML) and has his rest supply in hippos autofollowing his heroes comes back from going afk after creeping to swoop in and baserace whats left of the other 3 palyers.

so i guess we will have to wait until next Season to crown a new FML CHAMP and Tyrant will continue to be our current FML Champion.

Scheduling / Re: S31 M39
« on: April 19, 2020, 05:42:57 pm »
lets make this quick and just sub me. seeya in 2 weeks for semi

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