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Re: M22 Result I dont think i ever knew what scummy was until i saw this post. This fool created  a detailed powerpoint presentation with screenshots and POVs and an essay just to try and fuck over some other players after getting a free discwin when he cant  even advance haha. The kind of sad it takes to do that is incomprehensible

Also just to fix ur terrible onesided "analysis" - i had a zepp that i was gonna scoop up my mk, and then just harrass ur buildings till i won. I had too many builds for you to win. And i had scouted your hidden peons and zepp earlier. As we finish laxu u can see me do a full map scout with my zepp. So for you to claim you were going to win this game is asinine and laughable. If somehow i fucked up then you may have had a chance. And the only reason my AM and pally were low was because i was spiking uncontrollably. Admins will make a fair decision, maybe regame, maybe bonus pts, maybe nothing. But its insane how hard you try to fuck people over when either way youre out. Enjoy your disc win, you just showed everyone what a scumbag you are.


June 18, 2017, 07:09:42 pm
Re: S25 Grand Finals lol? people so quick to call manip on me - i've never played this map.

and soso i'm a ravenclaw :)

July 05, 2017, 03:40:32 am
Re: S25 Final Result NYC FML CHAMPIONS! USA!

Wreck brought the crown back to America and to Gotham city in a dominant display

Thank you admins for a fun silver anniversary season!

Three takeaways from the game:

1. Worst game I've seen Noexxx play, maybe ever. Constantly battling necrowagon skellies instead of sniping wagons/mancers, or going for base. Maybe it was Finals nerves getting to him. Losing shredder, losing heroes. I guess it happens to everyone once in a while. I was rooting for him to repeat going into the game, but i guess he met his match in Laxu of all people.

2. Laxu played well. I was actually impressed. Gotta give him credit for playing a strong game, taking advantage of his map spawn to beat Noexxx 1v1, until blindly losing his army to wreck. He didn't do any of his toxic manip, he fought well, very little caps lock or crying. I think he should have taken noexxx's mine a lot earlier- and of course if he didn't lose his army it would have been different.

3. Wrecktify played like a complete beast. Just dominated the game - making great decisions and winning all fights, even hoarding most gold with 3 wisps in mine. His hero combo is devastating against UD, and Junker played right into it. Quote of the game "What happened to Junker?" "Wrecktify happened. Junker is a tier-2 player he cant handle it." Damn. Shots fired. Its very interesting that Wreck can sometimes play extremely poorly - or get pwned in other seasons and for a while you think hes not that good anymore. Then he completely dominates a whole season and wins the finals in a landslide. Congrats to the King

And lastly after watching this game - Wreck may have won but this is NOT a good map. No red camps, no gold mines to contend for outside of naturals, poor pathing, four goblin merchants so you don't even have to rush for a shredder, two useless marketplaces with consumable items, one useless fountain with no creeps defending it. But worst of all - the 1v1's are unbalanced because one player's expos are BOTH exposed to the other player, while his enemy has expos on the opposite side. In this game we saw how costly that can be - as both Junker and Noexxx got destroyed in their matchup, mainly due to expo position. Both laxu and Wreck were able to destroy these expos repeatedly, while never being in danger of losing their own. Thats an auto win in 1v1 situations. This on top of the poor creeps, small map, low gold count, and poor pathing - I personally don't think this is a very good map at all.

July 06, 2017, 01:58:17 am
Re: Team Battle Royale 2: Applications Open i dont understand...give us team ravenclaw again!

also DV wants to be captain after abandoning his team o.O

July 12, 2017, 04:32:14 pm
Re: FML Season 26 News + Applications New players should all join the discord channel and make teams with other new players
October 01, 2017, 05:10:40 pm
Re: UPDATED: FML Season 26 News + Applications I would just like to formally announce our team
name change from the noble Ravenclaw to Zig Zag ZIGGURAT!

Fear us.

October 05, 2017, 01:45:10 pm
Re: FML S26 Week 1 FML admins have been through so much shit that they've become like angry new yorkers

Person: "Good morning!"
New Yorker: "Fuck off you fucking prick *mumbles* fucking has the nerve to say good morning its a fucking tuesday you sanctimonious bastard i havent even had my latte"

October 17, 2017, 01:35:18 am
Re: Week 1 Matchups
:MS: M1

:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]

Airenikus is in the best shape. Slythe usually has a knack for winning these games on this map. Fetta elf is a joke, but if he goes orc he might have a chance to manip a win. No idea who or what Supremo is but he sounds like a pizza and prob wont show

:TL: M2

:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:World: :orc: Betoon [Inc]
:Poland: :orc: dragao [FREE]

Dragao and betoon sound like game of thrones characters. But Wrecktify already sits on the iron throne. Maybe hightac can sneak a win here? But otherwise wrecktify will rise out of this unscathed

:ES: M3

:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]
:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:World: :ra: DkHDennis [FREE]

Aarni is a constantly improving versatile player...unless one of these other guys is a solo pro and can dominate their 1v1, i see aarni taking it with his experience.

:FM: M4

:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso [Rage]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]
:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]

Match of the week? More like match of the weak. Soso should dominate this, gradient sucks on small maps, dinamo cant beat him, and mrsweets can be good but lacks the experience to combat Soso's snake moves. Soso will just ignore gradient, win his 1v1 and then probably win 1v2 while manipping gradient hard.

:MS: M5
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]

Excited to play against seksi again. We have had countless battles for years, he is the original slytherin. It looks like hes in good shape too. Shave can be really good or batshit terrible. He tower rushed me last game on this map and it was a loss for us both. QQs has perfected the "lie low and hoard 20k" strategy, which he used many times in TBR and last season.

:TL: M6
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]
:Russia: :ud: Spielmann [Ena]

Zig Zag ZIGGURAT! Renaud is back but prob out of shape, same with ponty. Dont know much about spielmann except he told me he "doesnt play ffa"

:ES: M7
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life [CoR]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]
:Australia: :orc: SweeT [Ena]

Noe is the best ffa player right now. If he wins his 1v1, the other two wont be able to beat him 1v2. Its a free win unless they really coordinate and team him.

:FM: M8
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]

This is the match of the week. All players are rly good and evenly matched, but i give trunks the edge because everytime i see him in a game with cumulo, they dont fight each other until the end (where trunkz wins)

October 18, 2017, 02:57:15 pm
Re: S26 M5 Hopefully it will give him time align his chakras and venus will be in retrograde and the 6th house of pisces will be in vernal equinox, and thats the only time he's ready for a game
October 23, 2017, 01:05:44 pm
Re: M7 Result yes - multiple times over the last few seasons, players have played a game that was agreed to be rescheduled

its not fair to the guy who followed the rules and was waiting for the rescheduled game (Life)

admins should stand up against this and enforce the rescheduled game when players try to play without someone - if Life followed all the rules and gave notice, he shouldn't be penalized...

October 28, 2017, 07:58:28 pm