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Re: TBR Week 4 Saturday Results As stated, QQs did play 2 matches - neon city, and boomtoen.

Uther played 1, and was scheduled for the 2nd (purity in week 3) but did not show up due to him partying too hard. I subbed into that game (it was my 3rd 1v1v1v1 game) and I asked all other team captains if it was ok beforehand. I even said we would forfeit it because I did not want to break rules, but since all other teams had a similar situation at least once, they agreed it was fine. No team really abused this rule breaking in my opinion. Anyway, just wanted to clarify - so grybby go take your bullshit back to mini Dota ;)

March 19, 2017, 03:47:26 pm
Ravenclaw #1!

But also i am slightly shocked that DKH.Rain has to qualify when he is a former champion...

Edit: looks like im late and the game is already over

It's because Rain applied after the deadline and was a replacement in the qualifiers. I'm sure if he had applied on time then he would have been auto accepted due to being a former champion like you said.

April 15, 2017, 11:22:59 am
Re: S25Q6 I know I'm not in this match.... but you guys realize 11:00CET is 5am for audigy so it seems obvious he won't be able to play that. Before you all confirm it maybe shoot for a more USA friendly time.
April 27, 2017, 12:14:09 pm
Re: M3 Result Brilliance aura 1st new meta
May 07, 2017, 01:42:36 pm
Re: M6 Result Worpex, who WOULDN'T want that?
May 10, 2017, 07:46:51 pm
Re: S25 M11 What's the map out of curiousity? I voted for sanctuary in my original match if that counts for anything :D

Thanks for letting me swap btw!

May 18, 2017, 07:38:00 pm
New Admin: Mog[skynet] Hello fml'ers,

Today the admin team has welcomed me into their family. I promise I will do my best as an admin to assist fml players however best I can, and resolve any problems that may arise as fairly as I'm able.

A little background information about me:

I've been around FML since season 13. I've been playing wc3 off and on (mostly on) since 2003, and I really enjoy being part of an awesome community such as FML. I'm from USA (Arizona), but I'm not biased! I love my fellow ffa players from all countries  :icon_mrgreen:

I look forward to helping carry on this fantastic league!


May 30, 2017, 12:45:12 am
Re: Expel players from FML I did obs the game, and it was very suspicious looking. We will review the game, but as with any sport, players are innocent until proven guilty. We will not ban players over suspicion. There must be a substantial amount of proof for something that severe.

I will close this thread it if gets out of control, but I am interested in hearing dinamo and jaod's thought processes in the game. Especially Dinamo's in the 2nd half of the game.

June 04, 2017, 02:31:33 pm
Re: 3 qwestions to Qwest Ok, thanks for clarification Jaod.
June 06, 2017, 06:17:50 pm
Re: Final round games!
:USA::hu: Mog[skynet]
:Germany::ra: WeakUD
:Switzerland::hu: Noexxx
:Russia::orc: KENT2566

Gl hf

:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Germany::ra: Slythe
:Australia::orc: Sweet
:USA::ud: SteppinRazor

Sweet has been playing well lately, and I think he really wants to directly qualify for finals so will take this game very seriously. Slythe certainly could take this also, but I'll go with Sweet here. Don't see much chance for fetta or steppin tbh. They both just aren't playing as well this season.

:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Canada::ne: Renaud
:Russia::ud: SomethingWicked
:USA::ud: Audigy

Audigy probably won't show up, but I'm still picking an ud to win--SomethingWicked! Most will probably see Renaud as the favorite here, and maybe he is, but I don't think he does as well in those situations. Gradient could also steal a win here in a base race, but I don't think the other players will let him.

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:USA::ra: Eshan
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:Russia::ud: Pyatac

Oh lawd. I'm a big Eshan fan, but I think with this cast of players he is basically destined to be suicided. Laxu and jaod aren't going to allow cumulo to hoard in sneaky situations like he is prone to do, so I can't see him winning here either. Laxu only wins games I'm involved in, so I'll go with jaod to take this one!

:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:Germany::ra: SosoHasRedHair
:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:Germany::ne: b2w.TrunkzZz

I'll be blunt, trunkzzz was hyped so much before this season,  but the only thing I've really seen from him is the inability to schedule fml games. So who knows if he will even show up (especially since he statistically can't advance). That being said, Junkerzam has been on fire this season, so he's definitely the favorite here for me. Dinamo doesn't seem to be playing as much lately, and his last round game looked very sloppy, so hopefully he can show a better game here but I still don't see him winning. Shave is forever a mystery to me. He seems to have potential, and sometimes looks very strong; but sometimes he just flat out looks like a noob who doesn't give a shit. Therefore, I'm going with junkerzam here.

:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Russia::ud: Qwest
:Germany::orc: Ena1337
:Russia::ra: Reinforment-

I expect mr. Map hack 3.0 to win here. After Qwest wins I also predict a 50 page essay from jaod about how qwest is a cheater and should be banned. In all seriousness, this game will come down to wreck and qwest, and unless wreck cleverly manips the other players to suicide / overly team qwest , then I don't see how qwest doesn't win.

June 14, 2017, 01:21:25 am