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Author Topic: Dropping The Banhammer.  (Read 30465 times)

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Offline Peregrine

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2011, 12:55:53 am »
Read the thread LW, before you insult. I told the admins BEFORE the game what i was doing, not after.

And watch the replay and read the description. teaming was in-game circumstance, not preteam. I hate cheaters which is why i tried to help. now im being accused of cheating.

Offline Walking.TrL

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2011, 01:06:09 am »
So I just got back from a family dinner... (its relevant).

First, Eshan's private messages on this website. 

Walking: Hah. This PM + Your posts on Q/rain game = instant win.

My first response.  Let this be the precedent for the other responses.  Because on FFAReplays he was bitching about Pre-team and then he tells everyone "I'm going to preteam in all my games". 

I had a suspicion that he was doing this for all of the other players (turns out he was) but I went along with it as a joke.  Let me repeat that. As a joke.  I was always waiting for Eshan to say something contrary (saying hes joking) but he never did it directly to me, he did it to Darkness/Ebo.

So two days ago (I'm down for Xmas) my family tells me were having a dinner Wednesday night, 6PM (game started 3PM my time).  I have to go and I didn't want to try to reschedule my FML match, and I had 3 hours. 

So in the 80 minutes, I get rushed by Star and then later hit again by star, truely bothering me.  Then Star finally clues in and hes like, "Hey eshan is fucking strong, lets team him".  I'm like OK.  We both hit Eshan, but then Star stops responding to me.  So then hes like "I can't win, so you guys have to tell me who deserves it because I'm going to kill the other". After that bullshit, me and Eshan go to Star's base and are hitting him from both sides.  THIS IS WHERE WE DISC.

I want to point out that up to this point there was nothing "pre-teaming" like.  I may not be recalling correctly, but I believe the first "big" moment once it was a 3 way was me and Star talking about teaming out Eshan and then both hitting him.


2 hours have gone by since we started, I did not really want to rehost.  If you can recall, I was asking for a 15/15/15 split between the 3 of us.  Worpex came on and said you either go by points or rehost, so I rehosted. But I wanted to reschedule a rehost, but Eshan was bitching about the fact that he wanted to play now. In this time, I have not talked to EITHER player about the game.

So we rehost.

At this point, I have 40 minutes to do shit in this game.  I needed to quickly kill both of them or die trying.

The save point starts with me at 50 hoarding 2 mines.  Star decides to be cool and harass my expos and charm harass Eshan (and I know he charm harassed him because when I went into Star's base for the first time there was 2-3 chims that I had to kill).  Eshan and I private chat'ed and we agreed to kill Star out and then 1v1.  If Eshan agreed, it would greatly benefit me as I had a time restraint and could not be involved in a long, drawn out 3way.

So we coordinated an attack and killed Star and then fought twice and I left.  End of story.


Having a rehost with no saved game, in no way shape or form, means that we finally decided to "enforced the preteam you agreed on".  IF IT WAS A PRETEAM, IT WOULD MEAN WE WERE GOING TO DO IT ALL ALONG AND NOT JUST WITH THE NEW CIRCUMSTANCES

"Pre-determined Teaming" is negated completely because, as the 80 minute replay shows, there was no evidence of "Pre-detetemined Teaming"  WHATSOEVER.  And it doesn't make any sense to all of the sudden, because of a rehost, decide to start "preteaming".

Another thing that bothers me is Ugri is putting a lot of important on "I was supposed to be afk but hanged around to see if SS was lagging. Then I saw what you guys were doing and stayed.".  You said you had to go fill a bottle or something.  Me and Eshan didn't even do anything (besides getting harassed by Star) for the first 5 minutes of the rehost.  I'm sure you could've filled the bottle and came back in that time.  So I don't understand the importance of that comment at all.

So, from my view, I poked fun at Eshan's preteam request, ending up teaming with him AFTER 85 minutes of play, and am being blamed for preteaming. I had a time restraint and I needed to end the game quickly.  So I was either going to get Star to COMPLETELY KILL eshan with me, or team with Eshan to completely kill out Star. Why? Because I could not have a long drawn out 3 way and 1v1's are much quicker.  So I did that.

I am so lost that the whole preteaming evidence is being said as, "its in the rehost". If it was a preteam then we would've been acting on it in the 80 minute replay.  WE DID NOT KNOW THE GAME WAS GOING TO CRASH, so if we weren't playing like we were preteaming, its probably because we weren't preteaming.

