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TBR 3 | Announcement Hi everyone,

Some interesting months lie behind us. Warcraft 3 got patched, we moved back to Battle.net, Trunks secured his FML title and finally we got our FFA bot running, thanks to SomethingWicked, Ping and Massmoretankz. It took more time and effort than expected, but the collaboration with Ping’s wc3melee.com is a great solution.

Before we get to the actual announcement, we would like to officially welcome Massmoretankz and Vyvanne to the admin team.

After two FML seasons in a row, it’s time for Team Battle Royale. As in the previous events, four or five teams (not decided yet) will fight for the prestigious title. Teams will be drafted by captains after the sign up phase concluded. The special thing about TBR: All matches will be played anonymously and there is no scheduling required. There will be a preset match list, for which players will be seated by their captains depending on their availability.

Sign up phase: June 12 - June 30
Draft and orga phase: July 1 - July 7
Event: July 8 - August 12 (we won't start before July 8 due to FIFA World Cup)
Game Modes

While TBR 2 was powered up by captain cards, TBR 3 will have no such cards, but bring joy by game modes themselves.
  • 4-way
  • 4-way Random Hero
  • 4-way Pacifist (no player is allowed to go above 55 Food before he hasn’t hoarded 10k gold initially)
  • 2v2v2v2
  • 8-way Preteam (with two players from each team and pre-teaming allowed)

A team will get rewarded 10 points for each won 4-way (random hero or not random hero) and 15 points for each won 2v2v2v2 and 8-way.

A team will get rewarded 3 points for each player that has played at least three matches.

There are four “race crowns” (one for each race) that teams can win during the season, by having most (non 2v2v2v2)-wins with one of the races (random race will count depending on the race drawn in each match). Each race crown will be awarded with 10 points.
How to sign up?

As a requirement to participate in TBR 3, you need to join the FML Discord Server and play at least three inhouse FFA matches if you are unknown to the community.
If you want to participate, please post the following details in this thread:
  • Name (no smurfing allowed)
  • Race
  • Country
  • Want to be a captain?
  • Why should a captain draft you (or why not)?
If you have questions, contact us in Discord

Signed up

:USA: :ra: Iwantwc4
:Lithuania: :hu: :orc: Peanut
:Kazakhstan: :ud: DV*
:Germany: :hu: QQs*
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus

:Russia: :ud: :ra: Reinforcement-
:Germany: :ne: Trunks
:Bulgaria: :ra: Joey
:Russia: :ud: SomethingWicked
:USA: :ne: Wrecktify*

:USA: :ra: Eshan*
:Peru: :hu: SuperCumulo*
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
:USA: :ne: Mog
:Germany: :ne: HighTac

:Albania: :orc: ena1337
:Russia: :orc: MrSweets
:Germany: :ra: ToX*
:Bulgaria: :hu: rbr.Shorty
:Finland: :ra: Rain

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Russia: :ud: ohn0
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: Jaod
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:USA: :ra: KiLLiN
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx
:Russia: :ra: ILoveSex
:Argentina: :ne: supremo

:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
:Finland: :ne: :ra: Aarnikratti
:Russia: :orc: JIexa_b
:France: :hu: Valefort
:Russia: :orc: Ostone

:Sweden: :ud: :hu: Fetta
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam
:Serbia: :ne: Bonucci
:Moldova: :ne: Daguerreotype
:Austria: :ne: tmnt.TomToast

June 12, 2018, 12:23:53 pm
S28 M4 M4
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :orc: JIexa_b
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne

Please schedule your match and play it by Oct 7. Also, every player should vote for one of the following three maps:

Market Square
Thunder Lake non-LV

September 24, 2018, 08:52:39 am
Re: FML Season 28 | Round 1 I'm very happy with the line-ups and super excited to see some quality matches finally again. Being the neutral admin here, I won’t predict winners.

Match 1

:ra: :Germany: Joggel
:ne: :USA: Donald-Trump
:ra: :USA: Eshan
:ne: :Argentina: supremo

Good one. Eshan and Donald are two of the most durable players in the league, particularly on large maps. I invented the “deceptive silence scale” only for them. The less they chat, the harder they try to hide stuff. Eshan usually peaks on that scale after his main died and he executed his “force peace with sappers”-protocol. I hope for Joggel that the two previously mentioned players will focus on each other, so he doesn’t have to deal with all the manip. Not sure what supremo is going to do. You never know. Being the worst hoarder of the league, his DH will need to carry.

