FFA Masters League

League => League Discussion => Topic started by: FML|red7z7 on October 05, 2011, 04:04:30 pm

Title: S10 finalist interview: Humans7ar
Post by: FML|red7z7 on October 05, 2011, 04:04:30 pm
As we approach the long-awaited season finale, our four finalists have taken the time to give the community a real treat: a series of interviews! Next up in this series is our second human player, the awesome Humans7ar.

Hello congratulations on making it into the FML season 10 finals. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Like where are you from, how old are you,what do you study or what do you do as a job, etc?
thanks... :)

hi, also my name is humans7ar
i live in germany and im 24 years old
i work in the german/french army

When did you start playing FFA, and what is your favorite part of FFA?
i play warcraft since roc then i was long time inaktive after 2 years i start to play tft again
someday i saw a ffa replay on replayers.com it was season 6 i think this made me curious
but when i start to play ffa it was for 2-3 years...

my favorite part in ffa is to have high heros and big fights garena is very different to b-net...

What do you consider to be the best spell in FFA, and why?
best spell in ffa? i just say BM = one hero army... very strange....

To give us some insight into your success so far, could you tell us how you prepare for your FML matches, if at all? Do you research your opponents, come up with special plans according to the map and races, etc?
well i try to play some games on garena before my fml games thats the only thing...
i like to play the standard maps and since everyone plays in garena i know how everybody is playin thats make it a lil bit easier... only i can say is that htrt is playing very aggressive daselend and magadansky are more defensive/save player...

Is there anything you’re particularly afraid of or anything you are hoping to see in the final match?
ya there is something... im not afraid of anything im just happy to be in the final to play vs the best

Any final words or advice to say to the community or your opponents before going into your final match?
GG see you in the finals ;D

Thank you for your time and good luck in the final!