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Re: M26 Result Well done betoon.   Wooooohoooooooo
December 09, 2017, 02:46:03 pm
The Arena! 24 Player FFA - Saturday @ 14 EST / 20 CET Hello, FFA Masters!

We will be hosting a 24 PLAYER FFA this Saturday (Oct 14) @ 14:00 EST / 20:00 CET. 

The game name will be = 24 PLAYER FFA #2

It will be hosted on BNet.  You can join from any server. 

The map will be "The Arena".  You can download it directly here: https://ufile.io/8y0zr

View map here: https://image.ibb.co/hYGfjU/123.png

The focus in making this map was to avoid having too much gold, and also avoid it from being too big of a map.  I believe these goals were accomplished.  The first play test ended in just over 2 hours and all of the gold on the map was drained.  Since then, I have increased the gold slightly as well as increasing the health of the trees (more lumber per tree) since players were running out of lumber.  I've also added to the middle. 

Most 24 Player Maps are simply too large with too much gold.  The layout of this map is similar in a sense to Marketsquare where each player has their own semi-enclosed base with an opening in the front.   The creeps will be familiar as I used creep camps from some of the best maps (Marketsquare, Twilight Ruins, Lost Temple, etc.) 

The first play test turned out to be a nice game and it felt surprisingly balanced for the first iteration.  This time around should be even better and there will be a good turnout of FML/FFA players in this game! 

Lastly, we picked a time that would interfere with FML games as least as possible.  There should only be 1 FML game running which starts an hour earlier this Saturday. 

Come join us and look for the game to be hosted approx. 30 minutes before 14 EST / 20 CET this Saturday, OCT 14.   

Game name = 24 PLAYER FFA

Map stats:

24x Starting Spawns (15,000 gold)
24x Natural Expansions (10,500 gold)
16x Contested Expansions (20,000 gold)
10x Goblin Laboratories
10x Goblin Merchants 
8x Mercenary Camps (4x Dalaran, 4x Barrens). 
4x Marketplaces
2x Health Fountains
2x Mana Fountains
1x Dragon Roost

There are also 10x Waygates around the map, each porting to the opposite side.  These are around a center ring in the map, helping to reduce the effective size.

Hope to see you there! 

October 11, 2018, 12:48:28 am
Grubby played a random hero FFA map

just fyi, for those who didn't know!

November 10, 2018, 12:03:36 am
Re: S30 M3 If we use term CET, we mean the time that is currently active in central europe (which is CEST)
September 02, 2019, 09:41:18 am