Match 2

:ne: :USA: Mog[skynet]
:hu: :Peru: SuperCumulo
:ud: :France: Ugrilainen
:ne: :Germany: Trunkz

Welcome back Ugri! I hope he returned from China with some secret FFA strats in his luggage to put up a fight in his first match. As we saw in previous events, communication and scouting are key against Trunks, if you don’t want to serve him the freewin on a silver plate. Having three smart enemies as it’s the case here is promising. Let’s hope SuperCumulo finally manages to ignore the small confidence-monster on his shoulder that seems to tell him that a late game 1 on 1 versus Trunks is a fine idea.

Match 3

:orc: :Russia: b100death
:ud: :Russia: Jaod
:ra: :Lithuania: Peanut
:ne: :USA: Dovekie

Being the one who talked Dovekie into this season, I feel responsible for his well-being. Same goes for b100 who only signed up because Dovekie did. Both do not like manip and therefore I’m even happier that they got drawn in a match with two other men of honor. My motto for this match is either “rust and bust” or “power mummies”.

Match 4

:ne: :Poland: Gradient
:orc: :Russia: Jiexa_b
:ra: :USA: Seksi
:ud: :USA: Vyvanne

I have no idea what this is going to be. Obviously Seksi is the favorite, but his dominance on ladder conceals the fact that he repeatedly struggled in FML. Especially his decision-making with gold disadvantages was sometimes questionable. Gradi made another leap in skill. At times, he seems to become too confident and aggressive early, which weakens his state on the “deceptive silence scale”. Jiexa (not JLexa as I thought until yesterday) and Vyvanne know how to take a win also, and I hope they will put up a fight.

Match 5

:ud: :USA: SteppinRazor
:orc: :Russia: Airenikus
:ud: :Bulgaria: jOeybadass
:orc: :Russia: mrSweets

Airen is undeniably one of the greatest hoarders in the league and shares the favorite role with Minimaga. It will depend a lot on the map I think. I guess it might become Silverpine Forest, but I secretly hope for Equalrium.

Match 6

:ra: :Finland: aarnikratti
:orc: :Albania: ena1337
:ra: :Germany: ToX
:orc: :Bulgaria: Godfather

Happy Birthday Godfather! *grabs popcorn*

Match 7

:orc: :Sweden: Fetta_ook
:ud: :Russia: Reinforcement-
:ne: :Peru: Headintheclouds
:ra: :Sweden: Junkerzam

Another cool match and I hope that at least two of them are going to choose some unconventional heroes.

Match 8

:orc: :Germany: Pinballmap
:ud: :USA: JSRGN
:hu: :Russia: AJIKAIII
:ra: :Germany: Slythe

Excursion day in the retirement home. Especially since this match will be played on a big map, I’m looking forward to a lot of hoarding, fun heroes and “hands off the keyboard”-fights.

September 24, 2018, 10:09:30 am
Re: FML Season 28 | Round 2 Okay I'll bite

Match 9 (Winner's Bracket)

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA: :ra: Eshan
:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Peru: :hu: ZsSuperCumulo

There must be an FML god, or devil, because I have played these 3 players more times than I can count. Each of them have denied me in previous seasons from finals. So through the fires of hell we go....

Ryu has always been my favorite street fighter because he's well balanced in all categories, but not the best at any of them, much like me in ffa. But this game I may have to turn into Dark Ryu to win...

Match 10 (Winner's Bracket)

:Germany: :orc: ena1337
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: reinforceement-
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII

Ena is at his best when he's using autism and chaos to his advantage, and in this game he will have plenty of both to play with. Alkash will rush someone, and rein will win his 1v1...gradient and ena will try to hoard but it will be tough in this match. Only one of them can prevail.

Match 11 (Loser's Bracket)

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
:Sweden: :orc: fetta_ook
:Sweden: :ra: junkerzam

On paper, this is Seksi's to lose. But so was the last one...if Junker shows its a good match. If not, maybe we can get alien/noe/geass

Match 12 (Loser's Bracket)

:Bulgaria: :ra: rbr.Godfather
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne
:Russia: :ra: mrSweets
:USA: :ne: FML|Mog


Vyvanne has the mechanics to kick some ass but he has yet to evolve into the beast version of himself. I remember in the old days he was a force to be reckoned with. Kick off the kid gloves Master Qui Gon! Mog is another Jedi who had a tough round 1, getting 3v1'd at some point. Hope he can avoid a similar fate this game. Godfather is Darth Maul. ho will tower/hoard/lie/manip and BAT the hell out of everyone if he can. All he wants is total domination. Jedi Mog and Jedi Vyv will have to team up to vanquish him. Sweets is the wildcard. Will he fight for the light or be taken by the darkness?