If you have specific questions, I'll respond to any of them.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 01:10:24 am by Walking.TrL »

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2011, 01:19:39 am »
No, I didn't touch the elf at all during rehost. He hit me after I started harassing your expos and that's when I charmed his units, not before. I'm not gonna say anything about the ban or whatever, but I will make sure that the truth is told regarding the game. The rehost was nothing but pure 2v1 teaming from the very first second and I think that's pretty fucked up.

Edit: Besides, if you had such time constraints, why didn't you agree to my proposal to end the game quickly and fairly? Why were you both so silent? Almost as if you had already decided what you wanted to do...
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 01:24:22 am by hejpådigStarshaped »

Offline Walking.TrL

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2011, 01:26:50 am »
No, I didn't touch the elf at all during rehost. He hit me after I started harassing your expos and that's when I charmed his units, not before. I'm not gonna say anything about the ban or whatever, but I will make sure that the truth is told regarding the game. The rehost was nothing but pure 2v1 teaming from the very first second and I think that's pretty fucked up.

Don't say "very second".  Because the game fucking started 80 minutes before that.  Before we disconnected we were trying to team you.  So the game disconnected and we rehosted way before, but we were still in a 3 way, I had to leave soon, so we teamed you anyway. Remember, the game started 80 minutes before that.

Now, when you say "thats pretty fucked up".  Of course.  But please don't feel "picked on".  I have had two humans tank me at the same time, Duck has had it.  Eshan has had the game where he felt "picked on".  Lots of times in FFA things happen outside of your control and are unfair.  I did it because I had to leave and I had like a 30% chance of winning after and, given my time restraints, I thought that was good enough.  I have fought Eshan UD vs NE before and he kicked my ass with those heroes.  Turns out he kicked my ass this time too. But like I said, I had a time restraint.  If I didn't have to leave in a given time then it would've just been a long drawn out three way.

Repeat, I did it because I had a time restraint.  Why did Eshan do it? Probably because he knew he could beat me 1v1.

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2011, 01:40:17 am »
Well thank you Ugri and admins for reconsidering, I really appreciate it. I dont think you're evil, I just dont like being accused of cheating when i tried to help.

As for rematch - I am willing to rematch. I want to clear my name as being a cheater. All i did was play for win.

The other players didnt win so I guess they might want rematch as well. Kind of sad that after winning I will likely lose this time, but its worth it to clean this mess.

I just hope ebo doesnt suicide me for taking him out. He seemed pretty mad. But I will play a clean, noncheating game as always.

Offline Walking.TrL

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2011, 01:44:22 am »
To ease the drama, banishment has been cancelled but now most admins are sleeping.

The solutions mostly agreed is a point penalty.

I don't understand a point penalty.  I could've took Ebo's path, said no, and ousted Eshan.  But instead I jokingly played long with him.

If you watch the 80 minute replay, you can very clearly see that there was no preteam and I tried very hard to get Eshan teamed out of the game.  After the 15 minute downtime to find a rehost and me being scared for time, I took the quick path.  Was the quick path unfair in game terms? No.  People get teamed all the time and this was no different.  Its a 3 way, we all try to manip each other to teaming with each other, in the end two people decide on one and they do it. 

Is the difference between teaming him out completely and just hurting him actually what you guys are accusing us of "preteam" on?  You had to take into consideration that the game was already played for 80 minutes.  There was no preteam.  There was IN GAME TEAMING, like every other game.

As evil as I always am, I proposed a rematch which wasnt agreed mostly because of the fear that you guys would throw another even more fucked up game.

So let's see if you 4 could agree on playing a normal game, maybe for this one we wouldnt allow pm and check the replays after. This would have to be played quick and i know christmas time isnt the best time.

I dont know if starshaped would like to at all. discuss

We can replay it.  However I don't know why "no pm chat" would be involved. Because there was no preteaming/issue with this game, so it seems weird to try to put that into the mix.

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2011, 02:00:56 am »
Well I suggested I would play with no PM I didnt mean everyone. I suggested it because you said admins were worried ...that we would preteam "again".

Im just down to play a normal game rematch. Im already getting screwed since I won this game and am losing my 25 points in a rematch, but thats fine lets do it

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2011, 02:17:28 am »
also in response to ugris locked thread - whats new this season from last season?

Q veta

which player has done this consistently, eveen in the S4 game u mention? Q veta

so thats whats different. looks like he 'revolutionized' ffa

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2011, 03:44:14 am »
I'm not the one who got kicked out for preteaming, son.

