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Re: S25 M20 I liked Neon City)
June 13, 2017, 02:12:04 pm
Re: Final round games! Predictions have gone downhill.

 I remember in my first season about 2 years ago prediction threads were 4-5 pages long with detailed predictions on each match.


June 13, 2017, 02:13:46 pm
Re: Final round games!

Fetta's and Steppin's chances are in that if they manage to make a surprise attack on Sweet while he is chatting about how the bot is so shitty is or how the ping is so high.

  :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Even tho it annoys people,  I feel like I have a right to complain -  when some of my games 3/4 of the players were from USA or Peru and Australia. Wrecktify x2, Eshan, Renaud, Cumulo + Me were some of my opponents. I'm just hoping we can play on the other EU bot called noot on w3a.  you won't hear any complaints from me on that :P

June 14, 2017, 10:05:36 am
Re: M20 Result I know that was my big mistake, and I admitted that already to slythe and others that Tping to save a pretty much gone exp vs 100 pop was a dumb move, I didn't realize until I already tped that this move would kill me.

But I still maintain my stance that your maps lack gold. Maybe its ok for the other races, but Orc needs some sort of bank to keep up bat production. Wyverns are usless vs mass gargs. It's my fault I didnt pick dragon Island.

June 20, 2017, 03:35:21 am
Re: S25 Grand Finals I always appreciate the effort and work, and I think it's a well made map - visually speaking. But as far as balance is concerned it's complete crap in my opinion and it doesn't seem to cater for very interesting matches.

In fact I sent this guy my suggestions for changes in an email a while ago. So I am making an effort to make maps better rather just shitting on them because I'm salty.

I'm over that I lost, but I want to watch a nice final game as an observer and I don't think this map will provide that. Sorry if I came out too direct against the map.

I also appreciate your maps, Neon City is a good map, and Meson would be good if you changed/finished it like Wrecktify touched on.

I hope this clears up things.

July 02, 2017, 04:12:44 pm
Re: Team Battle Royale 2: Applications Open +
July 14, 2017, 02:48:14 pm
Re: Team Battle Royale 2: Applications Open Wow , huge blow to the battle royale 2 with Soso not opting to sign up as captain. I waited in eager anticipation for this moment only to succumb to the realization that my former captain will no longer be continuing his role as leader. Another Huge loss to tbr2, and I hope we can bounce back from these events.

where is the dislike button on this site?

July 19, 2017, 04:44:20 pm