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Topics - Peregrine

Pages: [1]
League Discussion / S22 Round 1 Predictions!
« on: February 17, 2016, 04:18:12 am »

:Peru: :hu: zS.SuperCumulo
:Finland: :ne: J33
:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2
:Russia: :ra: Dinamo

So this is fun because we can wonder why 1st group players chose their opponents. I'm betting on Ram cause he is very good, and his best opponent, J33, is playing NE, which Cumulo's human is especially good against. Dinamo is a good fighter he could have better map/game awareness - and I don't know NoMercy, but he is UD which tanks are also strong against.


:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
:USA: :ra: Eshan
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII
:Sweden: :hu: :ne: Hudkraem

Interesting choices by Junker. GL all


:Ukraine: :orc: Nline
:Russia: :ud: Qwest
:Russia: :ra: SQK.GreatWALL
:Germany: :orc: icedr4g0n

If Ena gets DR and survives early game this could be interesting. Idk who greatwall is. Haven't seen qwest in a while. But have to choose one of my orc heroes Nline, hopefully he manages his gold and avoids being teamed.


:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
:Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
:Germany: :ne: CallMeImba
:Germany: :orc: QQs

3 orcs in one game. PBM has bad FML luck. CMI has proven to be good. Fetta could sneak a win using his crafty tactics.


:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:Germany: :orc: :ne: :ud: FAiL.Life
:Australia: :ra: Sweet
:Russia: :orc: KENT2566

Sweet and fail have good micro, but neither have close to the amount of FFA success as the great serpent Soso. Kent hasn't shown resistance to being manipped or tomed yet - so whoever spawns near him will have pos luck.


:Bulgaria: :ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:USA: :ra: SteppinRazor
:USA: :ra: Alien
:France: :ra: Ponty

Tough match to predict, 3 random players and although Maga is the FML king, Alien is very powerful, steppin can be good, and ponty is the flourisher. If Alien can avoid being teamed, he can win - if Maga can stay under the radar and exhaust Alien, Maga wins. If its a 3way, Ponty flourishes and wins  :icon_rolleyes:


:USA: :ne: Wrecktify
:USA: :ud: WorpeX
:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:Russia: :ud: JAOD

Wreck might not have played in a while but...this seems very one-sided. Worp is out of shape, laxu relies on manip, and JAOD still doesnt have strong ffa senses - and they are all UD. Wreck will likely roll his 1v1 opponent and if he can outwit the 3way, he wins.


:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Germany: :orc::ud: Ostone
:France: :hu: Valefort
:Denmark: :orc: :ud: :ne: d4rk

Ostone may be rusty, dunno who d4rk is, but vale is good. None of them compare to Seksi when he's playing well. A powerhouse of micro and manip, Senpai Seksi wrote the guide that new players are using these days to learn FFA. Vale might have nightmares if Seksi, Ost, and d4rk go UD.

General Discussion / Q-Veta: A poll
« on: December 23, 2011, 05:27:14 am »
Lots of thoughts swirling around about Q and his recent games. Just so there isnt any misconception, wanted to get people's opinions.

General Discussion / Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« on: December 23, 2011, 12:56:20 am »
I've played this game for 7 years now, since high school. I can admit at times its been like an addiction - even when I have other things I should be doing, I find myself clicking that frozen throne icon.

I've never cheated at this game, nor at any game I play, nor at anything that I do. I'm extremely competitive, but I like my wins and losses to mean something. Cheating to win means nothing, and I find myself hating players who cheat and being slow to accept players who used to cheat (such as Ebo).

I was worried about these games that kept happening where it 'looked' like preteaming, especially a few with Q in them. I was worried that admins were not taking a stance or weren't worried enough about this issue. I was worried about the future of our game. After watching the Rain/Duck/Q game I gave several comments on FFAreplays, hoping for action to be taken. None was.

So right away I decided to see if I was being paranoid or there really was a problem, and with Ebo switching into my game I thought I had a perfect opportunity - as Ebo dislikes me and Walking and I also have had our differences. I sent messages to all the players to 'preteam' with me. If they accepted - BOOM- I had preteam evidence. If they rejected, like Ebo did, I tried to threaten them hoping instead they would preteam against me.

I threatened Ebo, and as expected, Ebo messaged Walking about my preteam attempt. I was hoping they would make a pact of their own against me, and when the game happened and I got preteamed, I would show the admins. And then action could be taken. I messaged the admins before the game detailing my plan JUST to prevent any problems that might arise. I never had any intentions of preteaming or cheating. I just wanted to play and win the way I always try to do.

In the game walking and I did not PM, nor did I even pretend to think he still wanted to preteam, especially after he knew I had talked to ebo. I expected them to preteam vs ME. Ebo Pms me for peace but I killed him. At that point preteam was out of my mind, since ebo was gone. I was just playing the game normally.

3way happened, tons of manip for an hour. we save the game at 40 minutes, but we play for another 40 minutes after that. Massive manip, nobody gaining an advantage, but everyone getting hit. SS had achieved triple race, mass towers, and had caught up by hoarding. He had the best micro.

Disconnect and rehost happens. SS still has triple race, mass towers, best micro. He had not hoarded yet. He also charms a wisp (4th race). Then he attacks Walking to "break the stalemate". Walking messages me to team him, and I accept, not wanting SS to get strong again. We successfully team him to death. We 1v1, after a few battles, I win.

Then the drama happens, the ban, the accusations, the repeal of the ban, Ugri leaves, no rematch, our points are stripped.

I spent basically the last two nights - the two nights after my last final exams of my college career - trying to clear my name being called a cheater at a game I clearly play way too much. I might have written more on this topic than I have in essays this whole semester.

