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Offline Slythe

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Re: Week 1 Matchups
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2017, 12:21:30 pm »
:MS: M1

:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]

Supremo = dark horse = easy win

:TL: M2

:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:World: :orc: Betoon [Inc]
:Poland: :orc: dragao [FREE]

2 elfs 2 orcs is always a bit strange.
HighTac has just too much knowledge about everything so he should grab an easy win here.

:ES: M3

:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]
:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:World: :ra: DkHDennis [FREE]

Dennis will give aka to Tox and he will rambo everyone and win with mass superskills and no luck. But gets busted afterwards and dq´ed

:FM: M4

:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso [Rage]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]
:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]

Soso will quit FFA after this, until next round.
Orc imba will win EZ, cuz Dinamo and Gradient suicide :X.

:MS: M5
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]

Seksi still too good for them i guess.

:TL: M6
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]
:Russia: :ud: Spielmann [Ena]

Pff, Tryhard Tyrant 2ez Win here

:ES: M7
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life [CoR]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]
:Australia: :orc: SweeT [Ena]

Sweet/Noe not so active atm, have not seen long time and Mog neither playing much so really no clue, everyone´s game i guess, but oh wait, NOE wins of course

:FM: M8
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]

Looking forward to this lol, hope they tryhard and flame nicely. Trunkz wins LANA style to free ANE

Offline SteppinRazor

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Re: Week 1 Matchups
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2017, 11:06:04 pm »
:MS: M1

:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]

Slythe probably has the highest overall skill of these players in both micro and play, but he often makes strange moves and sometimes lets his temper get the best of him.  Fetta and Airenikus are both solid players as well, but I think fetta also has a temper and this will no doubt clash with slythe.  I can foresee fetta just going 100 food yolo mode on slythe mode saying "i dont care anymore" and then airenikus cleans up.  Whoever spawns by supremo gets a free tome

:TL: M2

:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:World: :orc: Betoon [Inc]
:Poland: :orc: dragao [FREE]

Classic game where Wrecktify is so far and beyond the favorite that there's no way anything else but 1v3 happens right??? Good thing wreck is basically manip immune and will just punish these peons with his almighty FFA playing skills.  Even with team he will outmaneuver these guys to an easy victory IMO

:ES: M3

:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]
:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:USA: :ne: ludakatapro [FREE]

EvilPeanut rushed me out on this map during TBR and then proceeded to play horrible vs obsandlearn.  I predict he and aarni both rushing out the others and then aarni taking a pretty straightforward win with superior FFA play.

:FM: M4

:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso [Rage]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]
:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]

This is basically the same story as Wreck's game except opponent are at least decent.  Either this game is done in 20 minutes, or its a 2 hour manip fest (esp if game has soso/dinamo/gradi which I expect it will).  Either way, I dont think these guys can kill soso and he will win as long as he doesnt get overly mad and just suicide.

:MS: M5
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]

If this game was played 2 years ago, everyone would predict seksi to steamroll, so the fact that everyone seems to be picking Eshan now is even more convincing that seksi will in fact be the victor assuming hes in shape.  I see seksi pulling off a cunning victory, or eshan winning due to shave suiciding into seksi too much while eshan pulls of hidden army somewhere.  I think QQs is a solid player, but will either get crushed by seksi early game or will get smacked around in a 3-way.  Regardless, should be a great game as long as no one plays stupid (which is definitely possible here)

:TL: M6
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]
:Russia: :ud: Spielmann [Ena]

Renaud has probably played less then 10 FFA games in the past two years and yet when he does play he usually looks half way decent and does have some recent victories.  If he doesnt get rushed out my tyrant I think he has a decent shot, and Ponty will be easy to team up with vs tyrant in this game so I think Renaud will find a way to 20 chim his way to victory in the end

:ES: M7
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life [CoR]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]
:Australia: :orc: SweeT [Ena]

Wreck, soso, and noe can't all possibly win 1v3 can they???  In all seriousness though, I think noe will get teamed here (as he should) but the quality of opponents will just be too much for him to steamroll.  Mog is a great overall player as well, and a game like this should allow him to fly under the radar and get a big macro advantage over everyone else.  I think he wil pull it off in the end

:FM: M8
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]

Everyone always picked trunks and he never wins.  I think hes a monster of a micro player, but that may not help him in a game against 3 veteran players here.  I actually think that somehow junkerzam always manages to be the "second best player" in every match and it allows him to put himself in a hugely advantageous position because he really is a great player and I think this game will be a perfect example of this.  I expect absolute chaos here, except when everyone else is broke junker will have about 20k since they will all forget about him
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 11:07:40 pm by SteppinRazor »