Match 13 (Loser's Bracket)

:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:USA: :ne: Dovekie
:Germany: :ra: Joggel

Sub me out and replace me with another American. Rematch central. Supremo Joggel and trump are old friends now, they won't let Dovekie dominate. This time I put my money on Trump. (which is never smart, considering how bad with money donald trump is.) But he almost won last game, as long as he stays under the radar, and lets dovekie and joggel and supremo clash heads, he can win.

Match 14 (Loser's Bracket)

:Germany: :ra: trunkz
:Czech: :hu: Lil Tic
:Russia: :ra: Jaod
:Russia: :orc: b100death

Assuming trunks doesnt show, or even if he does, let's be honest: b100 is the real darth maul. godfather is just an imitation.

lil tic seems better suited to minecraft, not warcraft. and jaod is no match for b100 as we saw last game

Match 15 (Loser's Bracket)

:Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus
:USA: :ud: JSRGN
:Russia: :orc: JIexa_b

Jiexa was impressive last game, not gonna lie. He knows FFA.  Jsrgn might win by hiding under the radar, same with airenikus. But tox is the beast here.

Match 16 (Loser's Bracket)

:France: :ud: Ugrilainen
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Finland: :ra: aarnikratti
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx (replacing Pinballmap)

FINALLY  :hu: :hu: :hu: :hu: NOEXXX

October 08, 2018, 04:13:51 pm
Re: S28 M15 Original had no taverns. We added them for FML
October 09, 2018, 05:28:54 am
Re: FML Season 28 | Round 2 Match 9 (Winner's Bracket)

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:USA: :ra: Eshan
:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Peru: :hu: ZsSuperCumulo

Powerhouse match right here of some of our tier 1 players.  If Eshan gets UD, Cumulo will either rush him or Qwest depending on spawns. Slythe is the dark horse here, the god of unconventional but effective hero choices resurfaces again.  ! Qwest's manips won't work as well vs the Master Manipper Himself Eshan and no base but lots of gold Cumulo.  My heart says I believe in the power of the Pit Lord, but my brain says Peru fighting!

Match 10 (Winner's Bracket)

:Germany: :orc: ena1337
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: reinforceement-
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII

Ena is a lesser god of Chaos, lurking in the Warp.  Perhaps he is a disciple of the great Prince of Excess, Slaanesh.  With plenty of FUCK MY ASS to go around, his gaze is dark and his horned head emerging from the blonde wig he wears on his bald head. Gradient will make the prettiest elf base and mine for 45 minutes. I see this turning into a long three way with one person getting rushed out.  I'll bet on AJIK here.

Match 11 (Loser's Bracket)

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
:Sweden: :orc: fetta_ook
:Sweden: :ra: junkerzam

It's like Swedish House Mafia again up in here, minus one Swede.  Seksi is the favourite here, but Alch/TC/SH is a nightmare to deal with if he spawns UD or directly picks UD.  Haven't seen too much of Junker lately, not sure if he is still not in the best of shape. I can see this turning into a teamfest against Seksi, so we'll see if he can prevail.

Match 12 (Loser's Bracket)

:Bulgaria: :ra: rbr.Godfather
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne
:Russia: :ra: mrSweets
:USA: :ne: FML|Mog

Doing predictions for your own group is always a bit silly, so I'm just going to pick me and highlight how I think I can win.

I'd say fairly even levels of skill here.  Two orcs and a Tinker elf means headaches for Undead lategame.   Godfather is a mini agent of Chaos I feel.  His manips and micro are quite strong and his bats will rain fire down onto us.  Between his Blademaster, Sweets' Alch, and Mog's Tinker, I sense this will be a furious fight of a game with not a lot of hoarding and lots of fighting.  Aggression means more heroes levels but I am not the best in 3 ways, I thrive in 1v1 situations where I can use my micro and trade cost-effectively with my opponent.  We'll see! Should be an exciting game.

