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Topics - Ugrilainen

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Ugri 3v3 Challenge
« on: September 24, 2018, 10:28:33 am »
Hi guys,

So last time there were a FML team for the 4v4, maybe you can create some more team here?

I hope to see you guys participate!

Ladder Seasons / Current Map Pool
« on: April 12, 2018, 12:24:48 pm »
  • Goldrush
  • TurtleRockCrazy
  • FountainOfManip
  • SilverpineForestRdm
  • Andorhal 2.0
  • AshenWood
  • Deathrose
  • Northshire
  • PinballcruxRH
  • HarvestOfSorrow
  • TwilightRuinsRH
  • EmeraldShoresFML
  • Sanctuary
  • GnollWoodRdm
  • Purity
  • TurtleRockCrazy
  • PhantomGrove
  • MonsoonRdm
  • DeadlockLV
  • TwistedMeadowsFML
  • ThunderSeksiRH
  • TwilightRuinsLV
  • StormShingleMountainRH
  • NeonCity
  • MarketSquare

Ladder Seasons / FFA ladder advancement
« on: February 18, 2018, 07:50:46 am »

I am feeling a little nostalgic all of a sudden, going back to talk about FFA ladder, hell yeah!


I keep hearing bad feedbacks about the ladder, in short :
- it does not work or not update statistics properly
- maps do not change
- desync
- no access to management
- anything else?

It is also expensive for w3arena to maintain.

I am trying to do something about it with General @FML|WorpeX and several people involved in a very tricky situation.

Onligamez old deal

When I came back in 2016 to fix the bot malfunctions, there were two bots running for FFA. One russian for Onligamez (Somethingwicked was admin there) and FFArena. This killed activity so we brokered a deal to merge both in one.

At that time our bot was working ok, because under lunaghost administration and my management. Now i dont have access to anything and lunaghost is dead.

The idea is. If our current bot is so terrible, why not let the Russians run it again? They had a way better system for the ladder with way less "loss bugs" and are good people to discuss with.

Their site :

So we are discussing with them and they are interested to start their bot back. Their ladder was on this page, inactive now of course :

Onligamez new deal

They agreed to start it back and put a server not in Russia but in Western Europe. I'm overall very optimistic for a swift improvement of the situation.

You will have to deal with a ladder page in Russian but Im sure @FML|Renaud  could extract the datas somehow and make a page in English somewhere.

Since @SomethingWicked should be in the admin team, your requests for improvements (new maps, new seasons or else) shouldnt go unnoticed.

What we need to know

- Technical upgrades you want to see on this bot that were lacking on the current one (anonymousness for example or else)

- Would you pay for the bot fees? Should not be too much money (coming back for this one)

- Are you having a lot of desync on the bot currently? This should come from the different versions 1.26 and 1.28 (w3arena/Iccup vs the rest of the servers).

- Any objection to doing this move?

Waiting to hear from you. Speak now or don't complain after!  :icon_lol:

General Discussion / FFA Cup 6th (?)
« on: September 06, 2017, 01:06:18 pm »
Dear FFA friends!

There is no good journey that does not end with going back home  :icon_mrgreen:

I would like to help organize a FFA Cup late October or early November. I of course need your help and make sure you are motivated to support the project... There are some things I cannot do!

What Ugri can do

- Set up a fundraiser on matcherino
- Promote on Social Medias
- Find casters
- Get famous players
- Coordinate management (from discord)
- Take dictatorial decisions to make Shave happy ( :icon_razz:)
- Have a Liquipedia page made for it, so we dont lose the history of the event (i've found a trick!)
- Give 100 euros (i received a generous donation from a WC3 supporter out of the blue)

What Ugri cannot do

- host games / take care of bots
- be there until the end or maybe not there at all (living in China)
- Manage players on Dday
- create a logo or do any design

Up to discussion (with designed admins)

- Map choices system
- format

-> best would be to have 3 serious admins with at least one Russian speaker
-> we could innovate and have it played on a two days system (one day for R1, one day for Semi + Final)
->if you are ok, we will create a small designated discord group with chosen admins

Just an idea, let me know what you think (and btw, when will all FFA Cups winners be listed in the Hall of Fame?  :icon_razz:)

Take care,


General Discussion / Is Warcraft alive in America?
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:16:02 pm »
We think it is!

To proove it, we are organizing a crowdfunded tournament in September

see this awesome video made by dportgaming :

I hope you can support us giving a little something here !


General Discussion / Ugri's articles
« on: June 02, 2017, 11:14:30 pm »
Worpex said I could post articles link here. It is often not about FFA, still Warcraft eh ?  :icon_smile:

About HAppy going to GCS :

About Foggy going to GCS :

"Warcraft in Exile", atheistP :

"Warcraft in Exile", FS.Passion :

"Behind the Scenes", hundredkg/Russia :

Xun, one more step (his games against Moon and TH) :

I will post the next ones there, I hope you guys don't mind.

General Discussion / FFA Ladder polls - answer if you play it!!
« on: May 12, 2017, 11:10:09 pm »
I have no access to the chore of the bot anymore. All I can do is merely passing along requests for the structure to be shifted in a way or another.