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2011, 08:20:03 am »
If you didn't have time to play the saved game out, why even bother? I think deciding before the game restarts that you're gonna 2v1 me is pretty much pre-teaming and despicable. It also makes zero sense, since I was the weakest player in EVERY SINGLE WAY (gold/heroes/income), so if you truly played for the win you'd try to get me in the 1v1 situation. And, like I said, I tried to get you to end it as fast as possible but you both just ignored me (and remember, I suggested this at the very start of the saved game). That's what I call teaming from the start and your reasons for doing it don't hold up to scrutiny.

Anyway, I don't exactly feel like another game with you guys, and this entire ordeal has made me question just how fun this league actually is...

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2011, 08:50:37 am »
Oh, so I get it, it wasn't preteaming!  You guys just sent each others message joking about it! Hahaha!  If we compare it to a rl situation, it's like having two idiot joke about about bringing a bomb in a plane, of course they don't have one, it's just a funny joke.  Now to make it even funnier, one of the said idiots calls the cop and say "THERE IS A BOMB ON THE PLANE" (notice how eshan said he would probably be preteamed but never felt the need to mention he had an alliance?).  Now, what the fuck do you think happends to the two idiots once the security realizes it was a joke?  They say "Don't do it again! And have a safe trip"?  If google servers me right, its a 2nd degree felony

And tbh, I din't mind much for Ugri wanting to see the game before taking any action, banning you guys the second we got a hold on the pm would have been fine with me.

If you really wanted to help the league by stopping preteaming, you would have reported walking once he agreed, not decided to wait an see if he actually teamed with you, and after you profited THEN report him (not saying you profited, but you still waited)

On the bright side (for you) we are talking about a lighter sentence (mostly ugri actually, I would keep the ban solely for the "we don't negotiate with (fake)terrorists")

On that, have a good day esad

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2011, 10:07:01 am »
You read Walking's message like he accepted? The first thing he does is say "hah" and link to where Eshan said he would PM all 3 players. And of course, "yeah let's do it but no PMing!!" (yeah let's do it but no actual cooperation?)

I discussed the PMs with Worpex before they rehosted and I told him you admins were lacking common sense if you thought they were serious. All your actions post-game just reinforce you guys are.

If you want to punish Eshan for creating this drama for no reason, be my guest. But no intelligent person could read those PMs like Walking was serious. Unless ofc you think he is a 16 year chick from Cali.

And for SS -- if the goal is to finish a game quickly, teaming out the weakest (and I have a hard time saying you were weakest) is the logical option as it is quickest. If you do your stupid balance the game strategy (team the strongest), you would backstab Walking when he was strongest resulting in him teamed. And then when you were strongest, they would team you. And it'd rotate for another 2 hours. It would be least logical thing to do. Plus in the 1v1, Walking could have won; they fought twice and both times whoever got silence first won. It is not like Eshan stomped him.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 10:13:27 am by KiLLyoSeLF »

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2011, 10:42:10 am »
Oh darn, I really fail at understanding these rules!
I forgot the "everything something is a joke says as long as you can detect at least one! my bad my bad!"
so lets start!
lolololol your Banned lololol

of course you can't seriously be banned, after all there is no way i'm from ny right?
Now, let's just hope this is actually your pc and not walking's.  Would be a shame right?
Funny thing, Ugri (the one guy who always protected you for some reason) is gone, so.. who will take care of your ass now?
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 10:45:36 am by FML|Renaud »

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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2011, 11:12:46 am »
Even if it was a joke the admins specifically asked that people shouldn't joke about preteaming after Rain told duck we had a pregame agreement even though we didn't.


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Re: Dropping The Banhammer.
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2011, 11:17:14 am »
Honestly, I think your game, Renaud, with Q was much more "preteamy" than this one, based on the game situation itself. I know that "it was in your own interests" (very stupid explanation) but isnt this the same as "lets make sure that the other two players die first and then have a fun solo" which is basically preteam. Next on that list is the Walking and killyouself game which is pretty much the same situation but executed poorly. This one also seems very suspicious but not as the two examples above.

Also, the league now has turned into a shitfest with all these cheese, preteam, drama and so on, and it mostly comes from the same players: Q, Ebo, Walking, killyouself etc. And I am sure there was a pregame plan prepared for a few games in this season so far (lets team this player if he tomes someone, no matter what)... You can easily guess what I am implying and it again comes from the same guys.