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S24 Community Feedback
« on: January 30, 2017, 06:16:21 pm »
Thank you everyone for your participating in season 24, from players to observers! You all make the league a success to matter who you are.

Despite that, i'm sure there were some things that you just keep thinking, "Man, I wish the admins would do this!" or "God this rule is stupid" possibly even "I have so many great ideas for S25!!"

If this is you, you've stumbled on the right thread!! Please place your criticisms, concerns and ideas here!

Offline FML|Mog

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2017, 06:49:18 pm »
The only criticism I have for this past season is the new scoring system we tested out. I liked the +2 points for top score (even for the winner), and I even didn't mind the smaller point differential between 1st and 2nd place. What I really ended up disliking was the lessened penalty of finishing 4th. The reason I dislike it so much, is it creates this sort of "meh" mentality for someone who is in a game and possibly will finish last. In the past, finishing last was more heavily penalized, and I think that's a good thing. What I disliked about the lower points for finishing last is if something comes up last minute for a player and they have to be subbed; it was really unfortunate because of the harsh scoring. All this to say, maybe if the scoring system remains mostly the same, but 4th place should get 8 points instead of 10, but someone who can't show but informs Admins ahead of time gets 10pts instead of 8? Something to consider (at least in my opinion)

Offline zTsoso

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2017, 07:27:58 pm »
I liked the score system and everything. I can see Mog's point about the 4th place score being close to 2nd and 3rd, but we didn't really have any suicides that I can think of because of the point system. And it was still a blow to finish 4th. In general the score system has been a succes.. The games have also been short and enjoyable to watch compared to previous seasons, and action is rewarded.

The only issue I had was the match making system.

With so many players in the system it was not ideal imo. It would be much more interesting to play with winners. Say if u win a match you are matched with other winners like we did in a previous seasons. We could make the same principle for top score finishers who could be matched vs other top score finishers.

In those cases we could award the winners of a winners' match. Like give them +10 points. Top score finishers could get +5 points or something like that. I think this would be fair considering that it is harder to win consistently in a winners round or a top score round.

That way we can match strong fighters with strong fighters and winners with winners to make the games more competitive and encourage action. In 4 out of 5 of my games this season it was 3-way after 10 minute mark and teaming started straight after. It gets boring because if 3 players are decent and 1 is not very good then it is like 3-way from start. Sometimes somebody gets a free tome of experience because of spawns... I find these games boring and repetitive.

Anyway this is just a suggestion. The goal for me is to match strong players / winners with each other to make it more competitive, equal in terms of skill and fun to play.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 07:31:35 pm by zTsoso »

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2017, 09:06:48 pm »
Id be wiling to invest an a FML bot with a better ping (or at least more Fair ping) for playing USA vs Euro
100 ping differences is quite a bit IMO

I know were supposed to prioritize streamers in obs but a lot of the time there are people who want to stream and cant because of obs is full. Making it a rule or having people enforce this would be good

Offline FML|WorpeX

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2017, 09:34:17 pm »
Id be wiling to invest an a FML bot with a better ping (or at least more Fair ping) for playing USA vs Euro
100 ping differences is quite a bit IMO

I know were supposed to prioritize streamers in obs but a lot of the time there are people who want to stream and cant because of obs is full. Making it a rule or having people enforce this would be good

We had a FML bot that we just stopped paying for a month ago cause no one was using it (it was on bnet, not w3arena). I think we'd need to get a w3arena bot for it to be useful to us, but i'm not sure what the rules are for that or costs.

I agree on the streaming thing. We're going to try to put a bigger priority on streaming for Season 25 and hopefully increase the production quality as well!

Offline SteppinRazor

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2017, 09:50:07 pm »
I thought this was a great season.  I'd like to see 25-10-10-5 again, but thats just me because I'm so used to it.  I remember like 6 or 7 seasons ago doing a season that had 6 rounds before the semi's, id really like to see that especially if there is great turnout again this season (50+ players applying) which I expect their to be considering all of the players in FML and on the bot.  And definitely incorporate some of the new maps!

Offline FML|Mog

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2017, 01:21:19 am »
Id be wiling to invest an a FML bot with a better ping (or at least more Fair ping) for playing USA vs Euro
100 ping differences is quite a bit IMO

I know were supposed to prioritize streamers in obs but a lot of the time there are people who want to stream and cant because of obs is full. Making it a rule or having people enforce this would be good

I completely agree! On FRA bot (which I believe I played on every round) I have 220 ping, so when I'm playing vs people with 31 ping it is incredibly difficult. I can't really say I lost any games specifically because of ping, but I do remember a few circumstances losing a hero because of ping and that is super frustrating. Would be awesome if we had a bot with more fair ping between different parts of the world. I know that's easier said than done!

