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Topics - Lightweight

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Eminems Rips Trump
« on: October 11, 2017, 01:04:00 pm »

Watch and enjoy!

"But we better give Obama probz, cause what we got in office now is a kamikaze who will probably cause a nuclear holocaust...."

Eminem killing it.

General Discussion / Patch 1.27b
« on: December 13, 2016, 05:52:24 pm »

The moment we all have been waiting for, enjoy!

General Discussion / FML Steam Community
« on: October 06, 2013, 02:48:42 pm »
Hey! We all love wc3 and ffa, but i think some of us like other games too and we often play them on steam  :icon_wink:. Why not having the fml buddys on steam too?

Feel free to post your steam account here;

My steam: tical21 or lightweight (there is like 50 lightweights).

See ya on steam!

General Discussion / Lost Replays Revived!
« on: September 15, 2013, 10:02:02 am »
Hey! This thread i supposed to help players by finding replays from games they would love to see again or that are burned into their minds.

It's supposed to work like that; Players ask for a replay and give away as many information as possible about the game/players/time/patch it was played on.

Everyone who thinks he saved it or knows where/who to find it from is welcome to post.

So, i will start with my wish: I would love to see the replay from one of my first fml games. It was my first season and i played against Rabbit (:orc:), Walking (:ud:) and Johnny.boy (:hu:) on goldrush. I played :hu: using panda/pala/naga. After i had rabbit semi dead he has rebuilt next to walkings main and they didnt touch each other all game after that. It was Season 10 right after fml was reanimated by Worpex. There was a huge drama on ffareplays between me and rabbit for a long time after this game, because i accused them of preteaming (it wasnt though i was new). If anyone has this saved i would appreciate.

Let the research begin!

General Discussion / FML Group on Skype!
« on: June 17, 2013, 01:17:17 pm »
There is a new FML group on Skype now so that we can discuss things faster/better or arrange games. Whoever wants to join it can feel free to post his skype name here and we will add him.  :icon_wink:

General Discussion / w3arena- the end of a short story?
« on: May 18, 2013, 01:19:52 pm »
For everyone who followed the w3arena project this could be an interesting news. Today there was a news posted by one of the admins about the future;

"Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm not in a very good mood that I have to write this news item. But it has to be done.

In some weeks for now, we will have to take W3Arena - the server, the website and the chatserver down. This is due to the fact that Pad, who runs W3Arena on the servers of his company in webhosting, has sold it to someone else. This means that everything personal of him thats located there has to be removed from it. This means, removing W3Arena.

Since neither one of us, Pad or myself, earns enough (we are both students) we will be forced to take it down. The costs per month are €120,- and we will be unable to provide them for ourselves.

We make one final attempt to write a news item about this, in order to draw attention to this matter and hopefully be able to get support and find a sponsor somehow, even if chances are small. The sponsor would have to be willing to donate around 100 to 120 euro a month for us in order to keep everything going and improving the system.

Pad sold his company since he is really overworked the last months. After some weeks this will mean he will have alot of more freetime which could possibly be spend into W3Arena. But ofcourse, we cannot put those hours in it if its not possible to host it.

Hopefully we have informed you enough, if you have any other questions, feel free to post them in a comment below. If you'd like a more private way of contacting us, you can reach me on DeathWing@W3arena.net



Link: http://tft.replayers.com/?action=news_more&id=901

When the project started it developed very fast into the right direction. But the last 2-3 month there werent any developments made which may let people guess about what was going to happen sooner or later. In the end its all about the money money money, its all about the money money money...

General Discussion / Finals Prediction Thread
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:21:18 am »
Season 16 has reached its last stage. The final game has arrived :icon_exclaim: Before the season is going to end we get to see a delicacy for gourmet stomachs. I would like to share this quote with you guys to give you a little inspiration.

Once more into the fray
Into the last good fight I'll ever know
Live and die on this day
Live and die on this day

As the FML gods want we have to predict a winner that will come out on top of this Rumble in the Jungle.

 :ud: Xoz_Magadansky
 :hu: Humans7ar
 :ra: Seksi
 :ne: DarkFlameMaster

Pages: [1]