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3v3 VIKI CUP! - $350+ :FMLN:

Greetings fellow FFA:ers. For those of you who did not make the semi finals and still surge for competition, or if you look to keep your micro sharp for the final sprint in FML, you have the chance to compete for a prize pool of atleast 350$ in clan vikis 3v3 cup this saturday.

So form your alliances and bring some wierd FFA influenced strategies into the scene of arranged teams, apply in the link at the end of the post. The tournament will be covered by none other than WTii. More information and a link to the tournament can be found below.

Date: 14th of January

Time: 4:30pm CET, 10:30am EST, 6:30pm MSK, 12:30am Korea.

Location: W3Arena, channel 'Clan Viki'

Coverage: WTii - https://www.twitch.tv/wtii


January 10, 2017, 09:11:10 am
Re: TBR Week 1 Schedule + Details We based the chosen times on statistics of last seasons match times. We'll see how things go this week and may make adjustments next week.
February 17, 2017, 04:04:54 am
Re: Round 1 M1
:USA::ud: Audigy
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:Switzerland::hu: Noexxx

Noe should be a favourite here, he will trust that he could tome someone with his fast t3 griffon+innerfire push, getting am 6 and then cleaning the entire map with his mass teleport. Cumulo's and Junker's chances comes better the longer the game lasts. Cumulo will use his cunning and manip skills, and Junkerz is very strong with ud/elf whereas his hu/orc probably is not as good. Audigy's chances are in that if other players overlook him much.

:Australia::ne: Sweet
:USA::ra: Eshan
:Germany::ne: b2w.TrunkzZz
:Canada::ne: Renaud

In this match there's the micro-king trunkzzz and the manip-king Eshan, and I think on paper they are two favourites here. In turn, Sweet is very overlooked in FFA-scene, he can play his orc race in very high level. And never should count out Renaud, the former FML Champion and the ex-king of FFA; microwise he probably isn't as good as other players here, but he is an intelligent player and has a lot of experience.

:USA::ud: SteppinRazor
:Russia::ra: Reinforment-
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]

I like this cast, its well balanced. Steppin and Mog are players with a lot of experience and they rarely make big mistakes in their gameplay. In terms of manip and tactics, I think Laxu bases his gameplay most on these elements, lets see if he trust on standard ud tactic here or alternatively go necrowagon with a DR-first hero combo. As a special ace player here is Reinforceement, he can play solid micro based game and many people tend to forget that he was in S23 semifinals and also won games in Team Battle Royale.

:Russia::orc: KENT2566
:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:Germany::orc: Ena1337

This match will be close between Ena and Dinamo. Dinamo trains a lot and his game sense has also improved much, which has made him a competitive player. About Ena then: he has been a top player in many FFA games what he has played recently (inhouses, tbr, dno-cup) and he is especially dangerous if he gets high hero levels; so far he is much better player than i thought before. What will bring grey-hair to Ena and Dinamo in this match is Gradient. He is extremely annoying player to play against, whether it's not hard to win fights against him, the difficulties will come when he starts doing his triple-staff-of-tp-hero harass and other stuff. Kent is the fourth player in this match, lets see what he can do here.

:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Germany::ra: WeakUD
:Russia::ud: SomethingWicked
:USA::ne: Wrecktify

SomethingWicked is my favourite here. He is calm and patient, also his state of mind is not as suicidal as other players' here. This game will probably come up with the situation where Wreck and WeakUD suicide each other while Wicked tome Fetta with t3 air rush. But if this my prediction will not happen, this match has potential to be one of the best matches of this round.

:Russia::ud: Qwest
:Germany::ra: SosoHasRedHair
:Russia::ud: Pyatac
:Germany::ra: Slythe

The most skilled cast of this round. All of these players are playing actively and keeping their skill up with inhouses and other matches. This can be anyone's game but I think overall qwest has most potential to perform dominant way. Pyatac (aka Jaod) has very similar playstyle with Qwest and he can surely be a big threat for everyone too. Shave will go pick his very strong orc race - in spite of all his words of picking random - which will make him tought to beat if the game last long and he is able to get high hero levels. As a fourth but not the least there is Slythe who can use his experience and great decision making skills, which can turn the game on his favour.   

May 03, 2017, 04:42:39 pm
Re: S25M1 Yeah, I denied it before I saw your posts and did research. I'll fix that. thx.

Highest map only counts when there is a tie. If there is 2 votes on TM and 2 on market we go TM. If its 1 vote on each map, we go Greenville. Highest Tied map is the one that is played on.

