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Season 25 Finals recap
« on: July 06, 2017, 02:14:42 pm »
Congratulations to our newly crowned FML champion  :USA: :ne: Wrecktify!

With the win this season, Wrecktify distances himself from the rest of the field by achieving a record 4th FML title, and his first since season 16 where he debuted his new  :ne: race under the smurf DarkFlameMaster. While there will always be some controversy regarding the matter, no one can deny Wrecktify has put up the results when it counts. Wrecktify also becomes the first :USA: champion in quite some time, bringing the crown back to the states for the first time since season 18.

How did Wrecktify accomplish this feat you may ask? Well let's take a journey to the lovely desert known as Cozy Sands and find out. Right out of the gate, Wrecktify left no doubt about his feelings toward the map--complaining very loudly both pre-game and in-game about how horrible the map pick was. This manip tactic worked well for him, as he used his blame of the map to justify a crucial creepjack on fellow finalist  :ud: Junkerzam, at Junkerzam's goblin lab.  :ne: Wrecktify then used the ensuing confusion (which he stirred in the first place) over who's creep camp it should have been, to capitalize by destroying  :ud: Junkerzam's expand; setting himself up for an advantageous 1v1 scenario. Feeling he was backed into a corner,  :ud: Junkerzam launched an ill-advised offensive directly into  :ne: Wrecktify's main. The battle did not go well for our beloved admin, as  :ne: Wrecktify used his hero level advantage and superior army to crush  :ud: Junkerzam and push our undead player back--meanwhile being very vocal about how Junkerzam was winning.

On the opposite end of the map, an intense 1v1 was also taking place between everybody's hero  :hu: Noexxx, and everybody's villain  :ud: Tleilaxu. In a surprising twist, the wagonmancer army of  :ud: Tleilaxu was able to prevail over the mortar heavy army of  :hu: Noexxx, in what seemed like a day long battle at the human player's expansion. Despite gaining a large hero level advantage through the constant destruction of waves and waves of skeleton armies, our human hero slowly began to lose ground, eventually losing both of his expansions as he succumbed to the curse of the undead. A key hero loss by  :ud: Tleilaxu seemed to be the only thing keeping  :hu: Noexxx in the game. Unfortunately for them, their intense 1v1 kept them both from keeping tabs on the other 1v1....which was going quite differently than what the chat would make it seem.

Never being able to re-secure his expansions,  :ud: Junkerzam decided to push all in on a desperate 100 food push; hoping to catch  :ne: Wrecktify still hoarding his 3 wisp expansion. However, the cards had not fallen in his favor, as our eventual champion had also built up to 100 food. With a much larger resource bank, and higher hero levels,  :ne: Wrecktify demolished the gargoyle based army of  :ud: Junkerzam; essentially removing Junkerzam from the game (although it would take him some time to finish his own buildings off with a few of his own units).

Unaware of the one sided affair on the other end of the map,  :ud: Tleilaxu took a little extra time to set up an expand of his own at Noexxx's old natural, before continuing to push into the human player's main base. A valiant defense of his tattered base gave  :hu: Noexxx a glimmer of hope, as  :ud: Tleilaxu was unable to finish him before a maxed out night elf army came to the rescue.  :ne: Wrecktify cleverly decided to utilize his army's mobility to take the scenic route around the beautiful Cozy Sands, consistenly dodging  :ud: Tleilaxu's clunky wagonmancer army, while picking off undead buildings with his 100 supply chippo force. Meanwhile, both players tried their best to convince  :hu: Noexxx to help them, but with his lack of scouting intel, and heavily crippled position, Noexxx decided to stay in his base and attempt to grab some resources from his old natural.

Understandably tired of playing ring around the rosy with  :ne: Wrecktify,  :ud: Tleilaxu tp'd into a very unfavorable position attempting to defend his main base. The splash of the chimera devastated  :ud: Tleilaxu's ground based army, and with nowhere to retreat his forces were quickly destroyed; spelling disaster for our undead anti-hero. A quick scout alerted  :hu: Noexxx to the dire situation, and he and his former enemy quickly teamed up. Ultimately, it was to little to late, and  :ne: Wrecktify used charm along with his 100 supply army to great effect; eventually securing the hero kills necessary to clinch his 4th FML grand final's victory.

A huge congratulations to all our finalists for making it this far in our 25th season, and an especially huge congratulations to  :USA: :ne: Wrecktify for winning it all! Thank you to everyone who participated this season, and stay tuned for more information on what's coming next here at FML!

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Re: Season 25 Finals recap
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2017, 02:50:05 pm »
And the winner of the bets..... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENAUD

That's what I get for betting all I had on wreck twice in a row, self proclaimed king of ffa always win!

Offline FML|red7z7

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Re: Season 25 Finals recap
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2017, 03:19:37 pm »
And the winner of the bets..... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENAUD

That's what I get for betting all I had on wreck twice in a row, self proclaimed king of ffa always win!

Now time to implement max bets of 150!

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Re: Season 25 Finals recap
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2017, 04:18:33 pm »
Quote from: Renoob
self proclaimed king of ffa

More like duly-earned titled.  Though I cast off my crown, and relinquish my title of "King."

In the place of King I now take the title of Supreme Overlord of FFA.  Bow before me peasants.  HAHAHA!

Offline deluded

Re: Season 25 Finals recap
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2017, 07:35:50 am »
Wreck awesome dood winning another title totally deserved.

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Re: Season 25 Finals recap
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2017, 04:10:46 am »
bring back @Magadansky now!

Offline deluded

Re: Season 25 Finals recap
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2017, 05:53:41 am » should be renamed into "Cozy fucking sands" as a memento of this season's finals.  :icon_idea:

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Re: Season 25 Finals recap
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2017, 09:36:34 pm »
America prevails

«Espero pacientemente el dia que deba mostrar mi verdadero poder» Supremo

Offline Peregrine

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Re: Season 25 Finals recap
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2017, 02:47:22 pm »

Ladies, please view dating profile for Ram Zs.SuperScumulo. Bachelor of Science in Economics, aspires to be "un Lobo de Wall Street", likes long walks on the beach, and ruining long romantic pauses