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Messages - ObserveAndLearn

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
Scheduling / Re: S23 M14
« on: August 05, 2016, 01:31:32 pm »
count me in

Scheduling / Re: S23 M14
« on: August 05, 2016, 06:46:28 am »
most probably wont be able to attend at 20 cest tonight. more likely to manage to come like 22:30 cest? or we can make it for another day ?

General Discussion / Re: FML SEASON 23 ROUND 2 PREDICTIONS
« on: August 02, 2016, 05:56:27 pm »
 :Russia: :ud: Jaod_
 :USA: :ne: Under.Sta
 :Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
 :Kazakhstan: :orc: ARcTic.KYOTO

Jaod_ is a fucking beast. Keep owning undead brotha. Goratha is pretty sick as well, i guess it might come down to a 1v1 between these two. Not to underestimate Denmark and Kazakhstan's representatives, i think they played extremely well in their first matches but i think Jaod_ and Under.Sta have an edge with their superior micro.

 :Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
 :Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
 :Germany: :ra: Slythe
 :Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66

zTsoso is handsome, resilient and smart. He would be the natural pick here. Sly is a name i can recognize from the old-school era so i'll keep my fingers crossed he does well. Reinforcement- has been showing some good games with a definite solo mindset and some strong decision making and micro. I will always be cheering for the undead brothas Reinforcement- and Tyrant66 so i hope they deliver a surprise to soso's established hegemony.

 :USA: :ne: Wrecktify
 :Canada: :ne: Renaud
 :Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
 :USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Crazy stuff right here. It's hard to make any predictions so i'll just state my preferences. Since i started playing again i've been watching a lot of mage's casts and i've always been impressed with Alien-'s play. His FML match this season was no exclusion, good macro, good micro, nice map-awareness and decision making. Hope he shakes off the rust and keeps distributing divine justice.

 :Finland: :ne: j33.
 :Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
 :Peru: :hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
 :Russia: :ra: Dinamo

SuperCumulo would be my pick. slick, sexy play by him in his first match leads me to believe that only j33. could possibly disrupt his dominance. I was generally disappointed by the decision making that Dinamo displayed in his first match, constantly attacking the sandwiched player and thus leaving the strongest players hoard for a while, leading to a one-sided match. I sure hope he scouts a little more and thinks it through so we can see a more balanced competition.

 :Germany: :hu: GEASS
 :Finland: :ra: aarnikratti
 :Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
 :Germany: :ud: Letshavesomefun

Dunno, GEASS has a sick ladder record and some impressive solo skills. Letshavesomefun is a well-established ffa player. Haven't heard a lot from aarnikratti but i am not counting him out at all. To be honest my expectations for this match resemble my expectations for the first one - i'll probably get my ass whopped.

 :Germany: :orc: Ena1337
 :Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
 :Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
 :USA: :ne: Mog[skynet]

Fetta or Mog. Fetta is gosu and i hope he uses DR. Always enjoyed dark ranger for orc more than the trifecta. Hope Mog delivers some nice elf play to break the orc rule. I assume aggressive bear/dryad style would be his best bet to conquer space and resources on this small map.

 :France: :ne: Ponty
 :Russia: :orc: Airenikus
 :Germany: :ne: Darkermirror
 :Russia: :orc: mrSweets

Airenikus or Darkermirror. I've had the chance to play darkermirror on ladder a few times and it was a pleasure. Hope he fares well.

 :USA: :ra: Steppinrazor
 :Russia: :orc: b100death
 :Russia: :ne: TOCKA_3EJIEHA9I
 :Russia: :orc: Kent2566

im cheering for steppinrazor. He is a nice fellow with some good skills. My second choice is b100death, i think this guy is a lot more than meets the eye.

 :Germany: :hu: QQs
 :USA: :ud: Red7z7
 :Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
 :USA: :ra: Eshan

Switzerland ftw. I used to play a lot with Ntropy and i surely miss his abusive mass tp/tank play so i'll be cheering for his fellow countryman.

Scheduling / Re: S23 M14
« on: August 01, 2016, 04:50:02 am »
sorry can't do it tonight

is it possible to schedule it for the weekends or friday evening ?

Scheduling / Re: M5
« on: July 22, 2016, 07:35:05 pm »
game was extremely close and action packed with a lot of back-and-forth skirmishes, turnarounds and uncertain until the very end . i still feel bad for throwing it like that but i really must hand it to zTsoso for seizing the opportunity. good game and very well played by both him and cumulo. oh... and b100death is my most favorite troll of whole time. the way he managed to survive and be a pain in the ass since being out from the beginning is fucking impressive.

Scheduling / Re: M5
« on: July 18, 2016, 04:56:55 pm »
sounds great to me

Scheduling / Re: M5
« on: July 18, 2016, 01:19:41 pm »
hey guys,

count me in.

i will be as quick as possible to get back home but you might have to wait for me 15-20 minutes maximum.

and please let me know on which server it's going to be played as i only have w3arena atm and am not very aware of how and where people host these days. i still do have a cd key though so i should be able to install some version switcher etc and log onto bnet.

thanks and see ya later

Scheduling / Re: M5
« on: July 17, 2016, 08:48:49 pm »

seems i got the short end of the stick by being matched against such fine gentlemen such as soso and supercumulo. Still, oddly enough i feel happy that at least i will play on silverpine which i am very familiar with since the good old days.

Now, in relation to the scheduling - I work night shifts from Sunday to Thursday from 10 PM to 9 AM Moscow time so Friday would be most convenient for me.

If you settle on a date before Friday please make it in the early evening between 6 and 9 PM or if you would prefer mornings please make it around 10-11 AM Moscow time so i can get back from work and play before i go to sleep.

Thank you in advance.

Looking forward to crying from your tanks and imba orc heroes.


General Discussion / Re: Care to elaborate?
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:36:55 pm »
it's not a hoax, it's me indeed

Maga can confirm it's me as we met on an offline tournament a month ago.

And if you are referring to me as Maga 2.0 , yeah i have to agree , our styles are pretty similar. He's just smarter,quicker, more experienced and with better micro and decision making :D

General Discussion / Re: Care to elaborate?
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:35:56 pm »
Thank you, guys. appreciate your answers. you've been most helpful.

and i apologize if i didn't address the subject in the correct place, i figured you guys would know and i wasn't wrong : )

General Discussion / Care to elaborate?
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:44:46 am »
Hey guys,

sorry for the dumb question, probably its something pretty straight-forward.

i keep constantly getting losses even though i am winning in the ffa w3arena ladder. does this happen to anybody else and if you happen to know why and would like to share i would greatly appreciate it.

like for example my last 4 wins were registered as losses.

i tried looking for patterns but it seems completely random to me.

thanks in advance and take care.

News / Re: Applications for Season 23 opened!
« on: July 03, 2016, 06:26:23 pm »
Accountname : ObserveAndLearn @ bnet , NotoriousUndeaD @
Nationality : Bulgarian
Race : Undead
Old-school player coming out of retirement to try ffa once more, might know me from that's where i know this community from.
Achievements : Held rank 1 and rank 6 @ eu FFA simultaneously around 2010 for a month.

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