May 04, 2017, 06:46:07 pm
Re: S25M1 I already told you why. Why do I need to keep explaining this ffs. We didn't announce the deadline and make players aware of it so we are waiving the deadline for this week and this week only.
May 05, 2017, 12:16:10 am
Re: S25M1 whats so good about human cheesing TM anyways? ok for postpone.
May 05, 2017, 11:25:23 am
Re: M1 Result what was all the bashing for mate? if u dont know a player or their play style. i watched ur game and ur were no better.
May 07, 2017, 04:06:06 pm
Re: M6 Result
My opinion about that, when someone pauses a game, it becomes really boring. The other players should have a right to talk about anything they want. Pausing for just talking should be banned. But if someone pauses to go pee, other players should be alloud to talk because the guy who pauses already wastes their time. Please change the rule again to if someone pauses and goes pee or opening a door players can talk. If someone pauses to manip, its not aloud. Because if that pausing and going to pee can be a sort of manip. Example: someone wants to attsck you, you go to pee for 3 minutes, no one can talk, players get bored, the person forgets he wanted to attack you. Peeing manip pause worked, Hourra!!
Gl hf everyone Noexxx

Talking is not banned, bro. Manip during pause is banned. Two completely different things.

May 09, 2017, 09:10:14 am
Re: M6 Result We've already discussed in length why we went with no manip during pause from everyone. Just banning part of the problem does not solve the problem. Player X can pause to pee while Y and Z manip while hes away. Then when X comes back he can refuse to unpause and manips instead. Now we have another manip pause situation.

There were other situations discussed but the point is that banning manip during pause is the solution that eliminates pause manip completely. Feel free to read over the chat from before in the thread I had linked to previously, we went much more in detail in that thread.

Also, I honestly don't see how someone pausing cause be considered manip if they don't even chat about the game. I think thats a stretch...

Here is the chat log:

Code: (first pause) [Select]
(33:17 / All) UjustGotShaved: sec
(33:17 / All) UjustGotShaved: need pee
(33:17 / All) UjustGotShaved: i always drink so much in the gym
(33:17 / All) UjustGotShaved: brb
(33:17 / All) Slythe: k, aka manip pause
(33:17 / All) qwest: i suicde u and gren win
(33:17 / All) qwest: its my expo
(33:17 / All) qwest: fuck u
(33:17 / All) qwest: rly
(33:17 / All) Jaod: i go finish you
(33:17 / All) qwest: fuck u
(33:17 / All) Jaod: stfu
(33:17 / All) qwest: u do nothing
(33:17 / All) qwest: green whole map
(33:17 / All) qwest: u stay at 50
(33:17 / All) qwest: gk
(33:17 / All) qwest: gj
(33:17 / All) Jaod: i 76
(33:17 / All) Jaod: learn scout
(33:17 / All) qwest: take other side expos
(33:17 / All) Jaod: no
(33:17 / All) qwest: 20k emty exp[o
(33:17 / All) qwest: its my
(33:17 / All) Jaod: i need t5hat
(33:17 / All) Jaod: only
(33:17 / All) qwest: u lose that game then
(33:17 / All) qwest: i creped it first
(33:17 / All) qwest: and builde
(33:17 / All) qwest: d
(33:17 / All) qwest: u rush me
(33:17 / All) qwest: and dead
(33:17 / All) qwest: up honor and sell expo
(33:17 / All) UjustGotShaved: yo pause manip is not allowed
(33:17 / All) UjustGotShaved: penalty
(33:17 / All) qwest: i let life
(33:17 / All) qwest: your acos
(33:17 / All) Slythe: go
(33:17 / All) qwest: g
(33:17 / All) Jaod: g
(33:17 / All) UjustGotShaved: G
(33:17 / All) UjustGotShaved: or do i have to raed that crap now?
(33:17) The game has been resumed by UjustGotShaved.

Code: (second pause) [Select]
(90:46 / All) UjustGotShaved: sec
(90:46 / All) UjustGotShaved: need pee
(90:46 / All) UjustGotShaved: again
(90:46 / All) Slythe: pff
(90:46 / All) qwest: u have main|?
(90:46 / All) Slythe: nope
(90:46 / All) qwest: tt
(90:46 / All) qwest: i will sleep sh or tc?
(90:46 / All) Slythe: sh
(90:46 / All) Slythe: i silence tc
(90:46 / All) qwest: kk
(90:46 / All) qwest: domnt slience me
(90:46 / All) qwest: )
(90:46 / All) Slythe: i try ^^
(90:46 / All) qwest: xD)
(90:46 / All) UjustGotShaved: re
(90:46 / All) Slythe: if he close
(90:46 / All) qwest: g
(90:46 / All) UjustGotShaved: u guys do know
(90:46 / All) Slythe: other way round
(90:46 / All) Slythe: go
(90:46 / All) UjustGotShaved: that pause manip
(90:46) The game has been resumed by Slythe.
(90:46 / All) UjustGotShaved: is penalty?
(90:57 / All) Slythe: g

May 09, 2017, 09:55:18 am
Re: Round 2 - fight! M7
:USA::ud: SteppinRazor
:Russia::orc: KENT2566
:USA::ra: Eshan
:Russia::ud: SomethingWicked

Stepping seems to make quite often some "rookie" mistakes, which i cannot understand given his mass experience in ffa/fml. So he is often caught with his pants down or gets discouraged due to some maybe annoying ffa-mechanics.

