FFA Masters League

League => League Discussion => Topic started by: Persuade on March 18, 2013, 12:59:51 pm

Title: Round 4 Predictions - Win or go home
Post by: Persuade on March 18, 2013, 12:59:51 pm
Round 4

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Title: Re: Round 4 Predictions - Win or go home
Post by: Ugri2 on March 18, 2013, 01:13:13 pm

The non micro players on a micro map. I take audigy, wagon should make wonders vs ne on a small map.


Fuck it I want him to win! Play human ffs! Mog dont suicide plz! lol


Our bulgarian superstar negating the 4 wins in a row to Seksi like I did to ebo in S12.


I want him to win!
Title: Re: Round 4 Predictions - Win or go home
Post by: Pinballmap on March 18, 2013, 01:19:01 pm

Favourites here are Audigy and Renaud. Audigys wagon kicks ass, and on this small map it might be really successful , so i pick him.


Hard decision between dfm and lw , i pick lw he showed strong micro in recent games , especially on spiderfalls vs magadansky.


Coin toss between maga and seksi, seksi is a great player no doubt, but on this map maga will be the one who will rule here.


This one is really hard to predict, but i say humanstar will win here, hes one of the best human ffa players around
Title: Re: Round 4 Predictions - Win or go home
Post by: Slythe on March 18, 2013, 03:14:30 pm

j33 and and audigy need the win to secure the playoffs , while renaud and gahh can focus on having fun. Audigy´s necrowagon is quite predictable, but still is not easy to beat. renaud maybe goes funcombo with mass fairies to take out one with that imba shit. a good opportunity for gahh to show a strong game, where spawn unluck won´t stand in his way.


lw gonna play human for some mean towering, while dfm uses evil chippo over trees to chim someone into oblivion. hopefully nline is game that time and goes for a nonstandard combo and shows why he is considered as one of the top-orcs of all time. mog hopefully can have some fun and show a good game aswell.


rooting for vain or starshaped. gonna be a interesting matchup, with maga and seksi maybe trying to show the other who´s going as the favourite into the fina. or will someone trying to use the outcome as a pregamemanip for the final s15 game !?!?!
we´ll see which starshaped gonna show and who he gonna rush :D.

 Cechi, the rigid emperor
 Persuade, "homecourtadvantage"
 Slythe, hi mom  :icon_mrgreen:
 Humanstar, superaggro + small map=  :icon_mad:

myself  is the only logical choice here. since i am matched with those guys and on  that map i have a snowball´s chance in hell, and i will make use of it... :icon_twisted:
most tricky match of the round, for sure  :icon_exclaim: .
Title: Re: Round 4 Predictions - Win or go home
Post by: Lightweight on March 18, 2013, 05:06:13 pm

Necrowagon works insanely well on this map and elf can't counter it. If audigy decided to kill one elf he will. Renaud not in shape. J33's door to the semi is still open and he won't give up too easy. Gaah can play free from any pressure, maybe that helps him.


I have to win, i want to win, and i will win.


Not a good map for maga. I think starshaped will take his ticket to the semi. Seksi will play like a girl since that is what he does. Vain showed a good human, he should keep that race on emerald.


Sorry guys, he can take you 3vs1 on this map. If he gets 2 expands it is over.

Title: Re: Round 4 Predictions - Win or go home
Post by: FML|Renaud on March 18, 2013, 08:36:52 pm

Nothing can beat mass fearies, not even wagonmancer.  My mistake last game was starting with chippo, I will not be doing that mistake again


s15's winner can't afford to lose a regular season match!


O_O holy wabledoo!  I'll go with SS; small map with micro active players, I doubt anyone will be allowed to hoard, not even sure we will get to see a 100 food army, and his solo experience should allow him to shine!


As long as no one mass fearies, he should be fine
Title: Re: Round 4 Predictions - Win or go home
Post by: Seksi on March 19, 2013, 02:34:11 am

Interesting match up.  Anyone can win here but I'll predict Renaud.  I think j33 will have a good game and Gahh will also play better.  I predict Audigy to either play great or die first.  Renaud has a nack for winning games so... 


I think LW's love for me has grown since I beat him (again) in solo yesterday.  Regardless of this, I will continue to believe in him and I think he will play a good game here and take the win.  I'd like to see a classic performance from Nline but he has yet to have a complete game since returning.  DFM or Mog could take the game as well with some strong elf play.  Should be a good one to watch.   


Nice cast, should be an exciting game. 


I like Slythe or Humans7ar here, but I think Persuade will put together a strong game and show why he is still one of the top players.  If not, I enjoy both Slythe and Humans7ar's unique playstyles and either one could have a great game.  I see Cechi taking another learning lesson as he improves his FFA knowledge, hopefully returning for more seasons to come.