Match 13 (Loser's Bracket)

:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:USA: :ne: Dovekie
:Germany: :ra: Joggel

Supremo surprised all of us when he managed to get into a situation where he was getting 3v1'ed. We have a bit of a rematch here, and I'm really curious to see how this one fares, especially given the results in round one.  Dovekie has been practicing hard on the bot, sharpening his skills and shaking off that rust. Donald will be passive and get his mines up while Joggel/Supremo/Dovekie duke it out.  I think with a decent spawn position, Dovekie can take it, but you can't count any of the others out as well.  Joggel's UD looked pretty decent except for a few critical mistakes, and Trump has gotten better as well, his orc didn't look bad at all.

Match 14 (Loser's Bracket)

:Germany: :ra: trunkz
:Czech: :hu: Lil Tic
:Russia: :ra: Jaod
:Russia: :orc: b100death

Trunkz will be subbed again most likely.  Lil Tic will have lots of :D and ^^ in his chats and be very nice while b100 and Jaod duke it out.  b100's excellent micro will make him a big target.  I'm going to root for LilTic here. He is a relatively new player to FFA but with some more practice I think he can definitely be an up and comer. My mind says b100 but my heart says Liltic!  GO UNDERDOGS.

Match 15 (Loser's Bracket)

:Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus
:USA: :ud: JSRGN
:Russia: :orc: JIexa_b

Team hording!  JSRGN and Airen will take mines quickly and play passively.  This will also depend whether or not Tox shows up. Jiexa is a scary fuckin' orc and I can see him causing some disruption this game- almost guaranteed he is going to be teamed.  This is another game that I can see turn into a quick 3 way with lots of shifting alliances and hiding buildings.  Airen is underrated by a lot of players I feel.  I think Jiexa will come out on top in the end with strong heroes.

Match 16 (Loser's Bracket)

:France: :ud: Ugrilainen
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Finland: :ra: aarnikratti
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx (replacing Pinballmap)

Fun matchup, Ugri did pretty okay in his game, especially for having not played in so long. Aarni and Ugri will likely duke it out while JoeyBadasseryofKings will take on the mighty H A M M E R T I M E B I G D I C K N O E X X. 

In the end, NOE #1 FMA etc etc.

October 09, 2018, 07:31:22 pm
Re: FML Season 28 | Round 2 Round 1 : Ugri is noob and will be tomed and leave after 15 mn!
Ugri gets tomed but survives, turtles, hits a dying Mog, loses his heroes 20 times

Round 2 : Ugri did actually well in his game, he could win this one


October 10, 2018, 05:14:10 am
Re: FML Season 28 | Round 3 Match 17 (Winner's Bracket)

:Czech: :hu: Lil Tic
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII
:Russia: :ra: reinforceement-

Map: Twilight Ruins, Ashenwood or Twisted Grove

Lil Tic is the only one here that can properly team vs Seksi. Ajikaiii is more machine than man, and reinforcement- may have a grudge against him from last game. Seksi is the favorite if he plays smart and trusts his ability to win without ramboing too much. He showed he can pwn reinforcement in UD mirror last season. Lil tic might surprise us all and go finals in his first season :D (great format! 2 wins finals)

Match 18 (Winner's Bracket)

:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Peru: :hu: ZsSuperCumulo
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: SomethingWicked

Map: Market Square, Deadlock LV or Anarchy Castle

I'm hoping they pick anarchy, and cumulo just steam rolls everyone. But if its a big map then anyone has a chance. Gradient excels in big maps, and these players will ignore him. Slythe showed that he won't have any idea who has most gold/is winning, but he gets ignored a lot too. Wicked is a great player but is not so experience vs top players. His wagonmancer is quite strong though and could hurt cumulo. This game could either be an easy win for cumulo, or a tough 3hr game by all, depending on the map.

Match 19 (Winner's Bracket)

:USA: :ra: Eshan
:Switzerland: :ra: noexxx
:USA: :ne: Dovekie
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn

Well this is a star studded cast. 3 of the best microers in FML....and me. They all are stronger than me in fights and I respect all of their styles and skills. Should be a nice game. All the map choices are small maps, so Noe could steamroll everyone. But joey and dovekie are strong and might prove a match for him. I will just try to survive my 1v1 and have a chance to win. Joey is one of the biggest manippers this season, but Dove and Noe don't manip much. Dove has maybe too much honor sometimes, leaving when he still has a chance. Hopefully he fights to the end. Whoever wins this game really deserves to be in Finals.

