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Oh man, basing an entire season around @FML|junkerzam randomization videos would be SICK!!! Good idea Jaod.
I like this idea from Jaod, so basically the first round is totally randomized, and then we use a (familiar) format of top 4 players = 1 match, next 4 = next match etc. and so on throughout remainder of season. I can't speak for all admins but I would say this is definitely something we will consider for next season! Thank you jaod (and everyone else) for input so far!
is there a way to do an anonymous season?so far the biggest roadblock to anon season is scheduling...but if there is an app, a website, or a platform that allows you to create an account, but then chat anonymously with a chosen group, it would work.for instance, on phones you can do this with the app Rumr. i think its possible if we put our heads together.
So joads idea is each week the top 4 in points match eachother?First game top 4Second game 4-8Third game 9-12So good players have tougher competition. Bad players have easier games?