Offline SosoHasRedHair

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Re: Week 1 Matchups
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2017, 09:18:51 am »
:MS: M1

:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]

3 Players known for their bad decision makeing and a classic solo tard. I expect entertaining chat, some rage and horrible micro fails and decision makeing no sane mind can understand. While Airenikus and Fetta prolly are the best overall FFA players in this cast they are known for throwing games. But all of them are known for that. And someone has to win. Its sad a good map like market is wasted on this cast. I go with Airenikus cuz i like him not because hes good. noone in this game is good.

:TL: M2

:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:World: :orc: Betoon [Inc]
:Poland: :orc: dragao [FREE]

I was looking at M1 and tought its a shit game already but this here is just wow. Who the fuck is dragao? Who the fuck is Betoon? And the fact that Hightac is a known player doesnt suddenly turn him into a good one. Wreck if u lose here go deinstall.

:ES: M3

:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]
:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:USA: :ne: ludakatapro [FREE]

Holy fucking crap we need fucking qualifiers. Who lets all these noobs in FML. Go rename it to farm league. This is gonna be between Arni and Peanut. Arni gonna be the puppet Master trying to manip his way to win and Peanut the dominating Player in terms of micro. Peanut is prolly the best overall Player in here so i go with him except if arni starts playing a few more games the next days and focuses on his micro. then hes my best bet.
:FM: M4

:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso [Rage]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]
:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]

The first interesting Cast. Gradient beeing prolly the strongest player microwise in this game and will get teamed for that. Soso will as usual lose his early 1n1 and go in survival mode rebuilding and manipping and stabbing. Dinamo on the other hand is known for his great ffa sense and flawless decision makeing. Hes gonna coordinate the necessary teaming against gradient and win the final 1n1 vs Soso due to his superior Skillset of Micro Macro and decision makeing. MrSweets wont show cuz of his nightshift worktimes.

:MS: M5
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]

Okay lets talk about this. We have 3 different Playertypes in this game. Seksi and Eshan known for their good manip skills/ffa Sense and not haveing the worst micro in game. Then theres qqs who lacks in decision makeing and ffa sense beeing manipped way too easy. And then theres me: Stubborn, ignorant and nearly no game related chat/manip or response to such things. Appart from 4way were nothing means smth (everyone can die first here) It doesnt even mather if u dominate ur 1n1 u might get teamed for it before it turns 3way. The outcome of this game heavily depends on how the 3way is structured. In an Eshan Seksi QQS 3way qqs would be my best bet. Eshan and seksi have a similar playstyle and will focus on each other trying to smart the other one out with qqs beeing the one player getting out most of it aka "flying under radar". If the 3way should be eshan or seksi with qqs and me eshan/seksi are my bet. Eshan/seksi gonna chat much and qqs usually follows manip instead of scouting. Since i rarely talk and even if noone listens to me anyway im gonna die first here. Example 3way: SEKSI ARNI I.
Seksi on 50 food: Hit shave hes 50 (im 80 food) Arni (80food) ofc hits me even tough i pointed out in chat that seksi is running around with 3heroes and a dessi only while i have an army. This is basicly what i expect from qqs too. so now here is option 3. ESHAN SEKSI ME: They gonna team me down justifying it with shit like: "u still have 1 burrow left" "Orc Imba" bla bla bla bla. So in none of these scenarios im gonna win this game. but what i can guarantee my fans out here and what u can expect from me: Bullshit like: "Shave 50 hit him" (while im 80), responding to my peace offer 2milliseconds after killing my expo, Stabbing me after peace, trying to puppet qqs against me or any other nohonor bullshit seksi and or eshan pull against me gets punished with suicide.
I didnt pick this teamname for fun.

:TL: M6
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]
:Russia: :ud: Spielmann [Ena]

Ponty suicides someone cuz his nervs are worse than mine. Tyrant gonna win. Prolly Tyrant toming ponty and ponty suicides renaud for not helping enough. Miwa not Tryhard enough for this game. Hes gonna lose 1-2 fights and alt qq.

:ES: M7
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life [CoR]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]
:Australia: :orc: SweeT [Ena]

If noe loses this he has to pay whole club evening next time we meet.