Offline Tleilaxu

Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2017, 01:36:04 am »
Point system was great, but two points for high-score is maybe a bit too much. It should be a way to break ties and reward aggressive play, but I think that as it is right now it makes too big of a difference. Maybe the 3rd and 4th place values could be raised to 13 or 14.
It's important to acknowledge that free wins happen, especially for newer players. That's why it's important to reward winners, but without giving them a giant advantage.

I liked the option to choose from different maps and including non-standard maps.

The random system is definitely better than the winners face winners system. It's just more fun not knowing who you might face.

A thing that could be improved is spawn positions. If we had maps with fixed positions it would be a big improvement. Sure, you'll get some old schoolers saying "hurr being surrounded is part of teh ga-" shut the fuck up. Having a disadvantage from the start of the game is bullshit. Monsoon for example is a map that desperately needs fixed spawns.
In other, bigger maps it's less of a problem, but still something that should be considered.

Offline letshavesomefun

Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2017, 01:59:27 am »
Id be wiling to invest an a FML bot with a better ping (or at least more Fair ping) for playing USA vs Euro
100 ping differences is quite a bit IMO

I know were supposed to prioritize streamers in obs but a lot of the time there are people who want to stream and cant because of obs is full. Making it a rule or having people enforce this would be good

I completely agree! On FRA bot (which I believe I played on every round) I have 220 ping, so when I'm playing vs people with 31 ping it is incredibly difficult. I can't really say I lost any games specifically because of ping, but I do remember a few circumstances losing a hero because of ping and that is super frustrating. Would be awesome if we had a bot with more fair ping between different parts of the world. I know that's easier said than done!

We have a US bot for arena that we can use its iharena_qbc1. the problem simply is that if you muricans and canadians and llamalovers have a good ping it sucks for us euros! I for example have huge spikes playing on US bot so if theres 1 murican and 3 europeans in the game its obv that the game is played on FRA bot! btw sergio you have 130 ping last times i checked you on fra bot and that is no problem at all iam more around 200 on usa bot. Btw its very american from you guys to expect 3 europeans to play with shitty ping so you as only american in the game can play with good ping :D

3 Americans 1 Europe = USA BOT 2 Americans 2 Europeans = stone paper scissor 3 Europes 1 American = FRA Bot

Offline AlienWareOwnZ

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2017, 03:39:38 am »
Shave you must've missed what I wrote, I want a bot where it's fair for all of us or as close to that as possible... fra bot also hates me and I have spike there, you saw my 1400 ms in minidota.

Offline b100death

Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2017, 03:47:15 am »
fml is - 70% noobs players with low micro, they don't wanna up skill, ofc they have chat ! u admins must close it before 1 player not leave/dead. Or endure further noob cries when he lost army or get rushed. that's all make boring trash game again an again.
Make the prize pool it attract new players and motivated old good players show more good games. 20$ for any finalist, and 20$ more for winner final will be nice.

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2017, 07:31:54 am »
Id be wiling to invest an a FML bot with a better ping (or at least more Fair ping) for playing USA vs Euro
100 ping differences is quite a bit IMO

I know were supposed to prioritize streamers in obs but a lot of the time there are people who want to stream and cant because of obs is full. Making it a rule or having people enforce this would be good

I completely agree! On FRA bot (which I believe I played on every round) I have 220 ping, so when I'm playing vs people with 31 ping it is incredibly difficult. I can't really say I lost any games specifically because of ping, but I do remember a few circumstances losing a hero because of ping and that is super frustrating. Would be awesome if we had a bot with more fair ping between different parts of the world. I know that's easier said than done!

We have a US bot for arena that we can use its iharena_qbc1. the problem simply is that if you muricans and canadians and llamalovers have a good ping it sucks for us euros! I for example have huge spikes playing on US bot so if theres 1 murican and 3 europeans in the game its obv that the game is played on FRA bot! btw sergio you have 130 ping last times i checked you on fra bot and that is no problem at all iam more around 200 on usa bot. Btw its very american from you guys to expect 3 europeans to play with shitty ping so you as only american in the game can play with good ping :D

3 Americans 1 Europe = USA BOT 2 Americans 2 Europeans = stone paper scissor 3 Europes 1 American = FRA Bot
It's stone paper scissor in Germany?
That's freaking amazing!
we have rock instead

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2017, 07:36:15 am »
Do we have access to any bots based in London?  That might seem like the most fair geographically.

Offline zTsoso

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Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2017, 09:30:56 am »
I forgot to add in my previous comment that we should consider a farm league 2.0 for next season (there is room for 70% of the players :icon_wink:).

Oh and an anonymous koFFA league would be awesome!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 10:02:20 am by zTsoso »

Offline letshavesomefun

Re: S24 Community Feedback
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2017, 10:10:57 am »
@ renaud true its rock scissor paper :D in germany its: Stein Schere Papier and i just translated Stein with stone but ye its called rock scissor paper here even tough stone is the more accurate version for Stein. Rock would be Fels in german so we should call it Fels Schere Papier :D