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Messages - hejpådigStarshaped

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12]
Scheduling / Re: M8
« on: August 11, 2011, 08:30:00 am »
So, what room in GGC and who will host?

Scheduling / Re: M8
« on: August 03, 2011, 11:02:12 am »
I'm hesitant towards confirming a time that is basically as last minute as it gets, but if you all want to I am fine with it.


League Discussion / Re: Who are you? Introductions!
« on: August 02, 2011, 06:42:00 pm »
This became longer than I first intended. Feel free to skip the massive wall of text

Hi there =)

I'm sure most of the dedicated FFA players and oldschool players in general aren't too familiar with me. Others will probably recognize me. Either way, just keep reading if you want to know about me ^_^

I started playing during RoC but mostly against the computer or with/against my brothers. I eventually made my way to but our computer/internet made anything more than a-moving and hoping for the best impossible.

Up until 2006 I played 3v3 RT almost exclusively, playing random. Around that time I played a game of ladder 1v1 and got destroyed by some human going rifle/caster. I was shocked at how imbalanced it seemed. This was the first time I checked a replay that I lost. I learned the build he used and for the first time I played WC3 with a set plan: rifle/caster. My win% instantly shot up and around 2006-2007 I decided to properly learn 1v1. I decided to stick to Human. I found out about the pro scene, and sites like WCR, Replayers etc. I watched replays and listened to audios and I played 1v1 ladder and customs with better players and asked for advice and went from a 30% 3v3 RT playing noob to a decent soloer. Even though I was to become a lot better in the future, playing at a semipro level, it was during this time when the game was the most fun to me.

Eventually I got bored and, after a brief stint of SC:BW (D+ on ICCup), I started playing 3v3 RT again. That is, until I discovered 4v4 RT. I fell in love with the gametype and played almost nothing but 4v4 RT and 2v2/3v3/4v4 AT, with short switches to FFA. Sometime around late 2008 and early 2009 I got back into solo and for the first time played on a league team. It really motivated me and I met some great people. I kept steadily improving, doing well in clan wars, winning leagues with my team, and placing well in cups, earning a bit of money, beating notable players along the way, and was eventually invited to clan DkH.

I had already more or less gone inactive as I joined DkH, but I kept playing well for a while. I switched between SC2 and WC3 haphazardly until finally giving up on WC3, with brief returns to play Stars Wars Qualifiers, Zotac Cups, and league games when my team was short on players etc. In the end I just lacked motivation. half the matchups bored the hell out of me and all the leagues and cups had a habit of removing bigger macro maps and insisting on using small 2-player maps. Still, I'm proud of where I got to as far as 1v1 goes, considering it was such a small part of my time playing WC3, and I'm proud of the great games I produced and I had a blast all the while.

So, yeah, not much FFA experience, but I think I have a decent grasp of how the gametype works. Really I'm just an inactive player looking to have some fun and support the continued WC3 community, because while SC2 might be a good or even great game, it can never ever touch WC3 =)

Some of my WC3 achievements:

3rd place - IeSF Sweden LAN, Warcraft III, 11/09-10

AoWL Season 1 winner, as part of team BD, Warcraft III, 16/01-11

2nd place - e-Sports Central Cup #1, Warcraft III, 29/05-11

OGzL Season 1 winner, as part of team DkH, Warcraft III, 05/06-11

1st place, Webmex 2v2 League Qualifier #1, With Rain, Warcraft III, 11/06-11

2nd place, Fast Morning Cup #3, Warcraft III, 16/06-11

3rd/4th place, e-Sports Central Cup #3, Warcraft III, 27/06-11

Scheduling / Re: M8
« on: August 02, 2011, 05:11:42 pm »
Also, what are we doing as far as hosting goes?

There should be a lot of players online for hosting. Usually lots of players show up to spectate the matches and we can employ them to help. This match might be harder to find a good host for all, but we have some good hosts we can try.

Alright, sounds good.

well, anyway I vote for saturday 13th 18.00 - 20.00 cet.

I dont think that time works for starshaped bc of zotac. it is not ideal for me, but I guess I can play on the 11th if that makes things easier (id rather not schedule for the 14th because thats cutting it close to deadline).

How does 11th sound? Since you are CET + 4, and I'm actually EST - 3, we are totally spread out in timezones lol. maybe 9:00 - 12:00 EST (18:00 - 21:00 CET)?

If not that, then it must be the 14th.

Well, I think I'd be regarding myself too highly if I thought I would still be in the cup around 21.00, especially since I haven't played at all for a long time, but the possibility exists that FML and Zotac would collide, which I would like to avoid. Plus I sometimes stay on to host/observe the final rounds.

I could just post when I'm out of Zotac, but that means we couldn't set a time in stone. Really, though, I'm practically available the whole of next week, so I'm good for most days/times.

If it turns out Saturday is the only possible day to play then I can always opt out of playing Zotac =)

Scheduling / Re: M8
« on: August 02, 2011, 07:52:39 am »
Sounds like we can all play on saturday the 13th. Does that work? I'm guessing since 2 america, 2 euro, we can play sometime between 12:00pm - 7:00pm EST (18:00 - 1:00 CET)

Uzbekistan isn't in Europe.

Anyway, Saturday isn't great for me because of Zotac Cup, unless it's after 20+ CET or so (which didn't seem to suit

Also, what are we doing as far as hosting goes?

Scheduling / Re: M8
« on: August 01, 2011, 09:54:38 pm »
Sup, brahs.

'After 11th' seems a bit tight, but as long as it works for everyone I guess it's fine. I'm not entirely sure when I'm available, but probably anywhere between 7th and 14th is good for me.

My timezone is CET.

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