Please provide some feedbacks on the following points, by voting and then commenting if you want to provide more details

1- Ladder should be anonymous

2- If no other choice, I am ok with a full deletion of the stats to start a new season

3- I am satisfied with the map pool

for this one, please click "no" in case of real insatisfaction, not because there is one map you dont like.

Profforg does not want to be in direct contact with audience for requests. It means those cannot be made all the time by everybody. We need to see changes and improvements in a patch like fashion that would happen once in a while.

If really you are unsatisfied with the map pool, we will make new polls about the incriminated maps. Then I will send the "patch request" to profforg.

I might get an access to the panel "late 2017" so it probably wont happen. What i could see is having 3 to 4 months ladder time, then reseting everything keeping the stats as screenshot for history like I did for the 7 playFFA season.

Well, time for some feedbacks!

General Discussion / lunaghost stopping all operations
« on: March 05, 2017, 07:16:49 pm »
Yosh told me as of March 15th, lunaghost will terminate its activities. All bots are going down.

by then, we should have a replacement for the "FFArena" one, a friend named Pingaring can work on it. Fees should be about what lunaghost used to ask for.

We might lose statistics recording though, trying to get access to these datas before they shut down. So we might have just an autohosted system without a ladder.

For your inhouse bots, there would be solutions with Pingaring as well. Who wants to make damage control on behalf of FML can just post here and we work this out!

General Discussion / China Team FFA 3v3 with heavyweights
« on: February 13, 2017, 11:33:54 am »
FFA 3v3 on Ice Crown with 4 races Teams








The GreatWall

General Discussion / New FFA map pool - FFArena
« on: January 01, 2017, 12:26:11 am »
      • Sanctuary
      • Twilight
      • Greenville Woods
      • Silverpine
      • Market
      • Monsoon
      • Retvizan Islands
      • Harvest of Sorrow
      • Market
      • Normandy
      • Silverpine
      • Twilight
      • Murgul Oasis
      • The Crucible
      • Sanctuary
      • Equalrium
      • Divide and Conquer
      • Isle of Dread
      • Cold Plains
      • Gold Rush
      • Rock Quarry
      • Harvest of Sorrow
      • Deathrose

      1/3 of maps are RH.

Integration of Equalrium, Greenville Woods, Normandy and Retvizan Islands.

Gold Rush, Deathrose and Murgul are back. Harvest returns in Normal Heroes.

red = RH[/list][/list]

General Discussion / Bringing FFA to China - Must read
« on: October 14, 2016, 03:01:32 am »
Hey guys,

I have been in discussion with Netease Headadmin to suggest the introduction of a competitive FFA ladder. So far FFA can only be played as a CG.

They seem genuinely interested. They asked me about datas about the competitions, the community and the history of the game.

My plan is :

1- present them with a motivating presentation of FFA.
->For the datas, I will use playffa/ffarena database. But datas are not only numbers.

-> COULD YOU HELP ME? I know some have great writing skills here, just explain why you love the game and maybe the history of the league and/or the game.

-> If I can convince them, I will help them to teach how to monitor it (preteam, Matchmaking etc...). Before launching, I will publish on a big article about FFA. They would start a season.

What's in it for us?

1- FFA gets a new generation of players on the best wc3 gaming platform
2- Netease spnsors many 1v1 and 2v2 events. We could have them sponsor some FFA Cup regularly?
For connecting to Netease, Ena would help you guys. Life is good and FFA is playable with 200 ms anyway

What do you guys think? Please help me contribute :)

General Discussion / To Cumulo, Mog and Wrecktify
« on: October 10, 2016, 08:33:44 pm »
FML S23 Video and S23 casting final :
Could you upload the files somewhere, not on youtube but the file itself, so I then try to upload them on Youku in China?

Idea is to talk about it in my next article, and since they are published on as well, make China learn a bit about ffa!

General Discussion / Most epic FFA Cast ever
« on: September 20, 2016, 11:49:36 pm »
Monday a 10 ways FFA was played linked to the current doyou Cup

The winner could chose his grid during the tournament, at least several of his opponents. He won a little money too.

The cast ? Moon, Lyn, Lucifer, Focus, WFZ, Ted, Infi, Lawliet, Fly, Th000


The video :

Enjoy my Friends!

PS : If you would cast this on ffamasters, you would get a lot of attention. I could help promote this through B2W medias (fb, twitter) and w3arena !

PS2 : i could cocast!

PS3 : sorry im just too excited!

General Discussion / What do you need on the bot(s)?
« on: September 19, 2016, 07:39:59 pm »

As you know the ffa ladder reset this weekend (at least if you read my articles)  :icon_lol:

I will overall work a bit on the bots this weekend. Please present here all your requests (Jaod asked for a map for example) for the ffarena bot as well as for the other bots you use for FML and I will try to make it happen.

One topic to rule them all! It is easier for me to work on the requests after  :icon_idea:

Waiting for your posts and Gl for the season currently ending

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