October 23, 2018, 04:09:57 am
Re: FML Season 28 | Round 3 Match 17 (Winner's Bracket)

:Czech: :hu: Lil Tic
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII
:Russia: :ra: reinforceement-

Well good match , dunno if seksi gonna play rndm or he gonna choose race , but versus those 2 humans will be tuff for him. I put my bet on cement as he showed really good plays recently and have always been with good ffa sense. Seksi is good FFA player but still strugles to achieve it in FML, just because of some wrong decisions in some crucial moments of the game.

Map: Twilight Ruins, Ashenwood or Twisted Grove

Match 18 (Winner's Bracket)

:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Peru: :hu: ZsSuperCumulo
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: SomethingWicked

Well I guess Cumulo will fast rush Gradient , which will cause him to lose the game. SW is really good tactician and will have the time to hoard enough so he can beat SLythe. Still everything matters in what Slythe race will be. If he gets elf thing can go other way and Slythe may win it all.

Map: Market Square, Deadlock LV or Anarchy Castle

Match 19 (Winner's Bracket)

:USA: :ra: Eshan
:Switzerland: :ra: noexxx
:USA: :ne: Dovekie
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn

I really feel Dovekie is the big tome here. I think Eshan will use him as his manips and will lose on purpose armies and heroes vs him just to pretend he is fighting. On other hand Noe and Joe will fight probably all game but with the buff of Undead and Joey's new strategies I think the Little Maga can manage to survive this game full of manips by maniping himself. I bet after Dovekie is out Eshan will team Noe to death and after that will just trust in his luck to outcome in the 1v1. Will be nice game.

Map: Silverpine Forest, Monsoon or Deathrose

October 23, 2018, 05:45:10 pm
Re: FML Season 28 | Round 3 Match 17 (Winner's Bracket)

:Czech: :hu: Lil Tic
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Russia: :hu: AJIKAIII
:Russia: :ra: reinforceement-

Hope for twilight ruins, don´t really know the other maps, though.
Seksi is the overall powerhouse here, but Alkash and reinforcement are able to challenge him microwise, LilTic knows some nice ffa mechanics and with human a lot is still possible. A lot of questionsmarks to me, because alkash and reinforcement are still not so familiar to me in the ffa context.
Either it´s gonna be a nice action game or an easy win by seksi, or both.

Match 18 (Winner's Bracket)

:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Peru: :hu: ZsSuperCumulo
:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Russia: :ra: SomethingWicked

Another rather big, classic, epic map in market, nice!
Interesting lineup for sure. Cumulo hopefully gets his internet ready for the game so there won´t be a fast 3way again! Human is traditionally strong on the map and with a fml win and a couple of final appearances he is the clear favourite here. Also Peru seems to rock it in Wc3 atm with Walter (why not Rüdiger?!) going to WGL?!
Gradient refined his playstyle and has very effective creeproutes, fast expanding and beautiful baselayout skills, also he is not shy of using the joy of tinker - among other ways to unleash relentless macrowars on you until the 100 food chippo is here for a big purple sky surprise. Somethingwicked is a smart player who mixes it up with ud. Don´t know about his activity and have not seen him play or play with him for a long time. Cannot predict that game at all. Some thoughts: A lot of hoarding... :D or early attacks by Cumulo or Somethingwicked on me or Gradient or each other. Maybe a dominant win by Cumulo, maybe some nasty teaming against him or me. Some dead heroes to creeps 100%!

Match 19 (Winner's Bracket)

:USA: :ra: Eshan
:Switzerland: :ra: noexxx
:USA: :ne: Dovekie
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn

Hope for Silverpine, best medium sized map, but deathrose can create nice games aswell, although it offers more tricky situational stuff.
Eshan likes deathrose games, especially w/o me i suppose , so let´s hope he gets that map where he has a good creeproute. Too bad his swiss opponent Noexxx knows that map damn well aswell, due to his FML win on it. It´s the game for Dovekie to show what he´s made of in FML. If he wins this, i join his fanclub.
Joey hopefully can tome and eliminate eshan early so he can fly a bit under the radar in a 3way with Dovekie and Noexx are focused on each other.

October 23, 2018, 08:14:45 pm