June 03, 2024, 10:55:44 am

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Re: S31 M1 I vote twilight.

Can play weds thurs fri after 4pm est.
Sat after about 3 or 4pm
Sundays basically all day, sometimes family stuff comes up.

Mondays and Tuesdays are usually always a no go.

March 08, 2020, 11:44:37 am
Re: FML Season 32 | Finals The real question is, does Eshan achieve is life long goal of winning a FML chamionship?  The "man" who would stab his own grandmother in the back to win one? 

No, he still won't win.

I think Qwest is overall the best player here, FFA sense and micro, plus he prepares more than anyone.  Unfortunately, while I hope he wins he will be teamed down most likely at the hands of the rat Eshan.

So it's Trunks or Shriek who wins.  Who?  I don't care, Eshan loses were all happy.

June 07, 2021, 08:11:17 am