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Author Topic: FFA Games Everyday 19 00 - 23 00 CET  (Read 1789 times)

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Offline qwest

FFA Games Everyday 19 00 - 23 00 CET
« on: July 16, 2019, 07:53:58 am »
Hello everyone!)

Recently, we began to play FFA less and less ... It's sad! Let's use the remaining time before Reforged and enjoy the good old TFT FFA mode!
I am going to stream FFA every day (19 00 CET-23 00 CET).
I invite everyone every day at this time to meet together and play inhouse FFA/FFA with Random Heros/ Adapt Heros/ FFA Ladder!)

Guys, I hope you missed FFA! I'm really looking forward to everyone
ggc acc bmimbaa