Kent surprised me with his latest two games and with the power of Jubei he might pull an upset here.

Eshan is one of the most controversial players around due to his persistent, ugly style of manpulation. He seems totally reluctant in admitting it and even manips after games, insisting he did not manip at all and "he was right and you were wrong, blah bleh". Also blaming others for his loss is one of his strong qualities.
Due to his massive ffa experience and pretty tryhard style he still appears as the favourite here.

Although i see Somethingwicked not much behind Eshan considering the odds. He has a good mix of micro, ffa sense and an appeal to manips. Unfortunately he is UD and with two random players and 1 orc, it needs a good game plan. He has many ffa games i think, but not much FML experience. Look out for him being quite silent in a 4way, just to turn into a mad manip machine in the 3-way.

:Russia::ra: Reinforment-
:Germany::ra: Slythe
:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:Germany::ne: b2w.TrunkzZz

Reinforcement seems to lack the last will to play for the win in many of his games and is good at taking a small victory in winning a battle but missing to look at the big picture for winning the whole war. Gets caught in the moment of wanting to fight just for the sake of action, instead of being patient and waiting for the right moment.

Supercumulo is one of the best macroers and always has a lot of gold. I often lost against him due to endless amounts of gold and the happy humba race and i just hope Trunkz or Reinforcment gonna kill him for me, i will owe them.
Atleast he uses some unorthodox heroes  besides the backbone of his army in AM and Pally, which he always has. Later he likes to use completely nonsense manips to either unsettle his opponents or to his own entertainment, who knows.

And Trunkz with his unholy Demonhunter is the annoying elf with this superman hero, who makes u think how much fun it was to face this ridiculous hero in 1v1. Where he constantly harrases you, burns all ur precious mana, staffs out, when you think he finally dies and just comes back at full health, just to poke you again and again, until all the fun of playing is sucked out of you. Besides that i appreaciate the alternate style of him playing the elf race, although it gets boring when you play too often against him/this style. Atleast he mixes in some hero variations lately and undisclosed sources say he even built a chimera the other day. As it looks right now the map will be sanctuary, so look out for level 6 DH within 10 minutes, stacked with mask/Crown/double +12 claws. That would be perfect and a nice reason to team him out within the next 10 minutes.

:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:USA::ud: Audigy
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]

Looks like a promising, kinda even match to me.

Dinamo is a big name in ffa for the past year with much activity in ladder and fml. He is decent with all races, but imo elf is by far his best. He is able to do to usual Chippo Happiness, aswell as good unit-mixes. Lately he seems to lose some of his tryhard spirit and rather enjoy a good 1v1 to death, no matter what. Round 1 he had guys like Gradi or Ena, who probably plucked at his nerves and with Fetta he has another fella, who is expert in this.

Audigy showed a nice game in round1 in my opinion and just fell victim to a very lol and no honor double team by two friggin humans. His style seems rather predictable and with creeping faster and good observation of his surrounding hostile nature he might be able to get a win, if he does not fell victim to mass chims /aoe.

Then we have fetta_ook or just fat_K.O., who tends to knock himself out of the winning column with either pissing people off constantly, who start to want nothing more than just make him lose or with ridiculous (bad)micro moves, which result in him losing units/heroes, the fight in the process, his main in the further process. BUT this gives him room to activate his inner DagobertDuck/SimCity_architect/HeidiKlum morphling, with hoarding mass gold/building huge bases/talking nonstop. Thanks to orc race and his healthy denial of defeat he can dig deep and maybe squeeze out another miracle win to prove the ffa-gods wrong.

Then we have Mog, who found himself in trouble in round1 early due to the humanweakness early/mid, especially vs undead. All the maps of round 2 are quite good for human, but maybe also for his original race, the almighty trehugging alliance. If he enters the game sharp the odds are nice for him, but the constallation of the players makes it a tricky task.

