May 11, 2024, 09:07:22 am
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Update: Deadline to sign up for TBR is June 25th. We reserve the right to accept additional players until draft night (at some point next week), but won't guarantee it

Hi everyone,

Pleased to see another activity spike in FFA, the mode that never dies. Although parental duties are keeping me busy, I'm willing to organize another Team Battle Royale. TBR 6 was great and while I think it'd also be time for another FML season, I simply can't cope with the scheduling aspect. So I hope everyone is excited for TBR 7 and willing to try hard as always.

What is TBR? It's a team event, where all participating players are being drafted into their teams by four team captains. Throughout the month of July, teams seat their players for the daily FFA games scheduled. While the majority of matches will be regular FFAs, we also include other modes (e.g. random hero, no chat, random spell, team ffa etc.). Every team has access to three shared accounts, so matches are played anonymously.

When: July 1 - Jul 30, 2022

Please sign up by posting your name and if you would be willing to be a team captain into this thread. Feel free to add some details about your motivation and availability throughout July! Only known community members that proved to be reliable and know FFA basics will be permitted.


We may not be able to host via W3C due to visible ping in lobby and the map pool.

It's always a bit tricky to maintain "map pool hygene" in TBR. As usual, I will provide the map file subfolders before the event and hope everyone can paste it into their folder pathes.

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