At this point its clear the admins do not want to budge on letting us simply rematch the game. A simple, fair solution that has happened before. Instead they have taken from me the worst thing they could besides the game itself - my competitiveness. I play this game to win, even Renaud can attest to that. When winning is taken away, when my hard-won points are taken away with no chance to reclaim them. When my chances at playoffs are removed or atleast become almost impossible, then nothing is really left and my investment in this game, in this season - which will likely be my last even before all this since I start work now and a new phase in life - is all gone.

Tonight I have nothing really to do, and its raining out, and on these nights I love to play WC3. For the first time, I dont even feel like playing. Literally this is the first time I dont even have a desire to click that icon, with nothing else to even do.

And why? For what? For pride? Pride that admins wont go back on their decision? For punishment? Punishment for wrongs that I did not commit, nor intend to commit? For Hate? I don't know.

Nobody is perfect and nobody expects these admins to be, but once time has allowed all the facts to appear, and they still stick to an unfair decision, well that is just bad leadership. Renaud admits to hating me, and his hate has clouded his judgement. Worpex is proud, but pride isnt always a virtue if it prevents logic from succeeding. Darkness hates cheaters as much if not more than I do, and I have violated his faith in me. But the logic is still there, and all refuse to appeal to it.

Ugri, the one who accused me originally, actually thinks a rematch should be allowed, but this drama has caused him to grow too tired to be an admin. He has more important things in his life as we all know and respect. I find myself mirroring his weariness now, and its the first time I've felt this way about this game.

I don't want to be dramatic and quit, maybe after the winter break I'll feel better in January. Maybe I wont - my league standings wont change. Its really frustrating because I thought I could win this time, or atleast make the playoffs. I only played FML last season and one other time, niether time did I make playoffs. Now, in the winter of my discontent, and the twilight of my time with this game, my chances to end in victory have been pulled by the very people I play with, because of emotions and unfairness.

Its just frustrating.

General Discussion / help
« on: November 24, 2011, 01:31:02 am »
hey guys im in need of a ROC cd key asap if anyone could help please pm me

thank you!

League Discussion / TieBreaker Problem
« on: September 21, 2011, 12:18:50 am »
actually my bad i shouldnt have posted that in the semi final thread

I know im not going to change your minds because you guys dont like to admit you're wrong and renaud especially gets defensive even when normally hes a smart guy.

But the tiebreaking rules, as you guys have said, are retarded and bullshit. But instead of acknowledging that and just changing them, you stick to "they were posted, these are the rules, too bad" even though you created them with no input from the community a week ago.

Why? Because its not completely fair to each player. The rule about playing the top 4 is completely arbitrary and stupid because (1) it says 'how well you did' not 'whether you played them' so people who didnt match them like me are screwed and (2) since worpex seeded the first round, and I was one of his so-called 'top seeds' obviously thats one round already where i wouldnt play another 'top seed' all of whom are in the top 4.

Further the second place rule encourages playing for 2nd (see Ugri game) and DarkNess has already covered that. And because this is FFA, the first rule about whoever placed higher in their matchup is also flawed. In sports its 1 team vs another so you can use matchups. But in FFA it doesnt work at all. Its not an indicator of whose better.

All of this would be useless if there wasnt another option but of course there is: play a damn game to determine it. First of all its easy to schedule 1 game, especially with the players in question. (55 pt ppl) Secondly it lets skill determine the outcome. and Thirdly its the most fun way, hypes up the league, and good for the community. Not a hard thing to do at all, it really just seems you guys are disagreeing for the sake of 'well we already made these other rules, which suck, but...we are the ADMINS!"

But I guess if you want people to think "Admin and their arbitrary rules chose the last spots instead of letting them play it out" then cool.

Again now that you posted it, it might be hard to swallow and take it back, but I hope you can do so.

League Discussion / reschedule
« on: September 18, 2011, 04:27:19 pm » lovetrance never confirmed our match so obviously I wasnt there. Renaud confirmed it 20 mins prior to start even without lovetrance and then subbed me as well...can we get a reschedule or as darkness said on ffareplays can i sub into another match? Doesnt seem fair I dont get to play the match was never confirmed

General Discussion / Garena down?
« on: August 19, 2011, 03:19:43 pm »
Is garena working for you guys? It keeps saying cannot connect to server when I try to sign in. Anyone else experiencing this?

League Discussion / Who are you? Introductions!
« on: August 01, 2011, 11:43:03 pm »
Whats up guys I'm Eshan aka Dark Messiah I havent played any serious games in almost a year I think so I'm unfamiliar with all the new faces. Some of the old faces I recognize - people I loved and people I loved to hate and now I love because they're from the old school

(Hi Renaud! Y.Z.! Maga! Majin! Darkness my love! Ugri! Das! Seksi! htrt! Sparkle! Hydro you lovely bastard! Pinball! Rebbats! Worpex!)

But aside from these 14 guys, I dont know ANYONE. Thats crazy. Who are all these new players? Its great that ffa is still getting new guys. Im sure other old schoolers don't know who everyone is, and even the new guys won't know everyone so I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread to introduce ourselves!

So maybe just a thing like:

"Hi my name is _______, on battlenet I am called ___________, I started playing ffa ________ ago, because it is __________ and I think I'm gonna win this tournament because _______"

as for me, well

HI my name is Eshan, on battlenet I am called DarkMessiah, I started playing ffa (damn...) 5 or 6 years ago whenever fly and pencil were top ranked at like level 51, because it is the funnest gametype and I think I'm gonna win this tournament because Worpex is going to rig the matchups after giving me the hardest round 1.

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