:Germany::orc: Ena1337
:Australia::orc: Sweet
:Germany::ra: SosoHasRedHair
:Germany::ra: WeakUD

Almost German only and a very lol cast. Can we really say that Shave is considered the best FFA player in a fml cast? Iīd say yes.
Also it is the unofficial match to determine the best German Minidota Player of all time.

Ena seems to found some more motivation in playing ffa, creating content and understanding the whole thing a little bit better. He had a decent first round game, where he mostly came short due to double Elf cheese. If he does not pull some shitty teaming action with weakud again (like in the game vs observeandlearn past season) and plays again rather tryhard to win even vs some german wc3 buddies in shave and weakud he has a shot.

Sweet, the only Australian wc3 player i have ever heard of, besides Philbot, showed in round1 that he seems to have some good understanding whatīs going on in the game. He needs to use his infmormations and hunches more to his advantage. Then i can see him doing very well in this probably tumultous game. A cool head will be needed.

Shave often ends up in a good position to win but somehow often finds a way to lose games which many other players would win. His arsenal is not anymore just the aggressive way trying to overwhelm someone with brute force, but also mixing in some necessary hoarding time, decent understanding of manipulation and patience. He could use some chill pills in late stage ffa, but this round 2 game is a perfect practice for that, i guess.

WeakUd recently did not seem to be very active, atleast ffa-wise. He is always good for some nice micro action, but needs to refine his all around ffa skills in order to become equally successful as other stronger micro players before him. He is dangerous due to his "i donīt give a damn" attitude, because he seemingly feels superior to the classic ffa-players.

:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Switzerland::hu: Noexxx
:Russia::ud: Pyatac
:USA::ne: Wrecktify

Clash of Styles and races in this one.

Gradient is a very consistent player who sticks to his unique style. His base is hard to break and he has a good way to gain advantage in 1v1. Sometimes he lacks scouting and knowing who is strongest at the given moment and looks a bit stubborn in his 1v1īs. He is a quick creeper, but remains vulnerable early game, but since you donīt want an angry Gradi on your heels, itīs not a good idea to test him.

Noexx is a very consistent human player, who appears as less active these days, which imo was displayed in his first round game. But even with a lot of bad moments to overcome, also in games of previous seasons, he finds a way with a very tryhard attitude & the many strenghts of the human race to win a lot of games.

Pyatac/Jaod still has one of longest winstreaks in fml, i guess and is a Ud powerhouse. He needs to control his emotions in order to get a win in this hard game with two fml champions. Maybe he can thrive in a 3-way with noexx and wreck, but weīll see. Itīs always tricky as ud, especially vs elf and human imo. Do you attack the human early, trying to avoid the immense power that high level heroes and a fully teched base provide or do you try to overwhelm the elf, who also gains superpowers with a big base and a roared perfect chippo army. He needs to take his shots wisely.

Wrecktify was invisible for a last months and you never know which version shows up. He knows almost every trick in the book and on a good day he presents trouble for every ffaer.

:Russia::ud: Qwest
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:Canada::ne: Renaud
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam

Qwest the favourite here, but Renaud or one of the others could sneak a win for sure.

Qwest had a really strong game last final and almost overcome hard teaming and also used all his experience and skills for a win in round 1. He is not the most consistent players, but he is an exceptionally strong ud early and midgame. If he is dragged to the later stages of the game, there are ways to break his very calculated routine play with only few (micro)mistakes.

Tleilaxu got a win in round1 despite playing basically not at all atm, afaik. He won his 1v1 and then got a freewin due to suiciding players. I doubt he will be as lucky this time. He wonīt be able to beat Qwest or Junkerzam early and Renaud will be aware of a possible rush and is way harder to finish than Tleilaxu could handle.

Renaud pulled a nice comeback win in round1 after he dominated at first and then got teamed and almost was out, before he could play his role in the 3-way. Maybe his "i cannot micro properly" wonīt work this time and he should try to lose his heroes more often or miss bofīs like Fat_K.O. misses his stomps to be more authentic.
He has a lot of high lvl FFA games and very wise decision making. He needs to stay out of trouble early and maybe rebuild at one point to get his chance in the lategame.

Junkerzam, or how i like to call him Bonkerzam, because he likes to rage and "manip" in a weird and crazy way in game, aswell as making rather dumb decisions, which cost him many games. I cannot remember a good game seen by him in a long time. Usually his micro is on point when he plays ud or elf, but when he faces superior micro players even this advantage is gone. He is capable of rushing out or killing early tleilaxu or Renaud, and if he does, either way it will be a nasty 3way with Qwest. I doubt that the Bonkerzam could win in such scenario, but maybe he can change his whacky style in a different, more successful one.

May 12, 2017, 04:30:05 pm