June 02, 2024, 01:07:26 pm

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Re: M7 Result Well excuse me? I really don't understand this decision making. It was very clear and simple. I agreed to the original date and time and then had unforseeable construction workings in my street. I asked for a reschedule but I announced in the same sentence that it might work out and that I might get my internet back in time. It played out as I predicted it and asked to play the game as originally planned. Unfortunately Sweet already made new plans, so all 4 players agreed to play next week. All chats can be found in discord... So why is it being played then? In addition to that I clearly stated I will be gone from 23-30.Your reasoning to play out the game was me being inactive for 2 days, I struggle to find sense in your decisionmaking to play out the games, esspecially now that we are playing a team tournament and you are hurting the whole team with that...sigh
October 28, 2017, 08:11:08 am
Re: S26 M13 sry 12th 19.00 cet  works
November 05, 2017, 04:09:15 pm