:FM: M8
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]

Depends on how much preteam cumulo and trunks gonna do. Junker became really shit microwise. Alien in good shape. Trunks and cumulo both retards tough what makes them unpredictable. I expect Cumulo winning and Trunk either leaving at 5min mark to play LOL or getting banned from fml for preateamish trolling.

If u lose Sergio u have to send me a bottle of ur finest tequila to germany


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Re: Week 1 Matchups
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2017, 11:34:36 am »
:MS: M1

:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]

Actually HERE two strongest players : Airenikus and Slythe.. but i think Slythe must win here anyway ( ofc if he not lost his 1 x 1 early and not suicide his opponent for that  :icon_smile: )cuz he old FML player and he already play 1 billion FFA games and cuz i feel it is 100% Slythe map )
Airenikus already known FFA player and he can show good game if he pick his best race => Orcs
Airenikus have more chances for win if Slythe not get Orcs or Humans as RDM - cuz his NE not so good and his UD just terrible...
fetta_ook - good guy and not bad Orc player but FOR real - not very strong and sometimes he not enought smth for win....
Supremo - interesting player - RLY - he play all time DH KG PM and that is work good in FFA ladder with noobs - but not sure that can helped him there...

:TL: M2

:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:World: :orc: Betoon [Inc]
:Poland: :orc: dragao [FREE]

Here aggain i see two good players : Wrecktify and dragao
Wreck get his tittle 3 times and he deserved his name - we all like his games and his style even if he dont know that -__-
dragao old FFA player who know how to play FFA with every race
i remember him since 2015 july - when i just comeback into wc3 ( after 7 years inactive ) - he can show good game with Orc race but i think he now rusty ((
Betoon - sry - i rly dont have idea who is this...
HighTac - just good guy and good host : ) - not sure he rdy win games vs Wreck and dragao but pretty sure - that game get him best experience about how to play FFA games in league with known players ( especcialy if he watch his replay after )
So this is NE map and i go with Wreck

:ES: M3

:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]
:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:USA: :ne: ludakatapro [FREE]

AGGAIN i see 2 favorites here : Aarnikratti- and Peanut
Peanut - good Orc as i remember but he much more better Human
Aarnikratti- - good player and my good inhouse opponent - he stay better now. His game solves pick of his race - his NE Decent ! NE < HU <OR < UD
UD - terrible Bro ) sry - not pick this race ) especcialy at this map -__-
IWANTWC4 - d k who is this
ludakatapro - d k who is this
This is solo map and Peanut have best % w/r at solo ladder than anothers - this is why i go with him here

:FM: M4

:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso [Rage]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]
:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]

What can i said here  :icon_biggrin: Gradient noob #1 ))
He play every season like he play first FFA in his live : )
All anothers can win here cuz my dear friend Dinamo and MrSweets 
train his skill every day. First of them play mass AT RT games and another play 1 x 1 and FFA.
zTsoso - stop play 1 x 1 and FFA or do it very rarely - BUT he still SOSO - be carefull - he best HUMAN in my eye since i join into community

:MS: M5
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]

Seksi - great old FFA player - but rusty AF((
Eshan.ManipMasta_FML - i dislike 3 his races and dislike all what he write in chat - but i respected his Orc !
QQs - Human race - sry - not sure you can win here but try
i go with SosoHasRedHair cuz he good ORC / HU - and ManipMasta magic doesnt work vs him

:TL: M6
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]
:Russia: :ud: Spielmann [Ena]

Here only one favorite for me : Tyrant - only one Decent UD in this season
Spielmann - rusty
Ponty - rusty
Renaud - rusty

:ES: M7
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life [CoR]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]
:Australia: :orc: SweeT [Ena]

Fail.Life - he very good old 1 x 1 and FFA player but must be rusty AF((
Mog - Decent NE and weak HU - he must decide who is he
SweeT - not bad Orc but have too bad bing at arena
I go with Noexxx he much better than all anothers - or his race much better than all anothers here -__-

:FM: M8
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]

This is best game of Round #1

ALL here known players but i see there this

Trunkzzz > AlienWareOwnZ > Zs.Supercumulo > Junkerzam

I go with Trunkzzz here ofc cuz he is NE machine - one of best NE who i see ( he is and Goratha = Under.Sta )

P.S. Trunkzzz - you NowandHere ? -__- too much same styles

« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 11:44:57 am by jaodreturns »

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Re: Week 1 Matchups
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2017, 05:12:56 pm »
Lol slythe's post is just one long page of manip. He didnt choose any of his teammates to make them seem weak. Didnt even pick wreck

Shave i see your point